Bowles, John. (1740). A map of the world or terrestrial globe in two planispheres laid down from the observations of the Royal Academy of Sciences wherein as an introduction to the study of geography are inserted several things relating to the doctrine of the Earth, the globe as an explanation of the circles, the zones of & climates, longitude & latitude, its inhabitants the antipodes Antœci & Periœci an account of the terms by which the several parts of the Earth & waters are called Retrieved December 23, 2024, from
Bowles, John. A map of the world or terrestrial globe in two planispheres laid down from the observations of the Royal Academy of Sciences wherein as an introduction to the study of geography are inserted several things relating to the doctrine of the Earth, the globe as an explanation of the circles, the zones of & climates, longitude & latitude, its inhabitants the antipodes Antœci & Periœci an account of the terms by which the several parts of the Earth & waters are called London: Printed for John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill, 1740. Web. 23 December 2024 <>
Bowles, John. 1740, A map of the world or terrestrial globe in two planispheres laid down from the observations of the Royal Academy of Sciences wherein as an introduction to the study of geography are inserted several things relating to the doctrine of the Earth, the globe as an explanation of the circles, the zones of & climates, longitude & latitude, its inhabitants the antipodes Antœci & Periœci an account of the terms by which the several parts of the Earth & waters are called Printed for John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill, London viewed 23 December 2024
| author1=Bowles, John.
| title=A map of the world or terrestrial globe in two planispheres laid down from the observations of the Royal Academy of Sciences wherein as an introduction to the study of geography are inserted several things relating to the doctrine of the Earth, the globe as an explanation of the circles, the zones of & climates, longitude & latitude, its inhabitants the antipodes Antœci & Periœci an account of the terms by which the several parts of the Earth & waters are called
| year=1740
| scale=Scale [ca. 1:24,000,000].
| section=1 map : col., ill., mounted on linen ; 97.9 x 118.8 cm.
| location=London
| publisher=Printed for John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill
| url=
| id=nla.obj-232389444
| access-date=23 December 2024
| via=Trove
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