​​New National Library of Australia Bold Types podcast​ | National Library of Australia (NLA)

​​New National Library of Australia Bold Types podcast​

Published on 19 Apr 2024

The voices of Australia's gutsy women journalists are being brought to life in a new season of the National Library of Australia's podcast, Bookmark This.

Inspired by the NLA Publishing book, Bold Types, the book by Dr Patricia Clarke that told the stories of women journalists working in Australia between 1860 to the end of World War II. Bold Types the podcast is hosted by Amy Remeikis who is joined by Dr Clarke and a stellar line-up of contemporary female journalists reflecting both their experiences and those of their forebears.

Old newspapers form the background, with bright red letters reading 'Bold Types' on top.

The Bold Types Podcast.

The Bold Types Podcast.

Each episode in the six-part season will feature discussion between Remeikis and Clarke, readings of the work and words of selected historical women journalists, and interviews with female journalists of today.

Podcast release schedule

T19 April 2023Introducing Bold TypesHost Amy Remeikis chats with historian and Bold Types author Dr Patricia Clarke for a preview of what to expect across the season's six episodes.
13 May 2023Wild New Frontiers

Trailblazer: Edith Dickenson

Guest: Patricia Karvelas

210 May 2023Fashion, Frills & Frivolities

Trailblazers: Stella Allan, Jennie Scott Griffiths

Guest: Mia Freedman

317 May 2023Rewriting the Rules

Trailblazers: Frances Taylor, Jessie (Tasma) Couvreur

Guests: Zara Seidler and Suzanne Dredge

424 May 2023Eyewitnesses to History

Trailblazers: Anna Blackwell, Janet Mitchell

Guests: Avani Dias and Sophie McNeill

531 May 2023To Put Up or Shut Up

Trailblazers: Jennie Scott Griffiths, Flora Shaw, Alice Henry

Guests: Zoe Daniel and Nas Campanella

67 June 2023It's A Man's Man's World

Trailblazers: Flora Shaw, Jessie (Tasma) Couvreur

Guest: Ita Buttrose

The trailer of Bold Types – the second season of the National Library's podcast, Bookmark This – will drop on Wednesday 19 April. Available on the National Library's channel, Apple Podcasts and Spotify apps, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Additional information

Interviews with host Amy Remeikis, political reporter at Guardian Australia, are available on request.

Images for media use are available for download via Dropbox.

Extracts from the book are available on request.

About Bold Types the book

Find Bold Types in Trove


Cathie Oats, Media Liaison, National Library of Australia

M: 0401 226 697

E: media@nla.gov.au

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