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Government Directories - Australia (Commonwealth)

GOLD: Government On-Line Directory

GOLD is the official guide to the organisation and personnel of the Australian Federal Government. It is an up-to-date listing of Federal Government agencies and executive personnel. GOLD is updated daily and contains contact information for agencies, names, phone and fax numbers, x.400 and SMTP e-mail addresses. GOLD is also used as the source information for A Guide to Australian Government.

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GOLD: Government On-Line Directory is a Current Series of Government Directories - Australia (Commonwealth)

This directory, under various titles, has provided a guide to the Office of the Governor-General, the Parliament, the Executive Government, the judiciary, departments and authorities of the Australian Commonwealth government since 1918. It has always included the names of the senior officers, and contact details for them or their agencies.


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Telephone +61 2 6262 1111; Facsimile +61 2 6257 1703;
Telephone Typewriter Number: 1800 026 372