Copies of "Some of my bush friends in Tasmania" and "Bush friends in Tasmania", 1860-1891 [manuscript]
- Bib ID:
- 2176258
- Format:
- Manuscript
- Author:
- Meredith, Louisa Anne, 1812-1895
- Access Conditions:
- Available for reference. Not for loan.
- Description:
- 1860-1891
- 6 cm. (1 folio)
- Summary:
Two books on "bush friends" in Tasmania: "Some of my bush friends in Tasmania: native flowers, berries and insects, drawn from life, illustrated in verse, and briefly described ..." (London-New York, 1860); "Bush friends in Tasmania: native flowers, fruits and insects drawn from nature, with prose descriptions and illustrations in verse" (London, 1891). Miniature portrait of Eliza Betts Westwood. Clippings from "The Times" Oct. 23 1884. Letter to Mrs Westwood, signed by L.A. Meredith, May 25th. Loose leaf dedication to Mr and Mrs Flower, signed by L.A. Meredith. Loose leaf publication announcing "Bush friends ...".
- Biography/History:
Moved to Tasmania in 1840. Compiled and illustrated several books on colonial life and society, and native flora and fauna. Also published many illustrated books of poetry.
- Notes:
- Manuscript reference no. : NLA MS 1314.
- Subject:
- Time Coverage:
- 1860-1891
- Other authors/contributors:
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
You may copy or order a copy through Copies Direct or use the online copy for research or study; for other uses Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Since 1965 [Creator Date of Death + 70 Years]
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1895
- Published status:
- Unpublished
- Creation date:
- 1891
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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