The bulletin

Call Number
NX 252
Sydney, N.S.W.: John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, 1880-1984
Vol. 87 No. 4457 (31 July 1965)
View Catalogue


The Bulletin 1
Advertising 2
The Bulletin 3
Advertising 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
National Notebook 9 , 11
Advertising 10
Tanner 12
THIS AUSTRALIA ECONOMY Cracking the Budget Taxing the inessentials 14 , 15
ACTU Breaking the Line Communists and the wage struggle 15
ABORIGINES The White Way 15 , 16
Advertising 16
VIETNAM NZ’s Front Men, money, goodwill 16
VIETNAM The Canberra Teach-in Who won? Who knows? 17
TEACHERS A Grass-roots Revolt? NSW Federation elections 17 , 18 , 19
Advertising 18
MALAYSIA Josey Stating the position 19
Advertising 19
The Left Can Wait 20
CONSCRIPTION The Good Member “Working for peace” 20 , 21
Advertising 21 , 22 , 23
Dateline Bien Hoa Inadequate equipment in the war without fronts 24 , 26
Advertising 25
Vietnam’s Forgotten Wounded The army without surgeons 26 , 27
The Big Gunn A PR creation? 27 , 28 , 29
Advertising 28 , 30
Hollywood, 1965 As the stars die off, a massive industrial revival 31 , 32 , 33
C.S.R. Co's ANNUAL REPORT Points from Chairman's address to shareholders 34
The Cairns Line on Vietnam A campaign of evasive obfuscation 35 , 36
Saigon from the Right Squaring the discussion circle 36 , 37
GREECE Troubled Times 38
THE US Quiet Revolt 38
YUGOSLAVIA Moscow Summer 38
THE HAGUE Guilty Defence 38 , 39
Advertising 39
BRITAIN When to Stop 39
THE UAR Full Circle 39
Advertising 39 , 40 , 41
The Italian Seven Per Cent Easily assimilated but the battle upwards will be tougher 42 , 43
Italian Catholicism v. an Irish Church 43
Letters to the Editor Opera And "Our Joan" 44
Castration And 1984 44
Teach-Ins 44
Marihuana 44
Our Own Deterrent 44
Advertising 44 , 45
ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Opera—the Swan-song of a “Dead” Art? 46
Ballantyne’s Battles 47
RADIO ABC’s New Sound 47 , 48 , 49
Advertising 48
OPERA The Umpteenth Traviata 49
FILMS Fairy floss 49 , 50
Advertising 49 , 50
RECORDS Nostalgia 50
MUSIC Education 50 , 51
Advertising 51
BOOKS The Turks at Gallipoli 52 , 53
Genius or Parish Priest? 53
The American Dream 54
Literary Politics 54
A Debt 54
A Poor Man’s “War and Peace”? 55
The Sceptic 55
Advertising 55
BUSINESS AND FINANCE The General Huffs Again 56 , 57
British and American Share Markets 56
CROESUS Putting a Premium On Prying Life under trade practices legislation 57 , 58
Advertising 58
A Pattern for Rural Research Help for the Hunter Valley Foundation 59
Advertising 59
Middlemen in Job Provision The role of employment agencies 60 , 61
Advertising 61 , 62
LETTER The Education of Accountants 63
Advertising 63
INVESTMENT A Very Notable Expansion BHP’s plant, profit and par issue 64 , 66 , 67 , 68
Advertising 64
PRESTIGE LIMITED Annual Meeting, 26th July, 1965 CHAIRMAN'S ADDRESS 65
Advertising 66 , 67 , 68
SECURITY ANALYSIS Chasing an Earning Rate Rise General Credits' path to recovery 69
Advertising 70
BEHIND THE BALANCE SHEETS Rather Dim Current Outlook The long-term promise of FMC 71 , 72
Advertising 71 , 72
BIS LEY CLOTH IN G LTD Shirts on Success 72 , 73
Advertising 73
SPECULATOR’S DIARY On a Variety of Issues Pleasantly uncomplicated buying 74
Advertising 74
THE MAN ON THE LAND The Canberra Wool Debate Gunn misses the big hit 75
More Farm Politics in NZ Call for a national policy 76
Automation in Fruit Picking Suction harvester passes tests 76
Advertising 77
"The Bulletin" Crossword No. 858 78
Advertising 78 , 79 , 80



Citation options:
Work identifier

APA citation

(1880). The bulletin Retrieved December 28, 2024, from

MLA citation

The bulletin Sydney, N.S.W: John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, 1880. Web. 28 December 2024 <>

Harvard/Australian citation

1880, The bulletin John Haynes and J.F. Archibald, Sydney, N.S.W viewed 28 December 2024

Wikipedia citation

  | title=The bulletin
  | year=1880
  | section=105 volumes : illustrations (chiefly coloured), portraits (chiefly coloured) ; 30-40 cm.
  | issn=0007-4039
  | series=John Ryan Comic Collection (Specific issues).
  | issue=Vol. 87 No. 4457 (31 July 1965)
  | location=Sydney, N.S.W
  | publisher=John Haynes and J.F. Archibald
  | url=
  | id=nla.obj-682874429
  | access-date=28 December 2024
  | via=Trove

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