Papers of Marion Halligan, 1900-2023 (bulk 1980s-2010s)
- Bib ID:
- 1981824
- Format:
- Manuscript
- Author:
- Halligan, Marion, 1940-2024
- Related Online Resources:
- Finding aid at National Library of Australia
- Access Conditions:
- Part available for research; part permission required for research; part not available for research until 2054. Not for loan.
- Description:
- [between 1900-2023]
- 16.13 metres (84 boxes) + 2 cartons + 4 small cartons + 1 folio-box + 1 large folio-box + 1 map-folio + 2 binders + 32 digital carriers + 34 audiovisual carriers
- Summary:
The MS 8460 collection comprises papers relating to Marion Halligan's prolific career as an author. There are drafts of her books, short stories and reviews and papers relating to her participation in numerous literary events. There is a large series of correspondence, the bulk of which is business related. Included is correspondence with literary agents Curtis Brown, numerous publishers regarding publication of Halligan's books, editors of journals and newspapers regarding publication of her short stories, reviews, essays and articles and with organisations regarding personal appearances. There is also correspondence with other authors, many of whom have become personal friends. Correspondents include Carmel Bird, Judith Brett, David Brookes, Manning Clark, Robert Dessaix, Geoffrey Dutton, Roseanne Fitzgibbons, Mem Fox, Susan Hawthorne, A.D. Hope, Nicholas Jose, Stephen Knight, Drusilla Modjeska, Douglas Muecke, Michael Symons, Brenda Niall, Ric Throssell, Nancy Sawer and Barbara Kerr Wilson (33 boxes, 1 fol. box).
The MS Acc04.092 consignment comprises correspondence, drafts, publishing material, printed material and other papers, including material relating to The living hothouse (1988), Eat my words (1990), Cockles of the heart (1996), Those women who go to hotels (1997), The gift of story (1998), Storykeepers (2001), The fog garden (2001), the Newcastle Regional Museum exhibition "How shall we live", 2003, and miscellaneous writings, together with papers relating to the Word Festival (6 boxes, 6 cartons).
The MS Acc24.076 consignment comprises papers relating to Marion Halligan's personal life and career as an author. Material relates to various works by Halligan including drafts, correspondence and ephemera. Also included are reviews of Halligan's works, reviews written by Halligan, essays, short stories, notebooks, correspondence, material relating to appearances, publicity, awards and events, photographs and interviews. The correspondence primarily relates to Halligan's career, including between agents, publishers and other Australian authors, but also includes some personal correspondence with family and friends (45 boxes, 1 fol. box, 1 map fol., 2 binders, 32 digital carriers, 34 audiovisual carriers).
- Cultural sensitivity advisory notice:
- Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other First Nations people are advised that this collection may contain names, and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the author's attitude, or that of the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive.
- ICIP notice:
- This material may contain Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) of Australian First Nations peoples. Restrictions on access and use of this material may apply. Contact the National Library of Australia for further information.
- Biography/History:
Marion Mildred Halligan was a novelist, short story writer, reviewer and essayist. She published books, novels and collections of her short stories. She also had a number of her short stories and essays published in journals, periodicals and anthologies. She was a prolific reviewer of books, with her reviews appearing in major Australian newspapers and journals. During the course of her career, Halligan was a participant in numerous literary events both in Australia and overseas. In addition to this, she was a committee member and Chair of the Australian National Word Festival and Chair of the Literature Board of the Australia Council in 1992-1995. Halligan won numerous awards for her writing and received a number of fellowships from the Literature Board of the Australia Council. In 2006, Halligan was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to literature as an author.
- Notes:
- Manuscript reference number: MS 8460, MS Acc04.092, MS Acc24.076.
- Reading Room Access Note: For preservation reasons, we are unable to deliver digital and audiovisual carriers to the Special Collections Reading Room. Please contact Ask a Librarian to enquire about access.
- Associated materials: Records of the Seven Writers group. Held in the Manuscripts Collection of the National Library of Australia at MS Acc13.115.
- Related Material:
- Marion Halligan interviewed by Heather Rusden; Located at; National Library of Australia in the Oral History collection ORAL TRC 3193.
- Marion Halligan interviewed by Kathryn Favelle; Located at; National Library of Australia in the Oral History collection ORAL TRC 7498.
- Source of Acquisition:
- Donated through the Australian Government's Taxation Incentive for the Arts Scheme by Marion Halligan (MS 8460).
- Index/Finding Aid Note:
- Finding aid available online.
- Subject:
- Halligan, Marion, 1940-2024 -- Archives
- Halligan, Marion, 1940-2024 -- Correspondence
- Australian National Word Festival
- Novelists, Australian -- 20th century -- Archives
- Women novelists, Australian -- 20th century -- Archives
- Critics -- Australia -- Archives
- Women critics -- Australia -- Archives
- Essayists -- Australia -- Archives
- Australian literature -- 20th century -- Women authors
- Australian literature -- History and criticism -- Congresses
- Time Coverage:
- 1900-2023
- Occupation:
- Terms of Use:
- Copying of Marion Halligan's copyright material for research purposes: part permitted to be copied; part permission required to be copied (Box 8 Files 50, 51a, 51b, 52, 53; Box 9 Files 54, 55); part not permitted to be copied until 2054 (Box 16 File 99, Box 26 File 149, and parts of Box 2 File 10, Box 5 File 26, Box 20 File 117, Box 21 File 120, Box 24 File 137, Box 31 File 186).
- Copyright:
Copyright Undetermined
If you wish to copy or order copies, contact us. For access conditions return to the record display above.
- Reason for copyright status:
- A Manuscript Collection may have a range of formats and dates.
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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