{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,203 words"Our Gravest Peril" was the subject of an address delivered by the Chief Justice (Sir John Madden) before a congregation that filled the Australian Church to-day. Sir John ...
Article : 831 wordsThe Australian drama, "The Bushivoman," written by Mr. J. Smith, a warehouseman at Richmond, was produced at the King's Theatre last night. The piece was received with the ...
Article : 118 wordsMr. Tremearne, who is manager to Charles Parbury and Co., Limited, returned from the Waipara to-night. It was found that about 850 tons of frozen meat in Nos. 1 and 3 holds ...
Article : 202 wordsAt the annual meeting of the Ballarat Club yesterday the open championship was won by R. S. Banks, who played consistently in each round, returning a card of 83 in the morning ...
Article : 87 wordsThe members of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade hold a dinner and concert at the gymnasium, headquarters station, Castlereaghstreet, on Saturday night, on the occasion of ...
Article : 197 wordsThomas Glover, 21, a bootmaker, pleaded guilty on Saturday, at the Central Police Court, to a charge of having maliciously damaged a window and a glass case, the property of Charles Jones, to the extent of 25s. ...
Article : 129 wordsA public meeting was held last night, presided over by the Mayor, in the Council-chambers. The following resolutions were carried: —"That great injustice is being done to a ...
Article : 350 wordsThe following vessels cleared at the Customs-house yesterday:—Kapunda, s, for Geraldton and Adelaide, via Melbourne and Sydney, with 500 tons coal, 100 hides, 200 ...
Article : 65 wordsAn escape pipe on the steamer Wonga Fell, lying at Parbury'a wharf burst on Saturday morning, and Patrick Mulligan and Frank Haswell, two seamen were ...
Article : 76 wordsMary Taylor, 21, living in Sperry-street, Glebe, was accidentally poisoned on Saturday afternoon. The young woman states that she drank the contents of a glass, which she ...
Article : 60 wordsJohn Ware, 34, had a heavy fall while playing football for the South Sydney Club against Newtown at the Sydney Cricket Ground on Saturday. The Civil Ambulance took him to ...
Article : 49 wordsRosina Adamson, 35, living in Carey-street, St. Peters, fell from a tram in motion at the corner of George and King streets at about 9 o'clock on Saturday night. The Civil ...
Article : 49 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 240 wordsA meeting of the Cumberland Council of Progress was held on Saturday afternoon last at the Town Hall, Parramatta, the president (Mr. Henry Lord) being in the chair. ...
Article : 620 wordsMme. Melba, who will make a holiday visit to this city in October, but will not again appear in public here for another two years, sang her farewell on Saturday evening before ...
Article : 892 wordsThe members of the different Federal Labour Leagues in the Lang electorate on Saturday selected the Rev. T. S. Crawford as their candidate to contest the seat against ...
Article : 667 wordsBurns's poetic allusions to pleasures in general as "like the snow[?]lake on the river" might be especially applied in turn to the tableaux vivants of the "operatic revue" at Her Majesty's Theatre on Saturday afternoon— ...
Article : 657 words"The King of Cadonia" drew an immense audience to Her Majesty's Theatre on Saturday night, when the humorous acting of Mr. Bert Gilbert, the tuneful singing of Messrs. Clayton and Greene, and Miss Dorothy ...
Article : 67 words"Cinderella" was witnessed by a densely-crowded house at the Criterion Theatre, where the appearances of Miss Ruth Lincoln in her sparkling chariot of glass, and the subsequent loss of the legendary slipper, with ...
Article : 75 wordsAt the Theatre Royal, "The Bondman" entered upon its last week on Saturday before a great audience, and the enthusiasm was especially marked at the end of the spectacular scene showing the eruption of ...
Article : 80 wordsOne of the most astonishing performances in the art of training dumb creatures is now on view at the Tivoli Theatre. Seals are so little accustomed to being handled by man that the sight of half a ...
Article : 637 wordsNew turns were numerous at the National Amphitheatre on Saturday. Among them was that of Leon and Valetta. The performance of the former is one which shows to what extent the human frame will, ...
Article : 248 wordsAn exceptionally good programme is shown at the Palace Theatre this week. The scenes from "Oliver Twist" were among the best, and in these the characters of Dickens lived again on the screen. Oliver's ...
Article : 180 wordsThe recent carnival at Mount Kosciusko took place, again on Saturday evening through the medium of the biograph at the Lyceum Hall. The films were very interesting, and the clearness of the photos was ...
Article : 149 wordsWyndham's Entertainers drew a large auidence to the New Masonic Hall, Pitt-street, last Saturday night. Miss Dorothy L'Estrange's rendering of the ballad Estudiantina won her an insistent recall. Her ...
Article : 79 wordsA long and varied programme of moving pictures, which included scenic, humorous, and dramatic subjects, was presented at the Queen's Hall on Saturday night. A feature of the entertainment was a couple ...
Article : 84 wordsThere was the usual large attendance at the Bijou Picture Palace on Saturday night, when the weekly change of programme was made. The star picture represented scenes and incidents from Charles ...
Article : 79 wordsSome time before the advertised time for starting every available seat in the Standard Theatre was filled, and numbers had to be turned from the doors. Miss Eileen Capel contributed a refined song and ...
Article : 119 wordsMessrs. C. H. Lane, W. Forsythe, Pike, L. Turnbu[?], A. Cuthbertson, Ducker, and Graham left by last night's express for Melbourne. During the week they will compete against the Victorian players in a series ...
Article : 82 wordsTo-night, in the Y.M.C.A. Hall, the association [?] glee club will submit their seventh annual programme. Some of the items include "On the Sea" (Dudley Buck), "The Owl and the Pussy Cat" (De Koven), and ...
Article : 97 wordsCaptain Penfold made another ascent yesterday. Unfortunately, just before inflation proceedings started, a heavy downpour of rain saturated the balloon. This delayed the filling process and made the balloon ...
Article : 78 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 410 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 173 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 58 wordsRuth Alma Clarkson, manslaughter; Charles Moore, stealing from the person. Note.—Only the witnesses in the cases get down for trial on Monday need be in attendance at the court ...
Article : 38 wordsHerbert Dawes, indecent assault; Mary Lamb and Amy Lee, attempt to steal from the person; Stephen Callaghan and Arthur Nicholls, attempt to break and enter. ...
Article : 32 wordsThe City Coroner, Mr. Stephen Murphy, concluded the adjourned inquest on Saturday regarding the death of William Henry Reed, aged 18 months, lately living with his parents in Ferndale-street, Newtown, who died on ...
Article : 510 wordsIn the course of a statement to his parishioners and friends on Sunday, when Cardinal Moran laid and blessed the memorial-stone of a new day-school for the parish of St. Marys, Concord, and Burwood, Rev. P. ...
Article : 289 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 30 Aug 1909, Page 5
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