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Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New South Wales

New South Wales Hansards began in 1879. From 1831 to 1879, however, reports of debates were published in the Sydney Morning Herald. Daily issues and sessional volumes are published.

Current Series of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New South Wales

Previous Series of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New South Wales

Index of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New South Wales

Current Series of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New South Wales:

New South Wales Parliamentary Debates

Consult sessional volumes for index.

Locate a copy of this publication:
Web Publications | ACT | NLA | NSW | NT | QLD | VIC | WA

Previous Series of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New South Wales:

Sydney Morning Herald

The Sydney Morning Herald included newspaper reports of parliamentary debates during this period.

Locate a copy of this publication:
Web Publications | NLA | NSW | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA

Index of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New South Wales:

New South Wales Parliamentary Debates (Sydney Morning Herald): Index in two volumes / Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly

Index to newspaper reports of parliamentary debates, published by the New South Wales Parliament in 1992.

Locate a copy of this publication:
Web Publications | NLA | NSW | QLD | VIC | WA



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