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Explanatory Memoranda - New South Wales

Explanatory Notes have been issued for many, if not most, New South Wales bills since about 1964. Before that period, very brief Explanatory Notes were attached to bills such as money bills. One of the earliest occurrences found was for the Statute Law Revision Bill 1937. These Explanatory Notes have varied from a few paragraphs to a page in length, though from the 1980s they have become longer. From 1987, a separate annual volume of Explanatory Notes has been issued; before then, the Explanatory Notes were attached to the front of bills. Available online from 1990.

Current Series of Explanatory Memoranda - New South Wales

Current Series of Explanatory Memoranda - New South Wales:

Explanatory notes for bills passed in ... / New South Wales

Separate volumes of Explanatory Notes have been published since 1987.

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