Bowen, Emanuel, -1767, engraver & Vernon, Edward & Jesuits, cartographer. (1738). A map of China, drawn from those of the particular provinces made on the spot by the Jesuit missionaries: wherein the principal places are distiguish'd whose positions have been determin'd, & the positions themselves inserted, as vouchers to the work; the names also are written according to the English orthography Retrieved December 27, 2024, from
Bowen, Emanuel, -1767, engraver, Vernon, Edward and Jesuits, cartographer. A map of China, drawn from those of the particular provinces made on the spot by the Jesuit missionaries: wherein the principal places are distiguish'd whose positions have been determin'd, & the positions themselves inserted, as vouchers to the work; the names also are written according to the English orthography [London]: [Emanuel Bowen], 1738. Web. 27 December 2024 <>
Bowen, Emanuel, -1767, engraver & Vernon, Edward & Jesuits, cartographer. 1738, A map of China, drawn from those of the particular provinces made on the spot by the Jesuit missionaries: wherein the principal places are distiguish'd whose positions have been determin'd, & the positions themselves inserted, as vouchers to the work; the names also are written according to the English orthography [Emanuel Bowen], [London] viewed 27 December 2024
| author1=Bowen, Emanuel, -1767, engraver.
| author2=Vernon, Edward.
| author3=Jesuits, cartographer.
| title=A map of China, drawn from those of the particular provinces made on the spot by the Jesuit missionaries: wherein the principal places are distiguish'd whose positions have been determin'd, & the positions themselves inserted, as vouchers to the work; the names also are written according to the English orthography
| year=1738
| scale=Scale approximately 1:7,500,000 ;
| section=1 map : colour ; 41.1 x 47.4 cm, on sheet 47.6 x 56.2 cm
| location=[London]
| publisher=[Emanuel Bowen]
| url=
| id=nla.obj-364695710
| access-date=27 December 2024
| via=Trove
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