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Budget Papers - Queensland
Location: National Library of Australia

Title: Budget papers

Dates at this location:1999/2000-
Call Number: Nq 336.943 QUE
Access Instructions:Prior to 1999/2000, budget papers can be searched on the catalogue under series title "Budget paper Queensland"; subseries are held at various locations. Ministerial portfolio statements are held at various locations.
Amicus Number/s:6623250

Budget papers is a Current Series of Budget Papers - Queensland

Queensland budget papers have been published since 1860. Until about 1989, the budget speech was known as the Financial Statement of the Treasurer; it was originally published in the Hansard, and later as a separate document. The Financial Statement was accompanied by the Estimates of the Probable Ways and Means and Expenditure of the Government of Queensland (1860-1991/92), and Tables relating to the Treasurer's Financial Statement (1874-1984).

From 1985 the budget papers were grouped under the entry "Queensland Budget" in the Parliamentary Papers; they were numbered from 1990. From 1860-1901, the budget papers were published in the Votes and Proceedings, and from 1902-1992 in the Parliamentary Papers.

In recent years the budget papers have comprised 3-6 documents, including the Budget Speech, Budget Statement, Economic and Revenue Outlook, and Budget Highlights. Available online from 1997.


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