Papers of Paul McGuire 1878-1987 bulk 1932-1978 [manuscript]
- Bib ID:
- 131322
- Format:
- Manuscript
- Author:
- McGuire, Paul, 1903-1978
- Related Online Resources:
- Finding aid at National Library of Australia
- Access Conditions:
- Available for reference. Not for loan.
- Description:
- 1878-1987
- 10.92 m. (78 boxes) + 1 folio box
- Summary:
The papers include manuscripts, lectures, essays, official papers, literary correspondence, speeches, diaries, notebooks, subject files, photographs, newspaper cuttings, publications and other papers relating to McGuire's literary career, his official position as Minister and Ambassador to Italy and his interest in Catholic issues. The literary papers include typescripts, research material, correspondence, reviews and other material relating to McGuire's books Australian journey, Westward the course, The Australian theatre, Experiment in world order, There's freedom for the brave, and Inns of Australia. There is also correspondence with English and American publishers and literary agents, papers relating to McGuire's work as a foreign correspondent, articles, speeches, poetry and lecture notes.
The official and personal papers deal particularly with McGuire's time in Rome, but also includes material relating to his work during World War II for the Far Eastern Liaison Office, and his involvement in Catholic Action, Good Neighbour Council of South Australia, Catholic Guild for Social Studies and other bodies. Among the correspondents are Sir Robert Menzies, Lord Casey, B.A. Santamaria, Hugh McClure-Smith, Sir William McKell, Douglas Stewart, Kevin Kelly, Dame Enid Lyons, Mel Pratt, Lewis Ambrose, Hugh Rain, Joan Counihan, John Grimwade, Sir Paul Hasluck, Sir Wilfrid Kent Hughes, Sir Edward Knox, Allen Mears, Stanis McGuire, Carol Robinson (Jackson), Sir Thomas White, Sir John Bunting, Sir Arthur Tange and Ewen Waterman.
- Biography/History:
Diplomat, novelist, journalist and poet. Australian Minister to Italy (1954-1957) and Australian Ambassador to Italy (1957-1959). McGuire was the author of many works of fiction, verse, literary criticism, history, travel and politics. His publications included Australian journey (1939), Westward the course (1942), Three corners of the world (1948), There's freedom for the brave (1949), and numerous mystery and detective novels.
- Notes:
- Manuscript reference no.: MS 6453
- Related Material:
- Paul McGuire oral history interview held at Oral History Section, National Library of Australia at ORAL DeB 185, 186.
- Papers of Frances Margaret McGuire are held by the Mortlock Library of South Australia, State Library of South Australia. Cuttings and notes relating to Paul and Frances Margaret McGuire are held by the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide, Adelaide Catholic Archives.
- Cited In:
- Guide to collections of manuscripts relating to Australia ; E16
- Index/Finding Aid Note:
- Descriptive list available (22 p.)
- Subject:
- Occupation:
- Copyright:
Copyright Undetermined
If you wish to copy or order copies, contact us. For access conditions return to the record display above.
- Reason for copyright status:
- A Manuscript Collection may have a range of formats and dates.
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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