Guide to the Letters of William Henry Archer


MS 264

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Collection Summary

William Henry Archer
Letters of William Henry Archer
Date Range
Collection Number
MS 264
0.03 metres (2 folders)
Language of Materials
Special Collections (Manuscripts)


Scope and Contents

Comprises 48 letters covering the period 1847-66 from a number of correspondents, including John Pascoe Fawkner, Carboni Raffaello, Rev. P. Smyth, Robert Hoddle and C.J. Tyers, concerning explorations, latitudes, the Eureka Stockade, meteorology, registration systems, etc.

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Preferred Citation

Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Letters of William Henry Archer, National Library of Australia, MS 264, [item number]'.

Advisory Note

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this Finding Aid contains material and descriptive information which may be considered culturally sensitive and may cause distress, including names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. This Finding Aid contains terms that reflect authors' views or those of the historical period, but which may not be considered appropriate today. While the information may not reflect current understanding, it is provided in an historical context.

Biographical Note

William Archer was born in London on 13 November 1825. He trained as an actuary and in 1850 became managing actuary to the Catholic, Law and General Life Assurance Co. He migrated to Melbourne in 1852 and was appointed acting Registrar-General in 1853. He was appointed Assistant Registrar-General in 1854 and Registrar-General in 1859.

In 1863 Archer gave up his position and studies law at the University of Melbourne. He was called to the Bar and in 1874 was appointed secretary of lands and surveys. He was dismissed by the Berry Government in 1878. From then on he supported himself by legal work, articles and lectures. He died in Melbourne on 29 April 1909.

Item Descriptions

Series. Correspondence

STANLEY, Owen August 28th 1847 (Item 1)

H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Sydney

[C.J. Tyers Esq., Kings Lake, Gippsland]

(Autographed letter signed [A.L.S.] 4pp 23cm)

Has trouble with Bramble and Castlereagh. Latter in rotten state, sold for £601. Officers from Fly in Bramble "packed off home". Yule command of Bramble which is well equipped with boats and instruments. Will sail on 15th for Twofold Bay to decide where Custom House to be built, then to Moreton Bay to decide same question. Names of officers of Alligator. Thinks Port Essington will be given up and steamers will call at C. York on way to Singapore. Yule has discovered good harbour between Albany islands and mainland.

STANLEY, Owen May 7th 1849 (Item 2)

H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Sydney

[C.J. Tyers, Kings Lake, Gippsland]

(A.L.S. 4pp 13cm)

Starting for next cruise. Expects to be back in Sydney Feb. or March. "The Admiralty want to know if there is any Channel by which a vessel can pass to the northward of Cape York without being seen should an establishment be formed there."

"Some change in the position of the Magnetic Axis of the needle has taken place since they left will give Col. Sabine a new problem to work out."

STANLEY, Owen December 22nd 1849 (Item 3)

H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Near C. Passy, New Guinea

[C.J. Tyers]

(A.L.S. 6pp 24cm)

Stocked up at Moreton Bay, met a cyclone but weathered it well. Anchored at Rossel Island and surveyed wouth part of the Louisiade. Bramble's pinnace was attacked by First Nations people but little harm done.

Continued along New Guinea Coast to point where Blackwood's survey ended. Fertile country but no bay suitable for anchorage. Went on to Cape York, from where the Bramble surveyed reefs from Cape York to "Bligh's farewell," "...the charts to the North of the Prince of Wales Channel are most incorrect." Observations at C. York indicate the banana is indigenous to Australia. Met a white woman, Mrs Thomson, who lived 5 years with the local first nations people [name unknown]; she spoke of their customs.

Ships are returning by a new route. Stanley has collection of local weapons and tools he wants to compare with "boomerangs and the like from your part of the world."

February 5th, during return journey many of crew ill, but hope to leave by the middle of May for Sydney where he hopes Tyers will manage to meet him.

[McMILLIAN, Angus C.J. Latrobe, Melbourne] 25the August 1853. (Item 4)

(A.Df. 4pp 33cm)

Expedition from Carawong Station, Maneroo, to Omeo Victoria, in company with Jemmy Gebber, chief of Maneroo tribe. Establishes cattle station at Numblamungee for Lachlan McAlister.


The full letter is printed in Bride, T.F. Letters from Victorian pioneers.

CARBONI, Raffaello August 28th 1853 (Item 5)

Cobblers Gully ... half-way between Ballarat and Bunnenyong [sic] W.H. Archer, Esqre, Acting Registrar General, Melbourne.

(A.L.S. 4pp 23cm)

"We are earning our gold fields' wages through hard hard work." Asks A. to enquire from Capt. Chisholm or at Melbourne Post Office for letter for him (R.).

THOMAS, William December 20th 1853 (Item 6)


To the Registrar General [W.H. Archer] Melbourne

(A.L.S. 2pp 25cm)

Forwarding various documents including extract from Batman's report to Sir G. Arthur on discovery of Port Phillip, notes on Buckley, census, incident with local First Nations man, House of Commons and N.S.W. Legislative Council Papers. Note on incident with local First Nations man only included.

[THOMAS, William] December 20th 1853 (Item 7)

From private scraps.

(A.N. 6pp 25cm)

Confinement of Wurundjeri man in jail by Capt Dana. Mother collects fine money and man set free. Goes to Darabin Creek encampment. T. sends note to magistrate for assistance. Chief Constable Brodie arrives. Persuades Nang-kan, the Wurundjeri man, to ride with them to Melbourne. Committed to jail for causing a disturbance. Notes case of another First Nations person who suffered sudden death.

[ARCHER, William Henry] December 22nd 1853 (Item 8)

[Notes on Captain Hovell]

(A.N. 3pp 18cm)

Naming of Ovens and Murray. Hovell's discovery of coal at Phillip Island. Correction of Westgarth's account of the expedition.

FAWKNER, John P[ascoe] December 29th 1853 (Item 9)


To W[illiam Henry] Archer, Registrar.

(A.L.S. 3pp 14cm)

Details of first birth and death at Port Phillip. Subscriptions for first church. Population at first public meeting 177, James Simpson chosen as chief magistrate.

HOVELL, William January 25th 1854 (Item 10)

Goulburn, N.S.W.

W.H. Archer Esq. Acting Registrar General, Melbourne.

(A.L.S. 4pp 18cm)

Has secured from Dr Bland two copies of Hovell and Hume's Journey of discovery to Port Phillip. Sends one copy to A. and one to Mr Wilson of Argus. Corrects statements re himself in Almanac given him by A. and confirms them by reference to his field book of Western Port. "I am now quietly domiciled in my own comfortable cottage among friends..."

CARBONI, Raffaello January 24th 1854 (Item 11)

...Eureka - Balaarat

...To his respected W.H. Archer Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 1p 23cm)

"I got again, thank God, on a bit of gold..."

HODDLE, Robert August 3rd 1854 (Item 12)


W.H. Archer Esq. Assistant Registrar General. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 1p 18cm)

Answer to A's request for latitude and longitude of Batman's Hill. Endorsed, on verso, variation at Batman's Hill 80. 57' 31" stated by Mr Hoddle to me 3rd August 1954. W.H.A.

CARBONI, Raffaello August 20th 1854 (Item 13)

Eureka, Ballarat

Monsieur W.H. Archer Esq. Acting Registrar General, Melbourne.

(A.L.S. 4pp 18cm)

Returns A's "Memorandum" and begs him to procure him (R) an "adresse pour recevoirmeslettres à Jerusalemme". Abbé Downing will visit A on R's behalf. Sends 2 letters to At to be forwarded to Italy.

CARBONI, Raffaello October 18th 1854 (Item 14)

Balaarat Gold Fields, Eureka

W.H. Archer Esq. Acting Registrar General...Melbourne.

(A.L.S. 18pp 20cm)

"As an eye-witness, camping within five minutes walk of the Eureka Hotel, I intend to give you a positive account of what I did see, did hear, do know ... I shall recollect all my life that fearful spectacle of destruction..." This letter begins with an account of the ill-treatment of Rev. R. Smyth's servant, about the beginning of October and ends with the burning of Bentley's Hotel. It is not printed in Raffaello's book, as apparently Archer did not return it when R. subsequently requested it. In general, the two accounts agree, but this letter contains far more details, especially of the burning of the Hotel.

ARCHER, W[illiam] H[enry] October 28th 1854 (Item 15)

A[ssistant] R[egistrar] G[eneral]


To the Registrar General [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 32cm)

Endorsed at head of p.l. in red ink October 31st 1854. The Assistant Registrar General Official report of his proceedings in inspecting Registration Districts. Reaches Geelong 21st. 23rd visits Mr Quinn & Rev O'Connell who promise help in registration system. Stops for night at Mr Rae's register. Leaves for Stirling's Inn at Winchelsea. Witchell, schoolmaster agrees to act as registrar. Reaches Colac and stays with Rev J. Bleasdale. Visits deputy registrar Farrer. Accompanied by Bleasdale, interviews several settlers, including Dr Stodart, who will help with registration system. Bleasdale willing to make meteorological observations.

ARCHER, W[illiam] H[enry] November 2nd 1854 (Item 16)

Assistant Registrar General


To the Registrar-General [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 5pp 21cm)

At head of p.1 is written in red ink Assistant Registrar General's official Report - Inspection of Districts. Nov 4th 1854. Sets out with Rev. Mr Bleasdale on tour of S. of Barwon R. in company of Polwarth, where he has heard there are settlers. Describes "difficulties attendant upon cross-country travelling". George Vicary of Dean's March undertakes to act as Registrar for district as far as Cape Otway. Comments on desirability of stimulating local Registrars by visits from headquarters.

[ARCHER, William Henry] November 16th 1854 (Item 17)


[To the Registrar General, Melbourne].

(A.Df. 4pp 18cm)

Returning to Melbourne via Ballarat instead of Geelong. Mr McNab of Cressy will act as registrar for people on his own run. Calls at Mr Elder's station, leaves message for Rev. Mr Gow, thanking for help given to the Dept. Thomas Horsbrugh, storekeeper of Rokewood will act as registrar for district. Arrives from Ballarat and proposes to obtain information on district from Mr Athurst.

SMYTH, [Rev.] Patrick November 27th 1854 (Item 18)

Ballarat. W.H. Archer Esq. A.R.G. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 3pp 32cm)

"I am aware of the step they meditate taking. And if they do take it, the government and themselves will inevitably come into collision, unless the gold licence be influence has been fairly crippled by the Government officers here...what marks the movement here as the most singular of its kind, is that the people are seemingly as quiet as if nothing were to occur...a deputation has gone down to demand the release fo Fletcher etc. That work 'demand' omens badly..." Has A's letter for Raffaello.

SMYTH [Rev.] Patrick December 13 1854 (Item 19)


W.H. Archer, A.R.G. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 26cm)

"At Billy's promotion I am not surprised...Raffeilo [sic] is a prisoner: he is not wounded: I could say more, but more will not say...things are quiet here...there is not on the diggings here, one, I believe, who knows more about the late crisis here than your humble servant." His arrest was mediated and at the Stockade it was decided to shoot him. "It twice came to my ear that a person should be on one side or the other." Was not allowed to see wounded. "We are full of confidence in the good intentions of His Excellencey. May we have the good and just things that our people look for." No discourtesy has been offered to deputation to Sir Robert Nickle. "May I ask that you burn this. Hereafter I may give you some enlightenment on our history..."

HINTS for preserving seeds etc. transmitted by sea. (Item 20)

(A.N. 1p 22cm)

On verso, Ch. J. LaTrobeEsq.

C., N. (Item 21)

Lieutenant Governor of Victoria - first Lieutenant Governor, Charles Joseph LaTrobe.

(A.Df.S 2pp 23cm)

Latrobe's career. Printed in Archer, W.H.: The Statistical Register of Victoria 1854, p438.

SMYTH, [Rev.] Patrick January 8 1855 (Item 22)


W.H. Archer Esqr. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 16cm)

A.shouldbe satisfied with account of Eureka Stockade already sent, or with that of the "anonymous scribblers" or wait for Commission's Report. S. will be in Melbourne following week and will tell him more. "We are all quiet here," but insidious element operating again, but S. will not again tolerate them "working upon my flock."

CARBONI, Raffaello March 28th 1855 (Item 23)

Messrs Folonia, Bankers, Rome [Bill of lading for] One box said to contain specimens of gold dust.

(1pp 14x26cm)

ARCHER, W[illiam] H[enry] April 13 1855 (Item 24)

A[ssistant] R[egistrar] G[eneral].


To the Registrar General [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 3pp 23cm)

Taradale a "rapidly improving locality...point for discussion whether a deputy Registrar should not be appointed here instead of the township of Elphinstone." "Dep. registrar of Castlemaine gold fields, Mr Landon, away and "left a person to take down all particulars...but this mode of procedure open to gross objection". Regulation for the guidance of registrars necessary. Calls on ministers of religion who are assisting in registration system. Finds travel on goldfields tedious.

PUGSLEY, D. May 9th 1855 (Item 25)

Royal Mail Hotel, Geelong. William Henry Archer, Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 1p 25cm)

Commends A's "Statistical register." Asks for a copy of the census of 1854. Referred to A. and his work by the Lieutenant Governor and Registrar General.

CARBONI, Raffaello September 25th 1855 (Item 26)


W.H. Archer, Esq. Acting Registrar General, Melbourne.

[Order to pay Messrs Muir Brothers...£33.00]

(1p 12 x 25cm)

CARBONI, Raffaello February 8th 1855 - 1856 (Item 26(a))

Letter written to R. from Italy by his brother and sister.

(A.L.S. 4pp 27cm)

(Contents not yet translated.)

CARBONI, Raffaello October 14th 1855 (Item 27)


Mr [W.H.] Archer [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 1p 27cm)

Asks for 4 or 5 letters on burning of Eureka Hotel and monster meeting to be returned to him. Endorsed by A. that there were only 2 or 3 letters which he had showed to His Excellency, and of which copies only should be supplied to R., "...besides I should like to know what use is to be made of them."

CARBONI, Raffaello October 22nd 1855 (Item 28)

Local Court House, Ballaarat

W.H. Archer Esqre...Melbourne

(A.L.S. 1p 31cm)

"Have you still in your possession those 3 or 4 letters of last year, respecting the Burning of the Eureka Hotel and our Monster Meeting."

PUGSLEY, D. January 25th 1856 (Item 29)

Canterbury [N.Z.]

W. Archer Esqre. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 1p 18cm)

Asks A. to forward him the receipts for 1855 so that he can publish the account of the Revenue and Expenditure for Victoria. Criticism of unnamed book attached.

UNSIGNED (Item 30)

82 Mair St., Ballarat.


(A.L.S. 4pp 12cm)

Sincere wishes of prosperity from this poor woman. She wishes to come to Melbourne with her little baby, for a few days, but also asks advice about coming to Melbourne for good, to live somewhere convenient, find a house or a place with a family.

Unfinished, in Italian.

TYERS, Charles J. July 18th 1857 (Item 31)


To the Editor of "Facts & figures". [W.H. Archer, Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 3pp 33cm)

A criticism of an article by Ellery in Facts and figures, entitled "Stands Williamstown where it did?" which implies an error of 17" was made by Captain Stokes in measuring the meridian distance between Sydney and Melbourne.

Printed in Facts and figures, p20.

Endorsed (by Archer?) "...what are the respective heights of mountains in Victoria. Have they all been explored & if so have the results ever been published.

TYERS, Charles J. (Item 32)

Sale, Gippsland

W.H. Archer Esq. Registrar General's Office Melbourne.

(A.L.S. 2pp 25cm)

Gives heights of waves measured in 1838 when in H.M.S. Alligator. Keeping meteorological journal since 1st and will send it on 31st. Not able to give maximum and minimum readings as has no self-registering thermometer. Knows it to have been as cold as 20° in night.

THOMSON, [Sir] Edward Deas, 1800-1879 August 29th 1857 (Item 33)


W.H. Archer Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 18cm)

Forwarding a note from Director of the Botanical Gardens on existence of avocado pear in New South Wales. Mr Sharpe Macleay has raised it, but believes climate not warm enough, although East Indies mangoes bear fruit in Botanical Gardens. Has spoken to Mr Parker about transfer of Victorian statistical records to that colony. Ministerial crisis may prevent his seeing to the transfer. T. first to prepare returns of statistics in New South Wales.

H[ODDLE], R[obert] October 5th 1857 (Item 34)

(A.L.S. 1p 23cm)

A Note on "Princes Bridge built by Mr Lennox". Presumably a note by Hoddle sent to W.H. Archer.

TYERS, Charles J. September 8th 1857 (Item 35)


W.H. Archer Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 2pp 21cm)

Has not had time to get anything ready for "Facts and Figures". Corrects error in information already supplied to the paper. Correction printed in F. & F., p36.

DAWSON, W. November 30th 1857 (Item 36)

C.J. Tyers [sic] Esq.

(A.L.S. 2pp 20cm)

Asks if Archer will publish a supplement to contain the 'Rules', 'calculations in detail' and 'rules for finding error of watch, latitude, true bearing, variation, etc.' Has no doubt each of the assistant surveyors in this district would subscribe his share of the £5.

Enclosed in [Tyers, C.J.] W.H. Archer, 1857, Dec. 1

TYERS, Charles J. December 1st 1857 (Item 37)

W.H. Archer Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 5pp 18cm)

Not able to help financially with printing of "Base line" - pay barely sufficient to keep large family. Forwards Dawson's letter with suggestion for publishing Rules. "Calculation of the eclipse of 1 February. 1851, should be printed in Facts and Figures, for in my opinion it completely sets at rest any doubt about the Longitude of Sydney and Melbourne. Proposes to consult Prof. Airey of the R.O. Greenwich on matter. Will proceed to England in June next if he can procure leave.

TYERS, Charles J. January 6th 1858 (Item 38)


W.H. Archer Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 3pp 18cm) "I have left the paper on Waves till the last moment." Rules used by T. for measuring waves approved by several scientific officers in the Navy. Dr Scoresby may have used his methods for measuring waves.

PASCOE, Crawford A. April 20th 1858 (Item 39)

Swan Hill

Ed. of Facts & Figures [W.H. Archer, Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 18cm)

12 Palawa people at encampment in D'Entrecasteaux Channel. In 1842, 40 on Flinders Island. Leader of them named after Governor Arthur - Walter George Arthur of the Ben Lomond people, noted for his intelligence.

MUELLER, Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von. September 10th 1858 (Item 40)

Melbourne botanical and zoological gardens.

Ronald Gunn Esq. J.P. Fellow of the Royal & Linnean Society of London, etc. near Launceston.

(A.L.S. 2pp 20cm)

Prince Paul William, Duke of Wuertemberg, will visit Tasmania under name of Count Heidenheim.

TYERS, Charles J. September 27th 1858 (Item 41)

Port Albert

W.H. Archer, Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 18cm)

Forwarding "Gippsland in 1844" corrected and "an old letter book containing my letters on the subject of the [colonial] woman said to have been with [a local Indigenous group]." A. to use if he thinks proper but advises "to omit anything that may tend to open up again." W. Dana's conduct to the local First Nations people. His and Mr La Trobe's opinion that that there wasn't a colonial woman among the local first Nations people."

TYERS, Charles J. September 30th 1858 (Item 42)

Port Albert

W.H. Archer, Esq. [Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 20cm)

Forwards some letters from La Trobe on subject of a colonial woman with the local First Nations people. Suggests recording in Facts and Figures that sugar and treacle have been manufactured from sorghum grown at Myrtle Downs. Gives results from seeds sent by A.

TORRENS, [Sir] R[obert] R[ichard] December 16th 1859 (Item 43)

Torrens Park, Adelaide

[W.H. Archer, Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 20cm)

"What new as to the sale of the pamphlets sent to your kind care some months back." Notes that Coppin has carried first reading of the Real Property Bill. "Now therefore is the time to agitate...greatly strengthened by finding Sir Cairns' bills...identical in preamble with my own...our method is much better adapted for...these colonies...Mr Clive the bearer of this letter will inform you of the general feeling here respecting the efficacy of our system...we continue to gain ground in the [legal] profession daily..."

TORRENS, [Sir] Robert [Richard] September 3rd 1862 (Item 44)

Torrens Park

[W.H. Archer, Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 8pp 18cm)

Ward already accepted post offered by New South Wales. Recommends Sanderson as Assistant Registrar General. Salaries too low to attract competent surveyors. Recommends Denton as surveyor. Low salaries attract all that is mediocre, commonplace, vapid and repels all that is superior, intellectual and energetic. "I hold this deterioration of the material of the public service to be one of the worst results induced upon us by democracy..." Two of his officers, Andrews and Thomas orderly and punctual if not brilliant.

TORRENS, [Sir] R[obert] R[ichard] October 4th 1862 (Item 45)

Lands Titles Office, Adelaide

[W.H. Archer Esq., Registrar General, Sydney]

(A.L.S. 8pp 18cm)

Disappointed A's name not among those of Commissioners appointed under Real Property Act. Regrets Sanderson has not been appointed Deputy Registrar. Advises A. on administration of Torrens system. "...Government must be made to feel the pressure of public opinion in the House and through the press...bill should be brought in for the licensing of land brokers...if the measure breaks down in Victoria it can only be through incapacity or wilful perversity and mismanagement by the employees of Mr Ireland's appointing." Guarantees its success in Sydney under Ralston. "Do not attach too much importance to the exclusion from the Board. The working of the measure is exclusively yours. The credit will be yours. You have only to act vigorously at the outset..."

FAWKNER, John P. August 17th 1866 (Item 46)

East Collingwood

To W.H. Archer Esq., Registrar General. Melbourne

(A.L.S. 2pp 20cm)

Personnel of first settlement on Yarra.

HALL, Edward Swarbrick September 17th 1873 (Item 47)

23 Melville St, Hobarton

[W.H. Archer, Melbourne]

(A.L.S. 4pp 21cm)

Mentions enclosed hair sample, "love-lock", from Truganini [of the Recherche Bay people]. Informed by "Mr Lawyer Graves" that the woman's proper name is "LigiwidgiTrucaninni" [Truganini]. Mr Dandridge wrong as to her birth and age. Born Bruni Island. Temperature of previous month highest of any on record except for August, 1855. Nuenonne people no longer at Great Oyster Cove, but now in city, as stated in enclosed letter. Recent prices realised for Gutenberg Bible.

48 BARRY, [Sir] Redmond April 28th 1879 (Item 48)

Carlton Gardens Melbourne

[William Henry Archer Esquire, The office of Lands.]

(A.L.S. 4pp 20cm)

Endorsed on p1. Private & confidential.

Reply to a letter from Mr Casey [President of the Board of Land and Works] which suggested that Barry's name be honoured by bestowing it upon a mountain in Victoria. B. relates some family history and suggests four names for peaks.

Miscellaneous Estrays (Item 49)
