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Acts/Ordinances/Statutes - Northern Territory

Laws of the Northern Territory of Australia

1941-50, 1961-

This is the cumulated edition of the pamphlet issues of ordinances, acts and regulations of the Northern Territory. It was not published 1951-1960. Until 1950, it also included selected consolidated acts, and until 1978, rules of court, by-laws, and Commonwealth acts specifically relating to the Northern Territory.

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Laws of the Northern Territory of Australia is a Current Series of Acts/Ordinances/Statutes - Northern Territory

From 1863-1911, the Northern Territory was part of South Australia, and a number of laws were passed specifically applying to the Territory; some South Australian laws are still in force. From 1911 until self-government was achieved in 1978, the laws of the Territory were made by Acts of the federal Parliament or by Ordinances made by the Governor-General. The laws of the Northern Territory are now made by the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly, though some powers are still reserved to the Commonwealth Parliament.


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