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Acts/Ordinances/Statutes - Australian Capital Territory

ACT Legislation Register


This website contains authorised versions of all new laws and regulations in the Australian Capital Territory from 2001, as well as republications / reprints, repealed laws, and consolidated versions of most laws and regulations made since 1989. The ACT is the first jurisdiction in Australia to have authorised electronic versions of its laws.

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ACT Legislation Register is a Current Series of Acts/Ordinances/Statutes - Australian Capital Territory

From 1911 until self-government in May 1989, the laws of the Australian Capital Territory were made by Acts of the federal Parliament or by Ordinances made by the Governor-General. From 1974-1986 these ordinances were passed after consultation with the House of Assembly and Legislative Assembly. From 1989 they were made by the ACT Legislative Assembly, and pre-1989 ordinances became known as acts. However, a few laws are still administered by the Commonwealth and these are still known as ordinances.


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