Gui gu bai nian shi : wei da de ke ji chuang xin yu chuang ye li cheng, 1900-2013 / Alun Laʻao, Piʻailuo Sijialufei zhu ; Yan Jingli, Hou Aihua yi, Tan Feng, Yan Jingli shen jiao = A history of Silicon Valley : the greatest creation of wealth in the history of the planet, 1900-2013 / Arun Rao, Piero Scaruffi
硅谷百年史 : 伟大的科技创新与创业历程, 1900-2013 / 阿伦 拉奥, 皮埃罗 斯加鲁菲著; 闫景立, 侯爱华译, 谈锋, 闫景立审校 = A history of Silicon Valley : the greatest creation of wealth in the history of the planet, 1900-2013 / Arun Rao, Piero Scaruffi

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