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Parliamentary Papers - Victoria

Parliamentary Committees

The Victorian Parliament website includes links to details and online versions of recent Parliamentary Committee reports.

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Parliamentary Committees is a Further Reading of Parliamentary Papers - Victoria

Victorian Parliamentary Papers began in 1851. They were published from 1851-1998/1999 as Volumes 2 and upwards of the Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, with the title Papers presented to Parliament (1883+). From 1999/2000, the nexus with the Votes and Proceedings was ended, and the Parliamentary Papers begin at Volume 1.

The Legislative Council also published papers presented to it, as part of its Minutes or Votes and Proceedings. The latest such paper was published in 1996.

Until 1985 the Legislative Assembly papers were divided into series as follows:

A Finance (1857-1902 Papers Laid on the Table)
B Messages from His Excellency the Governor
C Returns to Orders of The House
D Reports from Committees

The last series, the largest, was distinguished simply by year and number. Since 1986 there has been one series, numbered by parliamentary session. For all holdings, see Victoria—Votes and Proceedings/Journals.


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