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  2. Hobart Town.

    We have this day the pleasure to commence the Tenth Volume of our yet humble, but indisputably improved Journal; and, however trifling its dimensions may ...

    Article : 3,055 words
  3. A Fragment.

    The beginning of a New Year is generally passed by the young, in mirth, with snapdragon, or blind-man's-buff; and, by the aged, in reflection. The roguish ...

    Article : 943 words
  4. Bank News.

    At a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Bank of Van Diemen's Land, on Monday last, for the election of the Directors in the room of Edward Foord Bromley, Esq. ...

    Article : 768 words
  5. Colonial Flax & Memo Seed.

    Long is an acorn buried before the sapling oak adorns our plantation, and longer does that sapling tremble in the breezeā€”a weak a perilous and fragile thing, before ...

    Article : 1,539 words



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