IT was a slow hour in the woods. The loading crew worked easily on the last car they would load that day. The rigging crew stood around, ...
Article : 2,342 wordsTHESE days we are prone to seek a hidden meaning in the apparently obvious, a scientific explanation for ordinary human actions and to brand with ...
Article : 1,209 wordsINTERESTING statistics of the world's cinemas are contained in the latest report of the United States Department of Commerce. The figures, which were ...
Article : 574 wordsA SQUATTER'S HOUSE ON THE PLATEAU OF CYRENAICA: A modern home built for one of the many families that have been settled en masse in Italian North Africa in typically totalitorion style. Cyrenaica is the most promising of all the regions, and there the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,431 wordsTHERE cannot be a bridge player in the world—indeed can there be mortal in the world?—who has not heard of the great Ely Culbertson. His books on Contract are described (by an ...
Article : 441 wordsJUST outside Olinda, in the now golden and autumnal heart of the Dandenongs. Sir Arthur Streeton, veteran leader of Australian landscape painters, lives ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,649 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 217 wordsIN the palmier days of the war, before Hitler's westward drive began, the British Expeditionary Force in France found time for innumerable ...
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The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Sat 8 Jun 1940, Page 7
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