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  2. Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS.

    January 5.—Velocity, schooner, 138 tons, Captain M'Veigh from Adelaide the 23rd. Portland Bay the 27th, and Port F[?]iry the 29th ult. Passengers—Mr. Hanes, and Mr. Helmeke.— ...

    Article : 166 words

    In our last number we submitted a hope that, out of respect to the religions scruples of a large and influential body of our fellow-citizens—and, also, with reference to the inconvenience of the ...

    Article : 287 words

    BELL'S LIFE has in its present number redeemed its pledge, and now appears in a form containing closely printed readable matter equal to at least twice that of the Sydney Morning ...

    Article : 5,655 words

    January 5.—Cheapside, barque, 622 tons, Captain Lewis, from Guam, in ballast. Passenger—Dr. Mottley. January 6.—Brazil Packet, barque, 196 tons, ...

    Article : 228 words

    CRICKET AT MELBOURNE.—A masch which seems to have attracted much attention came off at Melbourne on New Year's Day. It was between one picked eleven of the Melbourne Club against ...

    Article : 109 words
  7. The Duties of the Police.

    IT was our province last week to place upon record the somewhat startling fact, that a mob of three or four hundred men and boys had paraded the city on New ...

    Article : 311 words
  8. Answers to Correspondents.

    AGENTS will please prepay their letters, and charge us with the same. W. E. OVENS.—In a pedestri[?]n race, the party securing the handkerchief is the ...

    Article : 242 words
  9. Insolvency Proceedings.

    George Ray, of George-street, Parramatta, tailor. Debts, £109 15s. 3d. Assets. personal property, £11; outstanding debts, £30 16s. 9d. Balance, deficiency, £60 18s. 6d. Mr. G. King, ...

    Article : 478 words
  10. Australian Jockey Club—Homebush.

    A meeting of the members of the Australian Jockey Club was held yesterday afternoon at the Royal Hotel, when Arthur Holroyd, Esq.., was unanimously elected a member. After some ...

    Article : 62 words
  11. Mulwaley Races.

    This meeting, which came off on the 26th and 27th ult., was characterised by unusual eclat; the respectability of the attendance being far beyond what had been anticipated. The ...

    Article : 690 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 37 words

    All communications to the Office of "BELL'S LIFE" must be pre-paid, and in every instance A[?]ENTICATED, or they will not be attended to. ...

    Article : 30 words
  14. Our Turf Prospects for 1850.

    Should the application suggested by our esteemed correspondent, whose communication appears below, be entertained by the legislative body, we may with ...

    Article : 967 words

    WE have been given to understand that the opposition offered by ourselves to the preliminary proceedings of the Directory of this Company, has, by many of our friends, ...

    Article : 626 words
  16. A Peep at the Court of Requests.

    The January sittings of this court commenced on Monday, with a list of 231 cases for adjudication. As usual, we select a few, possessing features of humorous interest for the amusement of our ...

    Article : 1,929 words



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