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  2. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 483 words
  3. Anno Quinto.

    WHEREAS, since the "Establishment of a Colony in New South Wales and the Dependencies thereof, the GOVERNORS, or other Persons administering the Government ...

    Article : 408 words
  4. Proclamation, By His Excellency Sir THOMAS BRISBANE, K, C. B. Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the

    WHEREAS, by a Proclamation given under my hand at Government-house, Sydney, on the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, it was ...

    Article : 340 words
  5. Anno Quinto.

    WHEREAS, the harbouring and employing of runaway convicts, greatly en[?]ourage them to abscond from their lawful [?]ervices, and mislead the thoughtless into bad ...

    Article : 1,425 words



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