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    The annual picnic of the Produce Merchants' Protective Association was held at Botany yesterday. The association is a young one, formed four or five years ago for the protection of the ...

    Article : 1,827 words

    Sir,--I have always regretted that in any agitation on the labour question, it has, in this country at least, always arisen upon some isolated point, as assisted immigration, Chinese immigration, and now ...

    Article : 844 words
  4. Musical Criticism in Sydney.

    Sir,--It can never be a very pleasant, or indeed a very profitable, task to criticise the critics. A man standing in such a position is impressed with the insinuating question "Cul bono"? and cannot help ...

    Article : 704 words

    A lecture was given on Saturday evening list, in the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, by the Rev. Mr. Gill; subject, "Savage Life in New Guinea." The chair was taken by Mr. ...

    Article : 589 words
  6. Salvation Army Funds.

    Sir,--In a late issue I observe a letter from "One Who Knows" re the Salvation Army funds. Permit me to remind the writer of that letter that our quarterly statement ending September 30 is ...

    Article : 311 words
  7. A Financial Question in the Camperdown Council.

    Sir,--Knowing the interest your paper takes in all municipal matters, and the many readers you have who are directly interested in all questions arising from municipal council meetings, permit me to put ...

    Article : 296 words

    Sir,--In your issue of to-day, "One Who Knows" suggests very reasonably that the Salvation Army should furnish its supporters with some account of its stewardship. But, perhaps, he is not aware that, ...

    Article : 161 words
  9. Free v. Rented Church Seats.

    Sir,--I should not think "Outener's" letter in your issue to-day worth noticing, had it not been for the astonishment expressed by the Primate in his address to the Provincial Synod, that the Church Act ...

    Article : 633 words
  10. Mr. Buchanan on Freethought.

    Sir,--Redmyre has reason to boast of a great many advantages, but while revelling in the knowledge that an M.L.A. had condescended to add to its lustre by residing thereat, I think, till your paper ...

    Article : 691 words
  11. Bankstown Relief Works.

    Sir,--Would you kindly allot me a small space in your valuable paper for the ventilation of the following grievance? A short time ago a deputation of Ms.'L A, waited ...

    Article : 207 words
  12. The Late Juvenile Exhibition.

    Sir,--Permit me to say a few words in reply to your correspondent "A Prize Winner, &c.," whose letter appears in your issue of Saturday last. Your correspondent complains of the prizes gained ...

    Article : 373 words

    On the the charge side of the Central Police Court, over which Mr Buchanan, S.M. presided, a large number of cases of minor importance were disposed of. Joseph Hymer, aged 11 years, who ...

    Article : 410 words
  14. English and Intercolonial Mails.

    Sir,--In view of something being done to secure for this colony a quicker mail service with England, perhaps a suggestion may not be out of place. It is that the Australian colonies might hold ...

    Article : 195 words
  15. A Little Known District.

    Sir,--Four rivers of some importance take their first waters from a series of volcanic hills about ten miles from Moss Vale township. These rivers, although not of the greatest magnitude, are yet of considerable ...

    Article : 963 words
  16. Machine-made Bread.

    Sir,--I notice in your issue of the 13th instant good news for the bakers--short hours, and you say nothing about short pay. Machines were introduced many years ago by the late George Wilkie. They ...

    Article : 201 words
  17. The Eight Hours Demonstration.

    Sir,--In your issue of the 13th instant there is a paragraph calculated to mislead the public. It states that the workmen in the Government Departments generally received a similar intimation, but ...

    Article : 359 words
  18. Eskbank v. Foreign Iron.

    Sir,--If ever men deserved to succeed in this world, it is the co-operative band of artizans who are now carrying on the Eskbank Iron Works. These persevering, industrious, and brave-hearted men have ...

    Article : 676 words

    Very satisfactory reports have been received from the mining manager of the Basaltic Gold-mining Company, showing that for the week ending 11th October, the tunnel has been driven a further ...

    Article : 245 words
  20. The Civil Service Bill.

    Sir,--Class legislation is at all times to be deprecated, but in a community such as this, where some classes are inordinately, and some inadequately represented, a certain amount of it must tinge all ...

    Article : 562 words
  21. The University Examinations.

    Sir,--The public examinations at the University being now held you would confer a favour on the candidates at present in the hands of the examiners and also on those who may hereafter strive for ...

    Article : 196 words
  22. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 185 words



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