Great Britain. Hydrographic Department & Evans, F. J & Carrington, R. C & Davies & Co.,. (1875). Pacific Ocean in four sheets comprised between the parallels of 37 degrees North and 37 degrees South and extending from the Philippine and Celebes Is., New Guinea and Australia, to San Francisco and Easter Island Retrieved December 27, 2024, from
Great Britain. Hydrographic Department, Evans, F. J, Carrington, R. C and Davies & Co.,. Pacific Ocean in four sheets comprised between the parallels of 37 degrees North and 37 degrees South and extending from the Philippine and Celebes Is., New Guinea and Australia, to San Francisco and Easter Island London: Published at the Admiralty 31st March 1875 under the superintendence of Captain F.J. Evans, R.N., C.B.R.S. Hydrographer : Sold by J.D. Potter, agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts 31 Poultry & 11 King Street Tower Hill, 1875. Web. 27 December 2024 <>
Great Britain. Hydrographic Department & Evans, F. J & Carrington, R. C & Davies & Co.,. 1875, Pacific Ocean in four sheets comprised between the parallels of 37 degrees North and 37 degrees South and extending from the Philippine and Celebes Is., New Guinea and Australia, to San Francisco and Easter Island Published at the Admiralty 31st March 1875 under the superintendence of Captain F.J. Evans, R.N., C.B.R.S. Hydrographer : Sold by J.D. Potter, agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts 31 Poultry & 11 King Street Tower Hill, London viewed 27 December 2024
| author1=Great Britain. Hydrographic Department.
| author2=Evans, F. J.
| author3=Carrington, R. C.
| author4=Davies & Co.,.
| title=Pacific Ocean in four sheets comprised between the parallels of 37 degrees North and 37 degrees South and extending from the Philippine and Celebes Is., New Guinea and Australia, to San Francisco and Easter Island
| year=1875
| scale=Scale [ca. 1: 7 000 000]
| section=1 map on 4 sheets ; 125.7 x 191 cm. on sheets 68.9 x 101.8 cm.
| series=Johnston Special Collection.
| issue=JOHNSTON SPECIAL COL./41/1-3
| location=London
| publisher=Published at the Admiralty 31st March 1875 under the superintendence of Captain F.J. Evans, R.N., C.B.R.S. Hydrographer : Sold by J.D. Potter, agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts 31 Poultry & 11 King Street Tower Hill
| url=
| id=nla.obj-230059364
| access-date=27 December 2024
| via=Trove
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