No. 1. Australian celebrities, or, Personal portraits of 100 theatrical stars of various magnitudes
- Bib ID:
- 2936299
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Pindar, Peter, Aust. versifier
- Online Version:
- National Library of Australia digitised item. PETHpam 1046 copy
- Description:
- Melbourne : H. T. Dwight, 1865
- [23] leaves ; 13 cm.
- Summary:
An extensive series of appreciations of Australian theatrical figures of the early 1860s in doggerel verse. Text is entirely hand lettered and reproduced by lithography, printed on one side of the sheet and folded concertina fashion in the Japanese manner.
- Notes:
- Subjects are identifiable as: O'Neil, Lyster; Wharton; Squires; Stewart; Stark; Leopold; contralto prima donna, Georgina Hodson (Mrs John Sharp, then Mrs John Robertson, and finally Mrs William Lyster); American-born prima donna, Madamoiselle Rosalie Durand (1833-1866 - Mrs Frederick Lyster); Miss Liddle; Miss George; Amery; Williams; Rosa Dunn (Mrs Rosa Lewis); Daniels; Holloway; actress Miss Jennie Gourlay; Emma Stanly; Mrs Andrews; Harriet Gordon; Melville; Rose Edouin (1844-1925); Sullivan; Brooke; Dillon; Jefferson; Drew; Miss Heir; Lambert; Ireland; Miss Mortimer; S.O. Briant; Madame Bianca; Fanny Young; Creswick; Lawrence; Vincent; Tom Fawcett; Farquharson; Bianca; Mrs Hean; Madame Escott; Warner; Julia Edouin (1849-1891); E. Palmerston; F. Howson; Barry; Mary Provost; Marian Dunn; J. Milne; Signor Castelli; Coppin; Julia Mathews; Avania Jones; Edwards; C. Young; Clelia Howson; Andrew; Heir; borther actors Richard Younge and Frederick Younge; Simmonds; Mrs C. Jones; Case; American actress Edith Mitchell; British actor Sir William Don (1825-1862); Hoskins; Laura Heene; Rogers; singing actress Fanny Morgan (Mrs Fanny Morgan Phelps); Rainer; Ward; contralto Madame Curandini; Frauline Fannie; J. Howson; Fitzgerald; Kean; Mrs Stark; Howard; Bootle; Mrs Holloway; Bellaire; singer Madame Stuttaford; Sherwin; Harwood; Kitts; Gladstone; Miss Cleveland; Grace Egerton; Hill; Hydes; Tilly Earle; Mrs Stoneham; H. Jackson; Fawcett; Mrs Poole; Miss Martlay; English actress, Lady Don (1832-1875 - Miss Emily Eliza Saunders); Mrs Holt; Holt; Mrs Phillips; and Mrs Waller.
- Library's PETHpam 1046 copy lacks front cover.
- Also available online
- Subject:
- Also Titled:
- Personal portraits of 100 theatrical stars of various magnitudes
- Peter Pindar's Australian celebrities
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
You may copy or order a copy through Copies Direct or use the online copy for research or study; for other uses Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Created/Published Date is Before 1955
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1865
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1865
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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