Guide to the Papers of Tim Winton


MS 8583

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

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Class 3. Consignment received 2015

This consignment comprises handwritten drafts, typescripts, proofs, research notes, first and special editions of Tim Winton's books including Breath, Blueback, The Deep, Dirt Music, Down to Earth with Richard Woldendorp, Land's Edge, Cloudstreet, The Turning, The Riders, Rising Water, Shrine, Signs of Life, Eyrie, Leaning on the Wind and the Lockie Leonard series. The collection also includes screenplays, theatrical adaptions, correspondence, media articles and reviews, marketing and publicity, book layouts and designs, photographs and pictures, posters, awards, journals, commemorative stamps, DVD's and CD's as well as records relating to Tim Winton's environmental activism...

Series 17. Dirt Music

Dirt Music Music Tour May-Jun 02 USA/UK, 2002 (Item NLA.MS-SAV002970) - Cassette-Box 35
Dirt Music (Item NLA.MS-SAV002968) - Cassette-Box 35

List of songs on cassette jacket
