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University of Western Australia

See also this library's entry in the Australian Libraries Gateway.

University of Western Australia Library - Document Delivery

NUC symbol/s: WU

University of Western Australia | University of Western Australia Library | Document Delivery

Main address:
Document Delivery | Collection & Access Services | M209 University Library
The University of Western Australia , 35 Stirling Hwy
PERTH   WA   6009

Postal address:
Same as Main address

Billing address:
Same as Postal address

ILL email: doc-del-lib@uwa.edu.au
ILL phone: 08 6488 2982
NB* International callers, add the +61 prefix for Australia and drop the 0 from the area code from phone and fax numbers. For example, 01 2345 6789 becomes +61 1 2345 6789.
Ariel: ariel-lib@uwa.edu.au ; No FTP

Locations added to the National Bibliographic Database (NBD) (access via Libraries Australia)
Supply policy: Willing to supply material from collection
Australian Interlibrary Resource Sharing Code (ILRS Code) is supported.
Requests accepted via: LA Doc Del ; Online form
Delivery methods supported: Post ; Airmail ; Express post loans ; Email

Former NUC symbol/s: WIEA ; WMED
International symbol/s: OCLC:UWA
Abbreviations and acronyms: UWA
See also this library's entry in the Australian Libraries Gateway (ALG).
Organisation type: Library
Library type/s: Trove Contributor ; University
Australian Business Number: 37-882-817-280
Hours of service: 9.00-5.00pm, Monday to Friday Memberships: WAGUL ; CAUL

Types of material held -
For loan: Audiovisual ; Films and videos ; Microforms ; Monographs ; Music
Not for loan: Electronic resources ; Manuscripts ; Maps ; Multimedia ; Newspapers ; Rare material ; Reference material ; Serials (bound) ; Serials (unbound) ; Sound Recordings ; Theses ; We are unable to loan items from our Offsite Storage locations except in special circumstances. Please contact doc-del-lib@uwa.edu.au for more information on specific Store items..
Standard conditions of supply: We do not offer Rush, Express or Priority service from any collection. We have limited access to Reid Library collection items and may not be able to supply due to renovation work. We are unable to loan items from our Offsite Storage locations except in special circumstances. Please contact doc-del-lib@uwa.edu.au for more information on specific Store items. Loans are subject to recall after 4 weeks. Loans are for 8 weeks and are renewable. Renewal conditions: 1 renewal; subject to recall after 4 weeks.
For copy: Manuscripts ; Monographs ; Newspapers ; Serials (bound) ; Serials (unbound)
Not for copy: Audiovisual ; Electronic resources ; Films and videos ; Maps ; Microforms ; Multimedia ; Music ; Rare material ; Reference material ; Sound Recordings ; Theses
Will supply under these copyright conditions: Fair dealing

Conditions of supply for specific material types:

  • Monographs: We are unable to loan items from our Offsite Storage locations..
  • Serials (bound): We are unable to loan items from our Offsite Storage locations..
  • Serials (unbound): We are unable to loan items from our Offsite Storage locations..

Will supply to: Libraries only

Charges (including Australian GST where applicable):

To Libraries:

Base interlending charge $33.60 per item.
Base copying charge $21.80 per item for up to 25 pages; $5.10 for every additional 25 page/s.

Overseas supply:
(additional charges may apply)

For all overseas requests received via our webform: Copies (email or post): A$20.00 or 1.5 IFLA vouchers. Loans: A$50.00 or 4 IFLA vouchers (includes airmail postage). No Priority or Rush service available.

Replacement of lost or damaged items: Contact UWA Document Delivery for charges doc-del-lib@uwa.edu.au
Billing options: Libraries Australia payments scheme ; Prepayment
Requesters may pay by: Libraries Australia payments scheme ; IFLA ILL Voucher ; Mastercard ; Visa

We do not offer Express or Priority Service.

Information last updated: 06 November 2023, 06:07 PM

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