Printed indexes for Australian standards date from 1939 to 2019.

Information about finding and using these indexes can be found in this guide, on the page for  Australian standards


A printed, hardcopy index provides a list of standards that were current in a given year.

Search by:  

  • keyword/subject in the alphabetical index
  • standard number in the numerical list

The index entry for a particular standard may also include: 

  • a synopsis or summary
  • references to amendments or revisions.  

Older Indexes may be cumulative and include listings for previously published standards.


Indexes often contain extra information about amendments and superseded standards.

The Library's Catalogue contains many records for American, British and New Zealand indexes. Each time these publications change their respective title, a new catalogue record will be created.

Listed below are some Catalogue records for standard indexes. These should help you find standard numbers for specific date ranges.


Australian Standard - Main Catalogue record for requesting a standard in print format.

List of publications - Index: 1939-1953

List of publications and subject index - Index: 1954-1983       

Catalogue of publications and subject index - Index: 1984-1988

Catalogue and subject index - Index: 1989-1991

Catalogue of Australian standards - Index: 1992-2019


American national standards - Main Catalogue record for requesting a standard in print format.

Catalog of American national standards - Index: 1970-1991

American national standards ... catalog - Index: 1992-1995

Catalog of American national standards - Index: 1996 only


British standards - Main Catalogue record for requesting a standard in print format.

Yearbook of British Standards Institution - Index: 1944/45

British Standards Institution yearbook - Index: 1946-58

British standards yearbook - Index: 1960-1982

British standards yearbook and catalogue of publications - Index: 1983

BSI catalogue - Index: 1984-86

BSI standards catalogue - Index: 1987-1994

BSI catalogue - Index: 1995/6

Standards catalogue - Index: 1996-1998

Products and services catalogue / BSI - Index: 1999

New Zealand

New Zealand standards - Main Catalogue record for requesting a standard in print format.

Index / Standards Association of New Zealand - Index: 1974-1981

New Zealand standards ... catalogue - Index: 1982-1988

New Zealand Standards ... catalogue - Index: 1993-2005


Use the online ISO Catalogue to find the titles and numbers of all published ISO Standards.

Not sure where to start?