Bowen, Emanuel & Bowen, Emanuel. (1785). An accurate map of the County Palatine of Durham improved from the best surveys & intelligences and divided into its wards shewing several roads and true measured distances between town and town also the rectories and vicarages the parks and seats of nobility & gentry with other useful particulars regulated by astronomical observations Retrieved December 27, 2024, from
Bowen, Emanuel and Bowen, Emanuel. An accurate map of the County Palatine of Durham improved from the best surveys & intelligences and divided into its wards shewing several roads and true measured distances between town and town also the rectories and vicarages the parks and seats of nobility & gentry with other useful particulars regulated by astronomical observations [London: Printed and sold by Robert Wilkinson, at No. 58, in Cornhill, successor to Mr John Bowles, deceased, 1785. Web. 27 December 2024 <>
Bowen, Emanuel & Bowen, Emanuel. 1785, An accurate map of the County Palatine of Durham improved from the best surveys & intelligences and divided into its wards shewing several roads and true measured distances between town and town also the rectories and vicarages the parks and seats of nobility & gentry with other useful particulars regulated by astronomical observations Printed and sold by Robert Wilkinson, at No. 58, in Cornhill, successor to Mr John Bowles, deceased, [London viewed 27 December 2024
| author1=Bowen, Emanuel.
| author2=Bowen, Emanuel.
| title=An accurate map of the County Palatine of Durham improved from the best surveys & intelligences and divided into its wards shewing several roads and true measured distances between town and town also the rectories and vicarages the parks and seats of nobility & gentry with other useful particulars regulated by astronomical observations
| year=1785
| section=1 map.
| location=[London
| publisher=Printed and sold by Robert Wilkinson, at No. 58, in Cornhill, successor to Mr John Bowles, deceased
| url=
| id=nla.obj-230782187
| access-date=27 December 2024
| via=Trove
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