Kaart van het Eiland Bali, 1856 [cartographic material] / tezamengesteld door P. Baron Melvill van Carnbée ; geteek door Cronenberg & Wolff
- Bib ID:
- 3624348
- Format:
- Map
- Author:
- Melvill van Carnbée, P. (Pieter), Baron, 1815-1856
- Online Version:
- National Library of Australia digitised item. MAP Ra 310 Pt. II, Plate 31
- Scale:
- Scale indeterminable.
- Description:
- Batavia : Uitgegeven bij van Haren Noman & Kolff, [1856]
- 1 map ; 30.8 x 36.9 cm., sheet 38.3 x 50 cm.
- Full contents:
- Cross-sectional profile: Bali
- Blambangan
- Noessa Pandita.
- Notes:
- Map of the island of Bali situated in Indonesia. The map includes administrative divisions, towns, and transportation links. Also included is a cross-sectional profile showing height above sealevel of land features of Bali and two neighboring bodies. Relief is shown by hachures, shading and spot heights.
- At top right of map: Atlas van Nederlandsch Indié ; no.
- Plate 31 in pt. II of: Algemeene atlas van Nederlandsch Indié / door P. Baron Melvill van Carnbée en W.F. Versteeg. Batavia : Haren Noman and Kolff, 1853-62.
- Also available online http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-230939074
- Text in Dutch.
- Subject:
- Time Coverage:
- 1856
- Other authors/contributors:
- Related Records:
This belongs to the Melvill van Carnbee, P. (Pieter), Baron, 1815-1856. Algemeene atlas van Nederlandsch Indie.
This collection contains 51 records. - Copyright:
Out of Copyright
You may copy or order a copy through Copies Direct or use the online copy for research or study; for other uses Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Creator Date of Death is Before 1955
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Artistic
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1856
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1856
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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