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    So I took the early train from Morpeth, on that Wednesday morning, to meet Mr. George Loder at Singleton, where I found him at the station with his buggy, and a right good, as well as ...

    Article : 2,544 words

    SIR,—Free selection has been a vast benefit to the country as well as some harm. The squatters stuck to the land as long as they could, and the law of 1861 was the result of an outburst of public ...

    Article : 1,820 words
  4. Sandy Gripes.

    WE publish the following in view of inducing some of our experienced readers to give their opinion on the case for the benefit of our correspondent and other settlers who may have to deal with cases of a ...

    Article : 371 words
  5. Pastoral Items.

    A correspondent at Sale says that the scarcity of fat sheep in the district is so great that some people are seriously contemplating trucking a supply from Melbourne. ...

    Article : 883 words
  6. To the Editor.

    SIR,—I have read with interest letters in your late issues signed "Australian." Much of what the writer says I quite agree with. A great deal of the pastoral country is deteriorating. ...

    Article : 257 words

    JULY has been a favourable month for all departments of field or garden culture, as well as for pastures. The winter altogether has been signalized for its mean temperature, a feature always, in our ...

    Article : 2,683 words



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