National Library of Australia

'Find a Library' - Advanced search

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Search for:

in for libraries located .

Limit to only library entries with:
a website and
link to online catalogue and
link to online image collection and
contributions on the NBD and
Z39.50 access details

and which provide links to a:
Annual report
Digitisation policy
Digitisation projects
Friends organisation
ILL charges policy
ILL request form
ILL/document supply policy
Online exhibitions
Open URL Resolver Address
Opening hours
Organisation Logo
Preservation policy
Proxy Server Address
Reference enquiry services
Strategic plan
Telnet Catalogue
Web Catalogue

You may also select multiple library types - use the <Ctrl> or <Shift> keys with your mouse to multi-select:

Leaving an option blank, or at the default, will return an alphabetical list of libraries which match the rest of your search criteria at a time.