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  2. The Home.

    Ma wants to know if you'll let me and Clyde stay over here to-day while She goes over to [?] as delegate to a bis meeting. (She'll be back by bedtime." ...

    Article : 1,549 words
  3. Short Story.

    "Now, Meredith," said the junior partner of the firm of Hayden, Bach, and Co., "you quite understand everything, I hope ?" ...

    Article : 2,100 words
  4. Three Marvellous frees.

    There are many species of trees which are curious from their apparent unusefulness. A correspondent of the "Evening Standard" writer :—The ...

    Article : 686 words
  5. Hearing of the Blind.

    There are blind people living who, by assiduous cultivation of their remaining senses, have shown themselves in all respects equal to the majority of those ...

    Article : 687 words
  6. The Table.

    For this a deep pie-dish is required. Put in a layer of parboiled potatoes, cut in thick slices ; scatter over them a little minced onion and parsley, then cover them with a ...

    Article : 142 words
  7. Comic Cuttings.

    It is a thankless world. A man gets no credit when he pays cash. What roofs cover the most noisy tenants?—The roof of the mouth." ...

    Article : 730 words
  8. Six Terms Used in Cooking.

    To "scald" milk is to bring it nearly to the boil. To " parboil" is to half-cook in boiling water. To " bind" a mixture is to make it moist with egg or milk so that it ...

    Article : 115 words
  9. Giblet Soup.

    Take the giblets from a goose, turkey, or two chickens, cut the livers into four or five pieces (these are often reserved to make a savoury), clean the gizzards and cut them ...

    Article : 249 words
  10. Fillet of Beef.

    Take a nice piece of fillet, skewer it into shape, tie it up in a piece of paper well rubbed over with clarified beef dripping, and keep it well basted during the cooking, ...

    Article : 168 words
  11. Potato Salad Dressing.

    Mix together a tablespoonful of pounded anchovies, the same quantity of tomato, a teaspoonful of minced parsley, a few chopped capers, four tablespoonfuls of salad oil, one ...

    Article : 56 words
  12. A Neat Revenge.

    On one of the seats of a railway train in India was a married lady with a little daughter ; opposite, facing them, was another child, a son, and a native ...

    Article : 460 words
  13. [?]

    A very curious story is told of a poor rector who lived about 200 years ago. He held the living of St. Botolph, Aldgate, to which belonged the tithes of certain land. ...

    Article : 303 words
  14. Accepting Favour.

    Friendships are very often ruined by the unwillingness of one side or the other to accept favours. This trait is particularly noticeable in the character of schoolgirls, ...

    Article : 237 words
  15. Thackeray as a Parliamentary Candidate.

    Thackeray's candidature for Oxford is vivaciously treated in the newly-issued volume, the tenth, of the biographical edition of his works which his daughter, Mrs. Ritchie, is ...

    Article : 395 words
  16. The Ameer's Debtors.

    The Ameer of Afghanistan must be rather trying in the character of debtor. Mr. Frank Martin, we are told by a Bombay newspaper, is at present in Cabul, ...

    Article : 251 words
  17. Hard on a Watch.

    "It is bad practice to be continually setting a watch by the stem-setter, "observed a watch repairer, "for it has a tendency to wear out the band that attaches ...

    Article : 247 words
  18. He Didn't Sit It Out.

    He was a fragile youth, and didn't dance all the dances. " Let us sit it out," he said to his pretty partner. ...

    Article : 181 words
  19. Soil That Was Over Rick.

    (Land agent Milner, of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, one day had a party of Eastern farmers with him ; he was trying to sell each of them a farm in the Arkansas ...

    Article : 301 words
  20. A Wonderful Airship.

    Much interest is being displayed in scien­tific circles iu Vienna regarding a wonderful airship constructed by the Polish engineer Danilewski. His experiments have been ...

    Article : 167 words
  21. Dinner as an Educator.

    You will find that a great deal of character is imparted and received at the table. Parents often forget this, and, therefore, instead of eating your food in silence—instead ...

    Article : 171 words
  22. Intentions.

    If our world is but a sleeping room, and life is only a dream—then I wish my few years should flit away in good dreams. Then I wish dreams of freedom and ...

    Article : 192 words
  23. Average Man's Stride.

    Quetelet estimates the average length of a man's stride at 31½in., and the distance an average traveller can cover at this rate at 7158 yards an hour, or 119 yards a minute. ...

    Article : 136 words
  24. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1 words



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