National Library of Australia

Library details last updated: 30 June 2023

Logo Libraries ACT OCLC WorldCat Registry See also this library's entry in the Interlibrary Resource Sharing Directory

NUC symbol: APLS
Former name/s: ACT Library and Information Service
Abbreviations and acronyms: ACTLIS; APLS; ACTLS
Other names: ACT Public Library Service
Short name: Libraries ACT
Library type/s: Public ; State/Territory ; Trove Contributor

Branch/related libraries: ACT Heritage Library ; Belconnen Library ; Civic Library ; Dickson Library ; Erindale Library ; Gungahlin Library ; Kingston Library ; Kippax Library ; National edeposit (ACT) ; Tuggeranong Library ; Woden Library

URL of Library:

URL of Web catalogue:

Library system used: Symphony (SirsiDynix)

Details of public access: Open to the public
Conditions of access:
Library opening hours:

This library also has entries in:

Library's street address:
Please consult one of our branch entries
Canberra ACT 2600

Library's mailing address:
PO Box 158
Canberra City ACT 2601

Phone: 02 62059000

NB* International callers, add the +61 prefix for Australia and drop the 0 from the area code from phone and fax numbers. For example, 01 2345 6789 becomes +61 1 2345 6789.