McCrae, Stewart. (1963). "I believe I have it, men! A phased withdrawal via Laos and Cambodia." [Despite peace negotiations and the Paris Peace Accords orchestrated by the Nixon administration on behalf of the governments of South and North Vietnam, the Vietnam War became part of a larger regional conflict involving the neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia] the Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
McCrae, Stewart. "I believe I have it, men! A phased withdrawal via Laos and Cambodia." [Despite peace negotiations and the Paris Peace Accords orchestrated by the Nixon administration on behalf of the governments of South and North Vietnam, the Vietnam War became part of a larger regional conflict involving the neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia] the : , 1963. Web. 9 January 2025 <>
McCrae, Stewart. 1963, "I believe I have it, men! A phased withdrawal via Laos and Cambodia." [Despite peace negotiations and the Paris Peace Accords orchestrated by the Nixon administration on behalf of the governments of South and North Vietnam, the Vietnam War became part of a larger regional conflict involving the neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia] the , viewed 9 January 2025
| author1=McCrae, Stewart.
| title="I believe I have it, men! A phased withdrawal via Laos and Cambodia." [Despite peace negotiations and the Paris Peace Accords orchestrated by the Nixon administration on behalf of the governments of South and North Vietnam, the Vietnam War became part of a larger regional conflict involving the neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia] the
| year=1963
| section=1 drawing : pen and ink, wash, crayon and watercolour on paper ; 18.6 x 27.7 cm., on sheet 28 x 38.2 cm.
| publisher=
| url=
| id=nla.obj-145854384
| access-date=9 January 2025
| via=Trove
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