Richards and Co. (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1880). The Art Gallery - general view of the British Court The accompanying view shows the general arrangements of each court, the manner in which the walls are lighted from above by means of skylights, and the mode of arranging the statuary in the centre of the room. The walls are coloured a dull red, thereby enabling the various works of art to be seen to the fullest advantage Retrieved December 22, 2024, from
Richards and Co. (Sydney, N.S.W.). The Art Gallery - general view of the British Court The accompanying view shows the general arrangements of each court, the manner in which the walls are lighted from above by means of skylights, and the mode of arranging the statuary in the centre of the room. The walls are coloured a dull red, thereby enabling the various works of art to be seen to the fullest advantage Sydney: Richards & Co, 1880. Web. 22 December 2024 <>
Richards and Co. (Sydney, N.S.W.). 1880, The Art Gallery - general view of the British Court The accompanying view shows the general arrangements of each court, the manner in which the walls are lighted from above by means of skylights, and the mode of arranging the statuary in the centre of the room. The walls are coloured a dull red, thereby enabling the various works of art to be seen to the fullest advantage Richards & Co, Sydney viewed 22 December 2024
| author1=Richards and Co. (Sydney, N.S.W.).
| title=The Art Gallery - general view of the British Court The accompanying view shows the general arrangements of each court, the manner in which the walls are lighted from above by means of skylights, and the mode of arranging the statuary in the centre of the room. The walls are coloured a dull red, thereby enabling the various works of art to be seen to the fullest advantage
| year=1880
| section=1 of 1 album (36 photographs) ; 25.5 x 22 cm.
| series=International Exhibition 1879-1880 illustrated by original photographs.
| location=Sydney
| publisher=Richards & Co
| url=
| id=nla.obj-140662268
| access-date=22 December 2024
| via=Trove
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