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Parliamentary Papers - Australia (Commonwealth)

About Indexes to Commonwealth Parliamentary Papers

Bound sets of volumes of Parliamentary papers each have annual or sessional indexes. Indexes for early years have been cumulated and published separately. Before papers are bound, draft indexes are issued.

The index will indicate the volume, paper and page number where the paper can be found. If no volume or paper number is indicated, it means that the paper has not been published as a Parliamentary paper. If not listed separately in your library's catalogue, copies may be available from the Table Office at Parliament House. In the case of the draft indexes, as they refer to unbound papers, they will quote the paper number only.

About Indexes to Commonwealth Parliamentary Papers is an Index of Parliamentary Papers - Australia (Commonwealth)

Commonwealth parliamentary papers began in 1901. Until 1966 they were published in subject groupings (such as "General" or "Finance") within a series of volumes for each Parliamentary session, titled The records of the proceedings and the printed papers. The House of Representatives Votes and Proceedings and the Senate Journals were published as Volume 1, and the Parliamentary Papers in Volumes 2 onwards, with an index in Volume 1.

From 1967 papers were arranged by Parliamentary Paper number and bound yearly in an independent series.

Sometimes the Senate has published its own papers (identified by the letter 'S'), which are bound with the Journals of the Senate.


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