
Call Number
Nq 791.405 EVE
Sydney : Everyones Ltd., 1920-1937
Vol.5 No.316 (24 March 1926)
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Advertising 1
Advertising 1 , 2 , 3
Marlow Again in Entertainment Field. 3
Advertising 3
Weekly Chat to Showmen The Values of Candid Film Criticism. 4
The Fairness of Opposition. 4
Opening of Victory Theatres, Gladesville 4
Foxton Hall Destroyed by Fire. 4
New Theatre for Maclean. 5
Breach of Entertainment Tax. 5
Armidale Theatre Manager’s Resignation. 5
“THe Navigator” Pleases Showmen. 5
Federated Picture Showmen’s Association of Queensland. Progressive Representatives Elected. 5
Stoll-Hurley Australian Productions Ready in Three Weeks. 5
“The Man on the Box” Cleaning Up in Brisbane. 5
Britain’s Mystery Film Girl. 5
Victorian Parson Defends Motion Pictures. 5
First National Well on Time with Promised Features. 6
A “Cutting” Editor. 6
Ambiguity in Film Titles. 6
“The White Sister” in Melbourne. 6
British Actor Signed to Long Contract. 6
No title 6
New Theatre for Bankstown. 6
“Kiki” Taking Shape. 6
Film Comedian Seven Years With One Company. 6
Jack Dempsey May Become Exhibitor. 6
Conrad Nagel Signed. 6
Famous Bandmaster for Australia. 6
Advertising 6 , 7
Unsolicited Praise for Country Picture Show. 8
“Germany 's Sweetheart Too.” 8
Advertising 8
South Australia. (Week ending March 19). 8
Advertising 8
An Enterprising Exhibitor 8
Additions to “Monte Carlo.” 8
Proposed Abolishment of Federal Amusement Tax. 8
Advertising 9 , 11
“Winds of Chance” Releases Next Week. 12
Tumut Records Broken. 12
“The White Sister” in N.Z. 12
Joins M.-G. Sales Forces 12
“Broken Laws” Scores in Tasmania. Vice-Regal Opinion Expressed. 12
Commonwealth Film Laboratory Activities. 12
“The Man on the Box” Now At Hobart. 12
Great Pictures Never Die. 12
More Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Contracts. 12
Advertising 13
The Field of Exploitation. 14
Advertising 15
The Whisperings of William. 16
Advertising 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20
New Theatre at Annandale (N.S.W.). 20
Advertising 23 , 24
VICTORIA (Week commencing March 20). 24
Advertising 24
Melbourne Opening of “The White Sister.” 24
Melbourne Theatres (Week commencing: March 20th). 25
Death. 25
Return Thanks. 25
“The Wanderer” Premiere at Capitol, Melbourne. 25
Test Between Long Run Pictures. 26
On Location with Australian Picture. 26
Censors and Lloyd. 26
“The Kid” in Adelaide. 26
How a Javanese Theatre Manager Arranges a Front-of-House Display. 26
More Comedy Two-Reelers. 26
Werriston Cinema, Werris Creek (N.S.W.) Changes Hands. 26
Universal Established Six Years Here. 26
Harry G. Musgrove in America. 26
Advertising 27 , 28 , 29
Queensland. (Week ending March 19). 30
Advertising 30
New Zealand. 30
£4,000, Not £4OO. 30
Advertising 31
More About Coming Releases 32
West Australia. Week ending March 19, 1926. 33
Advertising 33 , 34
With the Exhibitors. 34
With the Exhibitors. 35
Advertising 35
The Play and Otherwise. 36
Advertising 36
With Stanley N. Wright at the Dunedin Exhibition. (Written expressly for “Everyones”). 37 , 39
Perth. (Week ending March 3rd.) 38
Queensland. (Week ending March 19.) 38
Advertising 38
Playing Picture Theatres. 38
Abroad. 38
Union Theatres Master Vaudeville. 38
Newcastle. 38
No Longer With Chappell. 38
Music and Musicians. Allan’s Activities. 38
Advertising 39
Coming N.S.W. Shows. 39
Advertising 39
Dengue Fever Affects Show Folk. 39
Empire Theatre, Dub bo, Vacant for Show Week. 39
Advertising 39 , 40
Sydney Theatres Week commencing March 22). 40
Rush for Pavlova Seats. 40
American Vaudeville Innovation at Tivoli. 40
Advertising 40
Our Letter Rack 41
Australians in Grand Opera. 41
Adelaide. Week ending 19th March, 1926. 41
Australian Showman Char gad With Imposition. 41
English Acts for Australia. 41
Australian Acts Abroad. 41
African Theatres Ltd. Treat Act Generously. 41
Music and Musicians. Tivoli Theatre, Brisbane. Musical Director: Mr. C. GROVES. 42
Advertising 42
The Cinema Musician. 42
Advertising 42 , 43 , 44



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APA citation

(1920). Everyones Retrieved December 27, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-570768435

MLA citation

Everyones Sydney: Everyones Ltd, 1920. Web. 27 December 2024 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-570768435>

Harvard/Australian citation

1920, Everyones Everyones Ltd, Sydney viewed 27 December 2024 http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-570768435

Wikipedia citation

  | title=Everyones
  | year=1920
  | section=v. : ill. ; 32 cm.
  | issue=Vol.5 No.316 (24 March 1926)
  | location=Sydney
  | publisher=Everyones Ltd
  | url=http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-570768435
  | id=nla.obj-570768435
  | access-date=27 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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