Magnalia Dei Anglicana. Or, Englands Parliamentary chronicle. [microform] Containing a full and exact narration of all the most memorable Parliamentary mercies, and mighty (if not miraculous) deliverances, great and glorious victories, and admirable successes, ... from the yeer, 1640. to this present year, 1646. Compiled in four parts; the two first, intituled, God in the mount. The third, Gods ark overtopping the worlds waves; the fourth, The burning-bush not consumed: this last part, comming up to these present times, and to our most renowned generall, Sir Thomas Fairfaxes late famous actions, in the west, and the happy (because unbloody) rendition of Oxford, in this present yeer, 1646. Collected cheifly for the high honour of our wonder working God; and for the unexpressible comfort of all cordiall English Parliamentarians. By the most unworthy admirer of them, John Vicars

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