National Library of Australia

Library details last updated: 30 October 2024

Logo National Library of Australia OCLC WorldCat Registry See also this library's entry in the Interlibrary Resource Sharing Directory

NUC symbol: ANL
Abbreviations and acronyms: ANL; NLA
Short name: National Library
Library type/s: Cultural organisation ; Government ; National ; Trove Contributor

Branch/related libraries: Australian Journal of Adoption ; Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature ; National Library: Prepublication Data Service ; National edeposit (NLA)
Memberships: ARLIS/ANZ ; AGLIN ; IAML (AUS) ; VALA ; PANDORA ; ALIA ; NSLA Consortium

URL of Library:
Friends organisation:

URL of Web catalogue:
Online image collection:

Library system used: FOLIO
Classification scheme/s in use: Dewey Decimal Classification and local schemes

Library subject collecting levels: Agriculture ; Anthropology ; Art and architecture ; Biological sciences ; Chemistry ; Computer science ; Economics and business ; Education ; Geography and earth sciences ; History and biography ; Language and literature ; Law ; Library science and interdisciplinary works ; Mathematics ; Medicine ; Music ; Performing arts ; Philosophy and religion ; Physical education, recreation and sport ; Physics and astronomy ; Political and military studies ; Psychology ; Sociology ; Technology -> Full summary.

Highlights of the collection: The National Library of Australia holds a comprehensive collection of material relating to Australia and the Australian people. The Library's collections of Australiana have developed into the nation's single most important resource of materials recording Australian cultural heritage. The Library collects Australian materials of all kinds - not just works in print form - books, serials, maps, music and ephemera - but also online publications and unpublished material such as manuscripts, pictures and oral histories. The Library also has considerable collections of general overseas and rare book materials, as well as world-class Asian and Pacific collections which augment the Australiana collections.

Details of public access: Open to the public
Conditions of access:
Library opening hours:   See

Policy documents:

Other online services:

This library also has entries in:

Comments: Depository library for World Bank, World Meteorological Organisation, World Trade Organisation, FAO and UN publications. Member library for the Commonwealth Library Deposit Scheme. <a href="">Employment opportunities</a> advertised on the website.

Library's street address: (see also location map)
Parkes Place

Library's mailing address:
National Library of Australia

Phone: 02 6262 1111 ; TTY: 008 026 372
Fax: 02 6257 1703
Australian Business Number: 28346858075
Further contact details:

NB* International callers, add the +61 prefix for Australia and drop the 0 from the area code from phone and fax numbers. For example, 01 2345 6789 becomes +61 1 2345 6789.