National Library of Australia

Library details last updated: 28 June 2005

Inner West Council
Ashfield Municipal Library
Haberfield Branch Library
OCLC WorldCat Registry

Other names: Haberfield Library
Library type/s: Public ; Toy

Main library: Ashfield Municipal Library

Library system used: Epixtech Horizon
Classification scheme/s in use: Dewey Decimal Classification
Other access aids: Local online public access catalogue

Library subject collecting levels: Agriculture ; Anthropology ; Art and architecture ; Biological sciences ; Chemistry ; Computer science ; Economics and business ; Education ; Geography and earth sciences ; History and biography ; Language and literature ; Law ; Library science and interdisciplinary works ; Mathematics ; Medicine ; Music ; Performing arts ; Philosophy and religion ; Physical education, recreation and sport ; Physics and astronomy ; Political and military studies ; Psychology ; Sociology ; Technology -> Full summary.

Highlights of the collection: Features an Italian Language Collection and a Toy Library

Details of public access: Open to the public
Conditions of access:
Library opening hours: Mon - 10.00am - 7.00pm, Tues - 10.00am - 6.00pm, Wed - 10.00am - 6.00pm, Thurs - 10.00am - 6.00pm, Fri - 10.00am - 6.00pm, Sat - 10.00am - 1.00pm

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Comments: Member of the Sydney Subject Specialisation Scheme Technology available for puclic use includes: OPACs, CD ROM, Internet, Photocopiers..

Library's street address:
78-80 Dalhousie Street

Library's mailing address:
78-80 Dalhousie Street

Phone: 02 9798 0843
Fax: 02 9716 1833

NB* International callers, add the +61 prefix for Australia and drop the 0 from the area code from phone and fax numbers. For example, 01 2345 6789 becomes +61 1 2345 6789.