MS 6690; MS Acc01.149; MS Acc01.216; MS Acc01.271;.MS Acc02.020; MS Acc02.235; MS Acc03.097; .MS Acc05.102; MS Acc06.079; MS Acc09.142
National Library of Australia
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Class MS 6690. Original Consignment
The papers in MS 6690 document many aspects of Jerzy Zubrzycki's career as an academic with the Australian National University and his participation in a number of organisations and government bodies. These include the Australian Ethnic Affairs Council, Australian Immigration Advisory Council, World Health Organisation Fourth World Project, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Australians for Just Refugees Programs, National Museum of Australia and Australian Aid to Poland. The collection includes correspondence, 1983-2005, typescripts of most of Zubrzycki's books, reports, reviews and a large number of publications. Particular strengths of the collection are the records of Zubrzycki's extensive involvement with government and cultural institutions. These document the attitudes toward multiculturalism in Australia in the 1960s and 1970s...
Class [unnumbered]. Consignment received 7 July 1999
Interview of Zubrzycki by Maria Zijlstra, for 'The Europeans' Radio National, ABC, March 1999 (2 audio tapes) (File 2) - Box 189
Addition July 1999, Item 2. Interview by Maria Zijlstra "The Europeans " March 1999. Part 1, 30/03/1999 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018715) - Cassette-Box 888
Radio National
Addition July 1999, Item 2. Interview by Maria Zijlstra "The Europeans " March 1999. Part 2, 31/03/1999 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018716) - Cassette-Box 888
Radio National
SBS Radio, Wielokulturowosc - Glos Stuchacza, John Muszynski, no date (audio tape) (File 3) - Box 189
Addition July 1999, Item 3.SBS Radio. Etos Stuchacm. John Muszynski, 1999 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018717) - Cassette-Box 888
SBS Radio, Polish Program, recordings of various sessions, 1993 (2 audio tapes) (File 4) - Box 189
Addition July 1999, Item 4.SBS Radio-Polish Program 1993., 2/04/1993, 9/04/1993 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018718) - Cassette-Box 888
More information on Cassette
Addition July 1999, Item 4.SBS Radio-Polish Program 1993., 19/05/1993, 2/07/1993 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018719) - Cassette-Box 888
More information on Cassette
SBS Radio, Polish Program, recorded comments by listeners in response to Zubrzycki's defence of multiculturalism and his critique of One Nation, 1997 (audio tape) (File 5) - Box 189
SBS radio Polish Program 1997. Item 5. Recorded Comments by Listeners in reponse to JZ; defence of multiculturalism and his critique of One Nation, 1997 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018720) - Cassette-Box 888
Class Acc05.102. Consignment Added 2005
Comprises general correspondence, 1983-2005, Australians for Just Refugees programs, lectures and newspaper articles, papers relating to the Italian Australian Institute, Pope John Paul II and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, and sound recordings...
The Europeans - Radio National - 21/11/1999 and 23/11/1999 - Part 1 #673, Part 2 #674, 21/11/1999, 23/11/1999 (Item NLA.MS-SAV018396) - Cassette-Box 877