Volonteri, Simeone & Brockhaus, F. A & Volonteri, Simeone. (1866). Map of the San-On District, (Kwangtung Province) drawn from actual observations made by an Italian Missionary of the Propaganda in the course of his professional labors during a period of four years : being the first and only map hitherto published, May 1866 = Xin'an Xian quan tu Retrieved December 22, 2024, from
Volonteri, Simeone, Brockhaus, F. A and Volonteri, Simeone. Map of the San-On District, (Kwangtung Province) drawn from actual observations made by an Italian Missionary of the Propaganda in the course of his professional labors during a period of four years : being the first and only map hitherto published, May 1866 = Xin'an Xian quan tu [Leipzig?: , 1866. Web. 22 December 2024 <>
Volonteri, Simeone & Brockhaus, F. A & Volonteri, Simeone. 1866, Map of the San-On District, (Kwangtung Province) drawn from actual observations made by an Italian Missionary of the Propaganda in the course of his professional labors during a period of four years : being the first and only map hitherto published, May 1866 = Xin'an Xian quan tu , [Leipzig? viewed 22 December 2024
| author1=Volonteri, Simeone.
| author2=Brockhaus, F. A.
| author3=Volonteri, Simeone.
| title=Map of the San-On District, (Kwangtung Province) drawn from actual observations made by an Italian Missionary of the Propaganda in the course of his professional labors during a period of four years : being the first and only map hitherto published, May 1866 = Xin'an Xian quan tu
| year=1866
| scale=Scale [ca. 1:106,445]
| section=1 map : col. ; 85.4 x 107.3 cm.
| series=Braga special map collection.
| location=[Leipzig?
| publisher=
| url=
| id=nla.obj-231220841
| access-date=22 December 2024
| via=Trove
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