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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,216 words

    Correspondents should advise if letters or contributed articles have been sent to any other paper. Failure to observe this rule may result ...

    Article : 1,677 words
  4. Woman's World

    The wedding was celebrated at St. John's Church on Wednesday evening, August 6, between Doris Amy, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. ...

    Article : 206 words

    Woman has been at the head of practically all the soclay reform movements of the past fifty years, during which she has proved that the hand ...

    Article : 478 words

    The Australian and New Zealand delegations to the Pan-Pacific Women's Conference, to be held under the auspices of the Pan-Pacific ...

    Article : 123 words
  7. Betrothal of Princess

    There have been many rumours during the last few years regarding the engagement of Princess Julina, the only daughter of Queen ...

    Article : 364 words
  8. Cake Covers

    Now that warmer days are coming we need to take special precautions with our food. The latest cake covers are designed much like meat covers of ...

    Article : 219 words
  9. Mothers' Union

    The newly formed Campbell Town branch of the Mathers' Union held a successful American tea in St. Luke's School on Wednesday afternoon. It ...

    Article : 265 words

    11.30 a.m.—Mid-day talk. 11.45 a.m. —Record recital. 11.55 a.m.—Weather report. 13.1 p.m.—Shipping information. 3.45 p.m.—A woman about town. ...

    Article : 314 words

    On Friday next smiling sellers will appeal to the generous public of Launceston to buy a unique button. The buttons sold each year for the ...

    Article : 376 words
  12. Book Ends and Matchbox

    Loofah—such as one used to find, solely in the bathroom, is now made in flat form and dyed every shade, so that with the aid of this a most ...

    Article : 292 words

    The trustees of the Science and Industry Endowment Fund announce that during the calendar year 1931 a sum not exceeding 1000 will be ...

    Article : 314 words
  14. About People

    A London message states that the actor, Frank Skinley Fox, who has just returned from Australia, has married 'Miss Barbara Crosby, a ...

    Article : 170 words
  15. A Message of Hope to All Sick People

    Here's a plain statement of facts that will interest 11 sufferers from nerves. neuritis, insomnia, anaemia, break- down, and ailments caused by over ...

    Article : 89 words
  16. Trade Commission

    A trade development commission, consisting of Lord Kirkley, Sir William Noble, Sir Francis Joseph, Messrs. Robert Waddington, John ...

    Article : 69 words
  17. Inspection of Meat

    The veterinarians Dr. Heywood (representing the Commonwealth of Australia) and Dr. Seddon (New South Wales) attended the international ...

    Article : 64 words
  18. Egyptian Treaty

    The London "Daily Express" representative at Cairo says: "There is reason to believe that Sidkly Pasha (Premier) will submit the Anglo Egyptian ...

    Article : 49 words



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