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  2. Wit and Humor

    A schoolboy, when asked to define [?] suit," quickly replied, " The things a [?] man wears." An effective table ornament now in [?] ...

    Article : 1,096 words
  3. Hair and Character.

    "It is a fact," said the barber, "that a better idea of character is oftentimes expressed by the beard than by the countenance. The art of reading character by the ...

    Article : 573 words
  4. Agricultural, & c.

    An Orange, Los Angeles county, correspondent mentions the following ingenious device :—This year, after trimming the grape-vines, some, instead of hauling off the ...

    Article : 566 words
  5. Facing Death.

    I had come down from the great metropolis upon a holiday visit to the country town of Beechworth. Being passionately fond of communings with nature, I had ...

    Article : 2,547 words
  6. A Scheme that Failed.

    Mr. Benjamin Paddleboy has taken in Tit-Bits ever since its commencement. Every week he parts with his humble browns in the purchase of this paper, reading through from ...

    Article : 920 words
  7. The Wager.

    Last week old Hiram Lobscouse Did rise to let us know A singular adventure which befel him long ago. ...

    Article : 244 words
  8. The Defaulters and Embezzlers of the United States.

    The San Francisco Journal recently published an article commenting upon the enormous number of the defaulters and embezzlers who have misused trust funds ...

    Article : 526 words
  9. A Hopeless Case.

    The other day a well-known doctor was lunching in a restaurant, alongside a business man, when the latter remarked : " I just saw a case to interest you in the ...

    Article : 241 words
  10. A Well-Learned Lesson.

    Teacher (to infant class in modern humor) —Children, Mr. Tuffboy said to Mrs. Tuffboy: " I fear that I am threatened with brain-fever." What was Mrs. Tuffboy's ...

    Article : 393 words
  11. Our Little Fable.

    An aged and hairless scribe, editor of a comic weekly called Thump, was strolling in the zoological gardens lately, and, being overcome by the heat of the day, he stretched ...

    Article : 87 words
  12. A Narrow Escape.

    If man has a more fiendish and remorseless enemy than the iron hoop common to beer barrels, we do not desire to strike up an acquaintance with him, her, or it. We had ...

    Article : 234 words
  13. Dubious.

    " I do love pig's feet so !" exclaimed a young man at a suburban boarding house the other day, as he reached over and took the last one from the plate in the middle of the ...

    Article : 77 words
  14. Hard to Say a Last Farewell.

    When you bid adieu, stand not upon the order of your going, but go, says a correspondent. But few people know how to make leave-taking easy and rob it of its attendant ...

    Article : 369 words
  15. Not Possible.

    A writer in a contemporary expresses surprise at the fact that our leaders of fashion begin to wear autumn styles in hot weather ; and thinks it would be more sensible for ...

    Article : 59 words
  16. Not a Mitigating Circumstance.

    "I'll not listen to any excuses, sir," said the justice, excitedly; "you went out into the street and beat a strange boy to whom you were under no obligations whatever, while ...

    Article : 87 words
  17. How a Locomotive Fireman Scented a Danger Signal.

    "Did you ever hear tell of Jim Fielding, the fireman ?" "No." " Well, Jim is dead now. He never got an engine ; but he was a sharp one. Drink was his weakness ; ...

    Article : 227 words
  18. Prudently Retired.

    " Well, I never knew that before," said Mrs. Gummidge, looking over the edge of her newspaper. " What s that, my dear ?" asked Mr. G. ...

    Article : 77 words
  19. Engage Him.

    Stranger—" Don't you want to take on a man ?" Coal Dealer—" Well, I want a weigher. Have you any references ?" ...

    Article : 162 words
  20. Answered.

    "I say, Mr. Gogglesop, what do you come to our house so often for ?" Gogglesop (patronisingly): "Now, Tommy, you must ask your sister Clara that question ...

    Article : 49 words
  21. A Sad Omission.

    "Got any prose books ?" asked a lady who had bought several volumes of poems of a little girl at the book counter of a suburban newsdealer. " I don't know," replied the ...

    Article : 99 words
  22. Heroic.

    First dude—" You look wather pale, Cholly, me boy." Second dude—" Yaas, I feel wather offish. Got vaccinated yesterday." ...

    Article : 34 words



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