Anson, George Anson & Knapton, Paul & Knapton, John & Seale, Richard William & Walter, Richard. (1748). A chart of the southern part of South America with the track of the Centurion from the Island of St. Catherines to the Island of Juan Fernandes: in which is inserted the variation and soundings observ'd on board her, together with her deviation from her estimated course in passing round Cape Horn, occasioned by the force of the currents Retrieved December 22, 2024, from
Anson, George Anson, Knapton, Paul, Knapton, John, Seale, Richard William and Walter, Richard. A chart of the southern part of South America with the track of the Centurion from the Island of St. Catherines to the Island of Juan Fernandes: in which is inserted the variation and soundings observ'd on board her, together with her deviation from her estimated course in passing round Cape Horn, occasioned by the force of the currents [London: Printed for the author by John and Paul Knapton, 1748. Web. 22 December 2024 <>
Anson, George Anson & Knapton, Paul & Knapton, John & Seale, Richard William & Walter, Richard. 1748, A chart of the southern part of South America with the track of the Centurion from the Island of St. Catherines to the Island of Juan Fernandes: in which is inserted the variation and soundings observ'd on board her, together with her deviation from her estimated course in passing round Cape Horn, occasioned by the force of the currents Printed for the author by John and Paul Knapton, [London viewed 22 December 2024
| author1=Anson, George Anson.
| author2=Knapton, Paul.
| author3=Knapton, John.
| author4=Seale, Richard William.
| author5=Walter, Richard.
| title=A chart of the southern part of South America with the track of the Centurion from the Island of St. Catherines to the Island of Juan Fernandes: in which is inserted the variation and soundings observ'd on board her, together with her deviation from her estimated course in passing round Cape Horn, occasioned by the force of the currents
| year=1748
| scale=Scale [ca. 1:9 500 000]
| section=1 map ; 48.8 x 46.7 cm.
| location=[London
| publisher=Printed for the author by John and Paul Knapton
| url=
| id=nla.obj-147176655
| access-date=22 December 2024
| via=Trove
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