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Acts/Ordinances/Statutes - Queensland

Queensland Legislation Annotations


This series of volumes, updated every six months, has been published since 1992 by the the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel. It includes alphabetical and chronological indexes of current laws, a table of New South Wales laws in force in Queensland, and a subject index of Queensland laws.

From 1996 a separate volume on Repealed Legislation has been published annually.

The series was preceded by the Statutes of Queensland Annotations (loose leaf, 1986-1991), which in turn had replaced the ”Annotated table of acts“ previously published in the annual volume of the Queensland statutes.

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Queensland Legislation Annotations is an Index of Acts/Ordinances/Statutes - Queensland

The Queensland Parliament has been making laws since 1860, though some New South Wales laws are still in force in Queensland. The latest multi-volume consolidation contains all Queensland laws as in force in 1962. Most acts are available online from 1991 in their original form, and from 1992 in amended versions.


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