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  2. New Zealand.

    The Lieutenant Governor desires it to be notified, that the Lands of Mangonui have been purchased for Her Majesty Queen, and he therefore [?]tions the public against building, cutting ...

    Article : 1,152 words
  3. News of the Day

    STEALING.—A young man (a prisoner of the Crown) lately married to a young and rather interesting looking girl, was yesterday placed at the bar of the Police ...

    Article : 1,073 words

    Whereas a Banking Company carrying on business under the style and firm of the "Sydney Banking Company" is established in this Colony, and it ...

    Article : 2,370 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 113 words
  6. Meteorological Table.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 81 words
  7. Quarter Sessions.

    MARGARET SINGLETON free, was indicted on a charge of stealing two jugs from Messrs. Hebblewhite & Vickery, in August last—value two shillings. It appeared in evidence that the jugs ...

    Article : 1,204 words
  8. DIARY.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 99 words

    THE authorities of South Australia seem disposed to put down distillation altogether by hook or crook, but no small majority of the inhabitants, it seems, are as stoutly disposed to keep it up— ...

    Article : 1,796 words
  10. Literature.

    MISTER HEAD HITTER,—This here his a rum go, and no mistake. A pal o' mine, in the pettey larsny line, prig'd a few harticles in the shape of crockry, an as we al [?]xpect'd lie wud be ...

    Article : 185 words
  11. To the Editor of the New Zealand Gazette.

    SIR,—Or my arrival here on the 3rd instant, the "New Zealand Gazette" of July 4th was placed in my hands, and my attention particucularly called to the proceedings of a public ...

    Article : 137 words
  12. Supreme Court.

    Croft v. Dillon—This was an undefended cause for goods sold and delivered. Damages for the plaintiff £25. Templeton v. Hart—The plaintiff in this ...

    Article : 531 words
  13. No Title

    PREDRSTINATION—Sadi relates, in his Guliss tan of a fisherman who had caught a fish which hi strength did not allow him to drag to shore, fearing o be drawn into the river himself, he abandoned ...

    Article : 123 words



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