Nichigo press : National edition
- Bib ID:
- 79075
- Format:
- Newspaper
- Uniform Title:
- Nichigo press
- Description:
- Kings Cross, N.S.W. : Nichigō Press, [1977]-
- v. : ill. ; 43 cm.
- Numbering Note:
- No. 479, 480 were skipped by the publisher intentionally. The publication has no gaps and being published monthly without fail for the period.
- Notes:
- Description based on: v. 4, no. 42 (20th Oct. 1993)-
- Article title: 犯罪の民族的背景を語るのは「差別?「事実?(Hanzai no minzokuteki haikei o kataruno wa 'Sabetsu'? 'Jijitsu'? ). Title translated into English: Does providing the ethnic background to a crime constitute discrimination? Or fact? Publication date/page number: December 1998: 28. Synopsis of content: Response to random shooting of Lakemba (South West Sydney) police chief included mention of Lebanese gang members. There is a high percentage of Lebanese in population, high crime rate, and high unemployment rate. Lebanese community closed ranks, and criticized lack of proof. Writer emphasizes the difficulties of understanding nature of crime in a multicultural society without understanding the full background and the nature of the cultures involved. This appears to be an objective analysis of the problems in the often praised multi-cultural Australian environment.
- Article title: ケアンズで日本人女性が行方不明 (Keanzu de Nihonjin josei ga yukue fumei). Title translated into English: Japanese girl disappears in Cairns. Publication date/page number: October 1997: 10. Synopsis of content: This article gives a personal description of, and background to the disappearance of, Okuyama Michiko, a young Japanese female working holiday maker who went to Cairns to take out a scuba diving licence. It indicates that police are undertaking a search and provides police contact numbers.
- Article title: 17歳少年に有罪の評決 (Jūnanasai shōnen ni yūzai no hyōketsu). Title translated into English: 'Guilty' sentence handed down on 17 year old youth. Publication date/page number: October 1998: 5. Synopsis of content: Okuyama Michiko, aged 22, who was in Cairns on a Working Holiday disappeared, and her corpse was found two weeks later in scrub near the town. A 17 year old male (16 at time of crime) was found guilty of her murder. A description is give on the legal process: court case, timing, makeup of the jury, process of presenting evidence, protection of identity of the accused, level of reporting (ABC and by the local newspaper)
- Article title: 日本人狙いの強盗犯はこの男 (Nihonjin nerai no gōtōhan wa kono otoko). Title translated into English: Burglar targets Japanese. Publication date/page number: May 1996: 16. Synopsis of content: This article describes the background behind the 'Flyer Advertising Burglary Incidents' and provides a police montage photo of the suspect. A man responding to advertisements by Japanese females for flatmates, or for garage sales before returning to Japan, enters people's homes, brandishes a gun, and makes off with valuables. It indicates the assumptions of Japanese people about public safety levels and need for more care. New South Wales police allocate resources for the campaign. The Japanese Consulate cooperates.
- Article title:ロックの永ちゃん19億円失う(Rokku no Ei-chan jūkyūokuen ushinau) Title translated into English: Rock singer 'Ei-chan' loses 1.9 billion yen. Publication date/page number: December 1999:9. Synopsis of content: Popular rock singer YAZAWA Eikichi took legal action against a number of Japanese businessmen involved in a real estate and construction scam on the Gold Coast (between 1985 and 1999). A number of companies were established in accordance with Australian law in order to complete the project. Failure to fulfil the requirements of the Australian Security Investment Commission and embezzlement of funds has led to the arrest of the companies' two Japanese executives who are being tried in accordance with Australian law. While it was a scam between Japanese, they did not seem to take Australian law particularly seriously. Timelines show the development of the business relationship and the Australian legal process.
- Article title: GC夫殺人事件の本裁判が来年2月に決定 (GC otto satsujin jiken no honsaiban ga rainen nigatsu ni kettei) Title translated into English: Trial for murder of Gold Coast husband set for February next year. Publication date/page number: December 1999:8. Synopsis of content: A Gold Coast Japanese woman is arrested on suspicion of murdering her husband and dissecting the body. There is no proof of the murder, no body, and the wife claims she is innocent. There is a great deal of distrust in both the friendhsip and family network. A friend reported the husband missing approximately a month after his disappearance. Testimonies were received from a large number of people within the Japanese community and his family in Japan. These Japanese seem to be living on the Gold Coast, completely indifferent to the Australian community that surrounds them. The wife is being tried in accordance with Australian law.
- Article title: 7年間刑務所に収容されてオーストラリアで有罪判決を受けた日本人 (Nananenkan keimusho ni shuyō sarete Ōsutoraria de yūzai hanketsu o uketa Nihonjin) by Kondo Atsushi. Title translated into English: Gaoled for 7 years, Japanese who received guilty sentences n Australia. Publication date/page number: October 1999: 22-23. Synopsis of content: This article describes the failures of the Australian legal system to deal with non-English speakers in a legal setting. It is a bid for better treatment for the individuals and their early release from prison. After a flight via Kuala Lumpur (where bags were stolen and refound) five of the party were found to be carrying significant amounts of heroin, and arrested. Criticism of Australian handling of the matter include the failure of adequate adherence to legal processes by police, the failure to provide adequate legal interpreting, and a manipulation of evidence at trial. Four of the five appealed the 1994 Victorian State Court decision at the Supreme Court in 1997 but received heavy sentences. Support for the five is provided by a Japanese legal representative in Melbourne, a Christian organization, and a Japanese domestic support group. The Nichigo Press states the article does not reflect its view.
- Article title: 解放された若い日本人女性のセックス& ドラッグ (Kaihō sareta wakai Nihonjin josei no sekkusu & doraggu) by Takahashi Kumi. Title translated into English: : Sex and drugs - Young Japanese women set free. Publicationn date/page number: February 2001: 38-39. Synopsis of content: This is an interview-based article with a number of young Japanese women who have come to Sydney on the Working Holiday Program. They express liberated views about their sex life and use of drugs, and are changed by their experience of being in Australia. Their experiences reflect both their expectations and the sort of Australian men they have met. Comments about Australia include: - 'There is a completely different perception about sex. In Japan you get the feeling that sex is a bad thing ... here it is much more open.' - 'I think it's best to be in a relationship of mutual respect and one you can believe in. I can't have that with a Japanese so, to start with, I'll try with an Australian.' - 'I think that in Sydney there are lots of people enjoying open sex.' - 'Sex is sport. It's light and it's fun. You can't get tragic about it.' However, other stories recall cases of obsessive relationships, domestic violence and stalking.
- Article title: 特集4ページリポート 私たちはイエローキャブじゃない!! (Tokyshū yonpēji ripōto. Watashitachi wa ierōkyabu janai!!) by Hasuo Kengo, Okamoto Mayuko. Title translated into English: We are not Yellow Cabs!! 4-page Special Feature. Publication date/page number: November 1998: 18-21. Synopsis of content: This article lists a number of incidents in which Japanese women have been deceived in some way or other by Australian men. The number of serious incidents are now in the double figures, with examples ranging from murder to cheating out of property with promises of marriage. Both sides are recognized as being at fault. The five interviews, on which this article is based, looks at five Japanese women with different expectations, and the different types of Australian males they have met, who as a rule have preconceptions about Asian women.
- Article title: 邦人女性の金銭トラブル体験手記 他人こことではない、次はあなたかも... (Hōjinjosei no kinsen toraburu taikenshuki. Taningoto dewanai, tsugi wa anata kamo...) by Kimura Jun. Title translated into English: Financial troubles amongst your fellow Japanese females: A memo, It could be you next. Publication date/page: September 2000: 63. Synopsis of content: This is a story of a Japanese woman visiting Australia in 1990 who was cheated of $3,000 by a Singaporean man. The man had in fact cheated many Japanese women using the same charm and physical appeal, collecting about $16,000 in total. Language difficulties and the expectations of the women as foreigners in Australia contributed to the development of the problem.
- Article title: 「産まない選択」-妊娠中絶 あなたが、あなたのパートナーが堕胎する時 ('Umanai sentaku' - Ninshinchūzetsu. Anata ga, anata no pātonā ga datai suru toki) by Kimura Jun. Title translated into English: The choice to not give birth - Terminating a pregnancy. When this is what you or your partner chooses, what do you think? Publication date/page number: June 1998: 22-23. Synopsis of content: This article describes attitudes towards and practice of abortion in Australia, and laments the lack of openness. It provides statistics showing an upward trend in the number of abortions, and attributes this to an increase in the number of Australian women opting for later marriage and later birth. This article provides guidelines for Japanese women who find themselves in the position of an unwanted pregnancy while in Australia. It lists the services offered in different states, with a step by-step 'how to' approach. The open approach to presenting the broad range of information covered in the article gives the impression that abortion is an acceptable social choice. It also gives an account of a Japanese teenager accompanied by a friend visiting a clinic.
- Article title: ICHIROの墓があった - カウラ墓参で (Ichirō no haka ga atta - Kaura bosan de) by Aoki Hiroshi. Title translated into English: Visit to the Cowra cemetery - Finding Ichiro's grave. Publication date/page numbers: October 1997: 18. Synopsis of content: This is a story about one of the winners of the Japan Foundation's junior high school essay competition, who wrote about the relationship between MACHII Kiyoko and her older brother Ichiro. Ichiro died while escaping from the Prisoner Of War camp in Cowra. Kiyoko consequently held bitter feelings towards Australia, which changed when a grave was established for Ichiro with the construction of the Cowra War Cemetery. Implicitly shows the importance of the existence and tending of the grave to Japanese people.
- Article title: 色彩豊かな日豪共同制作アート (Shikisai yutaka na Nichigō kyōdō seisaku āto) by Aoiki Hiroshi. Title translated into English: Colourful Australia-Japan joint artistic works. Publication date/page number: October 1997: 18. Synopsis of content: This article reports on a joint Australia-Japan quilt exhibition. It explains that while there is a long tradition of quilting in the U.K. and on the East coast of the U.S., Australian quilting is not limited by older rules. Rather, it considers that Australia is a new culture, and as such has given rise to a free-form, multi-colored type of quilting.
- Article title: 心の傷は55年経って癒えたか (Kokoro no kizu wa gojūgonen tatte ieta ka) by Aoiki Hiroshi. Title translated into English: Has the injured spirit mended after 55 years? Publication date/page number: June 2000: 20. Synopsis of content: At the end of April 2000, five former Australian internees revisit the site of the Naoetsu internment camp in Niigata, where they were held during the war. In spite of the 55 years that has lapsed, and the number of visits by former internees, the utter brutality of the Japanese military at the camps still leaves them scarred from the experience and unable to forgive.
- Article title: ひっそ、り平和的に来日 (Hissori, heiwateki ni rainichi) by Aoki Hiroshi. Title translated into English: A quiet, peaceful visit to Japan. Publication date/page number: January 2001: 36. Synopsis of content: Peter Phillips, President of the Returned Services League (RSL) of Australia visited Japan from November to December 2000. This marked the first official invitation to Japan of the RSL, which has long been considered an anti- Japanese organization. Phillips pointed out that while people did not forget the past, the anti-Japanese view was that of a minority of members. There was also no reaction against the visit from within the RSL. The article also describes his experiences in Japan, the smoothness of the visit, and Japanese government plans to invite similar organizations from other countries.
- Article title: オーストラリアから元捕虜がやって来た (Ōsutoraria kara motohoryo ga yattekita) by Aoiki Hiroshi. Title translated into English: Former POW visits from Australia. Publication date/page number: May 2000: 32. Synopsis of content: The former site of the Naoetsu internment camp in Niigata has been turned into a peace park. The article describes the visit of former wartime prisoners and their families to the site, and the efforts to encourage peace and exchange with Australia by the people and organizations in the city of Jōetsu, Niigata. The Australia Japan Association (Nichigo Kyōkai) was established in response to many exchange visits.
- Article title: オーストラリア人のユーモア-エバンズさんの場合 (Ōsutorariajin no yūmoa - Ebanzu-san no bāi) by Muramatsu Masumi. Title translated into English: Australian humor-Mr.Evans being an example. Publication date/page numbers: January 1997: 18. Synopsis of content: The author has a long involvement in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting for Ministers and officials. He raises the difficulties of conveying humor and nuances in this context. He uses examples from Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, praising his subtle and direct humor and lamenting the sanitization of the language when interpreted into Japanese. The article also considers language as a reflection of national character.
- Article title: 州首相を辞めたら-コートさんのユーモア (Shūshushō o yametara - Kōto san no yūmoa) by Muramatsu Masumi. Title translated into English: If we got rid of State Premiers-The humour of Premier Court. Publication date/page numbers: February 1997: 20. Synopsis of content: The author has a long involvement in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting for government officials. He raises the difficulties of conveying humor and nuances in this context. He illustrates this by using examples from the Western Australian Premier, Sir Charles Court. He describes how Australians are prepared to make themselves the butt of a joke, and the use of self-deprecating humor. He describes jokes between Australia and New Zealand, trans-Tasman bantering, and encourages Japanese to be more aware of humour.
- Article title: 指導者たちのユーモア (Shidōshatachi no yūmoa) by Aoiki Hiroshi. Title translated into English: The Humour of Leaders. Publication date/page number: February 1997: 21. Synopsis of content: Veteran journalist AOKI Hiroshi reviews the Simul Publication of MURAMATSU Matsumi's book 'The Humour of Leaders' praising him as a national living treasure for his skills in cultural understanding. This article also includes hints for interpreters.
- Article title: タスマン海峡越しのバンタリングの応酬 (Tasuman kaikyō goshi no bantaringu no ōshū) by Muramatsu Masumi. Title translated into English: Giving as good as you get in trans-Tasman bantering. Publication date/page number: March 1997: 28. Synopsis of content: MURAMATSU Masami looks at the nature of trans- Tasman bantering providing many examples.
- Article title: 他人も笑い、自分も笑う豪州人のユーモア (Hito mo warai, jibun mo warau gōshūjin no yūmoa) by Muramatsu Masumi. Title translated into English: Australian humour-Others laugh and you laugh with them. Publication date/page number: April 1997: 23. Synopsis of content: In this article MURAMATSU looks at the practice of Australians to 'put things down' and insult, with great wit, understanding and intellectual insight. He covers a broad range of categories of humor.
- Article title: 映画に見る豪州人気質 (Eiga ni miru gōshūjin kishitsu) by Muramatsu Masumi. Title translated into English: Australian character traits as seen in film. Publication date/page number: May 1997: 20. Synopsis of content: In this article, MURAMATSU looks at Australian character as displayed in major Australian films such as Gallipoli and Crocodile Dundee, pointing out nuances that would normally be lost to Japanese in translation. MURAMATSU writes with great wit and understanding and intellectual insight.
- Article title: 映画「カリポリ」の戦跡を訪ねるまで (Eiga 'Garipori' no senseki wo tazuneru made) by Muramatsu Masumi. Title translated into English: Revisiting the Gallipoli battlefield. Publication date/page number: June 1997: 21. Synopsis of content: In this article MURAMATSU looks in detail at dialogue from the film Gallipoli, highlighting nuances that would normally be lost to Japanese in translation. MURAMATSU writes with great wit, understanding and intellectual insight.
- Article title: 特別インタヒュー「美味しんほ」原作者 雁屋哲さん 事実を知らせることか物書きとしての責任 (Tokubetsu Intabyū 'Oishinbo' gensakusha Kariya Tetsu-san. Jijitsu wo shiraseru koto ga monokaki to shite no sekinin). Title translated into English: Special interview with KARIYA Tetsu, author of 'Bimi-Shinpo': Informing people about the facts is a writer's responsibility. Publication date/page number: September 1997: 15. Synopsis of content: In this article, KARIYA Tetsu states his intellectual position on writing: 'I always base my writing on fact, and don't 'arrange,' nor do I criticize unthinkingly. That which is not based in fact is meaningless.'.
- Article title: 日豪フレス20周年記念特集・新聞、通信社歴代特派員リレーエッセー 「ヒリーキャンて極上料理を」 中野不二男 (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū・Shinbun, tsūshinsha rekidai tokuhain rirēessē. 'Biriikyan de gokujō ryōri o' NAKANO Fujio) by Nakono Fujio. Title translated into English: Nichigo Press 20th Anniversary: A Record Relay of Essays from Reporters-The best of food from the billycan Nakano Fujio. Publication date/page number: November 1997: 14. Synopsis of content: This article shows the essential stance of Japanese writers who have shaped the image of Australia over the last 20 years. The work is informed by direct, extended and sympathetic contact with Australians from different spheres of life, in an Australian context. - Supreme delights from the billy can. NAKANO Fumio was a member of a group of representatives from the Aboriginal tent embassy that headed off to the Prime Minister's residence in a 'bomb car' to submit a list of demands to Malcolm Fraser. He recalls in objective detail the process of debate and the character of the central figures in the Aboriginal rights movement who were represented at the embassy. He points out the failure of mainstream Japanese press to genuinely look at Aboriginal issues. (In this sense he is similar to cartoonist KARIYA Tetsu who deals with Pauline Hanson.) Other publications include Aborigine no Kuni (Aborigine's Country), and a book that analyzes the Cowra POW camp breakout.This article covers the motivations behind his choice to shun safer career moves and to become articulate about issues of significance in Australia.
- Article title: 日豪フレス20周年記念特集・新聞、通信社歴代特派員リレーエッセー 「元気印のアシア、オセアニア新聞」青木公 (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū・Shinbun, tsūshinsha rekidai tokuhain rirēessē. 'Genkijirushi no ajia, oceania shinbun' AOKI Hiroshi) by Aoiki Hiroshi. Title translated into English: Nichigo Ppress 20th Anniversary: A Record Relay of Essays from Reporters-'Sign of well-being in an Asian-Oceania Newspaper' Aoki Hiroshi. Publication date/page number: November 1997: 15. Synopsis of content: This article concerns only the history of Nichigo Press.
- Article title: 日豪フレス20周年記念特集・新聞、通信社歴代特派員リレーエッセー 「ナソの大陸に魅せられて」麻生よういちろう (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū・Shinbun, tsūshinsha rekidai tokuhain rirēessē. 'Nazo no tairkiu ni miserarete' ASŌ Yōichirō) byAsō Yoichiro. Title translated into English; Nichigo Press 20th Anniversary: A Relay of Essays from Reporters-'Led by the mysterious continent' Asō Yōichirō. Publication date/page number: November 1997:15.
- Article title: 日豪フレス20周年記念特集・新聞、通信社歴代特派員リレーエッセー「一枚の古いメモ」岡村宏平 (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū・Shinbun, tsūshinsha rekidai tokuhain rirēessē. 'Ichimai no furui memo' OKAMURA Kōhei) by Okamura Kōhei. Title translated into English: Nichigo Press 20th Anniversary: A Relay of Essays from Reporters-'A single old memo sheet' Okamura Kōhei. Publication date/page number: November 1997:16. Synopsis of content: Ths article is by a Sydney-based Nikkei Simbun reporter, well informed about Thursday Island, past and present. The article uses perceptive and observant reportage.
- Article title: 日豪プレス20周年記念特集・新聞、通信社歴代特派員リレーエッセー 「時はハフル真ったた中」白江英司 (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū・Shinbun, tsūshinsha rekidai tokuhain rirēessē. 'Toki wa baburu no mattadanaka' SHIRAE Hideshi). Title translated into English: Nichigo Press 20th Anniversary: A Relay of Essays from Reporters-'The timing was right in the middle of the bubble' Shirae Hideshi. Publication date/page number: November 1997:16. Synopsis of content: This is a comprehensive report on Australia, its self-image, general trends, investment, and commerce.
- Article title: 日豪プレス20周年記念特集・新聞、通信社歴代特派員リレーエッセー 「イーブルスターに乾杯」大津よしひろ (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū・Shinbun, tsūshinsha rekidai tokuhain rirēessē. 'Iiburu sutā ni kannpai' Ōtsu Yoshihiro) Title translated into English: Nichigo Press 20th Anniversary: A Relay of Essays from Reporters-'Drink to the evil star' Ōtsu Yoshiro. Publication date/page number: Novebmer 1997:17. Synopsis of content: This article contains a good coverage of media culture, the drinking conversation of journalists, and the difficulties of non-English speaking reports filing from Australia.
- Article title: 日豪プレス20周年記念特集・新聞、通信社歴代特派員リレーエッセー 「カウラ、POW再考」山本敏明 (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū・Shinbun, tsūshinsha rekidai tokuhain rirēessē. 'Kaura, POW saikō' YAMAMOTO Toshiaki) Title translated into English: Nichigo Press 20th Anniversary: A Relay of Essays from Reporters-'Reconsidering the Cowra POWs' Yamamoto Toshiaki. Publication date/page number: November 1997:17. Synopsis of content: This article covers details of the war and Cowra, and the Japanese Prisoner of War (POW) breakout. It summarizes the general developments in demands for compensation for damages from Australian former POWs and the Hanson phenomenon.
- Article title: 日豪プレス20周年記念特集-日豪小史 (Nichigopuresu nijusshūnen kinen tokushū - Nichigō shōshi) Title translated into English: Nichigo Press 20th Anniversary: Chronology of Nichigo. Publication date/page number: December 1997:14-17. Synopsis of content: This article is a summary of Nichigo Press coverage from 1977 to 1996, listing key historical developments in Japan, Australia, Australia-Japan relations, and Key-words that reflect the trends of the time. (Only the last decade is covered.)
- Article title:ア ボリジニ女性の日本人父親探しの旅 「タティーさん知らなかった」 (Aborijini josei no nihonjin chichioya sagashi no tabi: Dadii-san shiranakatta) Title translated into English: Aboriginal woman's journey in search of her Japanese father: I didn't know Daddy-san. Publication date/page number: January 1997:44-46. Synopsis of content: Against the background of the 'lost generation' children searching for their natural parents, Lucy Dann finds out the true identity of her natural father, former Japanese pearl diver, Dadii-san, with whom her mother had had an extended relationship during the 1950s. Lucy develops a friendship with the photographer KANAMORI Mayu, who devises ways to raise money to get her to Japan. He accompanies Lucy and the writer on this trip to re-unite her with her father. Lucy goes from the bush of Australia to the 'bush' of Japan. After 40 years he acknowledges her as his child, and vows to 'live until he is 100 and go back to Broome.' Lucy's fears of not being accepted in Japan and possibly being discriminated against were completely unfounded, and her half brothers and sisters welcomed her openly. The article also touches upon Lucy's mother's tribal and language background, and the role of the church around Broome. It is a success story of positive attitudes and hope overcoming human failings, across sex, class and race.
- Article title: 奪われたアボリジニの子供たち-被害者の証言を集めた調査レホートよ り (Ubawareta aborijini no kodomotachi, Higaisha no shōgen wo atsumeta chōsa repōto yori). Title translated into English: The stolen Aboriginal children - From a report on the testimonies of the victims. Publication date/page number: January 1997:44-46. Synopsis of content: This analytical article on the Stolen Generation, is based on the 'Report on the testimonies of the victims.' It is critical of the aims of the Australian government, and the cooperation of other authorities, including the church, in implementing the government policy of assimilation. It provides examples from the testimonies, and cites the referendum giving Aboriginal people the vote as a result of grass roots efforts for recognition. It is critical of the Howard government's weakness in regards to Aborigines and other matters. It is a good analysis, but provides no comparison with Japan.
- Article title: 特別インタブュー YOTHU YINDI 音楽てメッセーシを伝えたい (Tokubetsu intabyū. Yosu Indii. Ongaku de messēji wo tsutaetai) (Tokubetsu intabyū. Yosu Indii. Ongaku de messēji wo tsutaetai). Title Translated into English: Special interview: YOTHU YINDI - Giving a message through our music. Publication date/page number: October 1996:51. Synopsis of content: Aboriginal sound is gaining a higher place in the world music scene. This article looks at YOTHU YINDI's social awareness and social activities, including representation at the 1996 Olympics and Para Olympics in the U.S.A. It also recounts the Australian Olympic committee's recommendation of the number 'Freedom' from the World Turning album as the theme song for the Para Olympics. YOTHU YINDI stresses its desire to get a message across through its music. There is a summary of the message of many of the group's numbers. This article is significant because of the positive response to YOTHU YINDI when it was in concert in Japan and good sales of CDs. It shows a positive presentation of Aboriginal music in Japanese music culture.
- Article title: オーストラリア育児と教育あれこれ1自分て考えて決める (Ōsutoraria ikuji to kyōiku arekore (1) Jibun de kangaete kimeru). Title translated into English: Notes on childraising and education in Australia (1): Think and decide for yourself. Publication date/page number: February 2000:73. Synopsis of content: The article describes what the author considers a softer approach to discipline in the Australian home, and a very lively educational process in which individuality is respected. It also highlights the approach of having children make their own decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions. Detailed examples are provided, and contrasts with Japan are highlighted.
- Article title: オーストラリア育児と教育あれこれ(2) 意欲を育てる褒め言葉 (Ōsutoraria ikuji to kyōiku arekore (2) Iyoku wo sodateru homekotoba) Title translated into English: Notes on childraising and education in Australia (2): Praise that cultivates the desire to learn. Publication date/page number: March 2000:73, Synopsis of content: This article describes, using case examples, how children in Australia are praised for what they can do and the positive effect this has on their self-image and ability to perform. The author provides detailed descriptions of the situation in pre-schools, at primary school, and in the music classroom. She points out her own inclination as a Japanese parent to point out errors.
- Article title: オーストラリア育児と教育あれこれ(3) 親子の遊ひ場フレイ・クルーフ (Ōsutoraria ikuji to kyōiku arekore (3) Oyako no asobiba Purei gurūpu) Title translated into English: Notes on childraising and education in Australia (3): A place for parents and children to play together - Playgroup. Publication date/page number: April 2000:82. Synopsis of content: This article describes what is involved in playgroups in Australia, who organizes them. and their approach to play. It notes how children in these playgroups are encouraged to play as children-enthusiastically regardless of how 'dirty' they might get.
- Article title: オーストラリア育児と教育あれこれ(4)ゆとりある小学校教育 (Ōsutoraria ikuji to kyōiku arekore (4) Yutori no aru shōgakkō kyōiku) Title translated into English: Notes on childraising and education in Australia (4): Primary education with deeper scope. Publication date/page number: May 2000:82. Synopsis of content: The article describes the structure of compulsory education in Australia, its philosophy, aims and content, focusing particularly on respect for individuality and the deep scope reflected in a more relaxed approach. Detailed examples are provided, and contrasts with Japan are highlighted.
- Article title: オーストラリア育児と教育あれこれ5 個性・能力に応した教育 (Ōsutoraria ikuji to kyōiku arekore (5) Kosei・nōryoku ni ōjita kyōiku) Title translated into English: Notes on childraising and education in Australia (5): Education in line with individuality and ability. Publication date/page number: June 2000:86. Synopsis of content: This article describes Australian educational philosophy and practice, specifically respect for the individual and educating in line with individual ability and inclination. Detailed descriptions of classroom practice are provided. Comparisons and contrasts are made with Japan. The writer considers the Australian educational environment highly privileged compared with Japan.
- Article title: オーストラリア育児と教育あれこれ 最終回 開かれた学校での生き生き教育 (Ōsutoraria ikuji to kyōiku arekore (6) Hirakareta gakkō deno ikiiki kyōiku) Title translated into English: Notes on childraising and education in Australia (6): Accessible schools and lively educational environment. Publication date/page number: July 2000:86. Synopsis of content: This article considers Australian educational practice to achieve the ideal:- to provide an environment where children can interact naturally with friends and teachers, to gain knowledge, and to learn a humane approach to living. It specifically highlights the advantages of training in self-care ('no hat no play' in the cancer-prone Australian environment), integration of handicapped students into the mainstream, parental and community support, and English-as-a-second-language support for students of non-English speaking backgrounds.
- Article title: 特集 オーストラリアの人種差別論争を考える ハンソン問題と豪州社会 (Tokushū. Ōsutoraria no jinken sabetsu ronsō o kangaeru. Hanson mondai to gōshū shakai) Title translated into English: Considering Australian debate over human rights discrimination. Publication date/page number: December 1996:18. Synopsis of content: The Pauline Hanson phenomenon indicates a swing back to the right in reaction to the excessive emphasis in the Keating era on minorities, Asia, and 'political correctness.' What she is openly expressing, however, is the platform for which earlier conservative parties, and as such are values that have long-existed in Australia. Open expression of them has had destructive impacts domestically and internationally for Australia. Full page article divided into three sections: Repercussions of the Hanson's statement; Australian society as the pendulum swings back; Causes preventing participation (the way in which Australia's white underclass is prevented from participating in mainstream politics and drawn to One Nation).
- Article title: ハンソン議員が新党旗揚げ党名は「ホーリン・ハンソン・ワン・ネーション」 (Hanson-giin ga shintō hataage. Tōmei wa 'Pōrin hanson wan nēshon'). Title translated into English: House of Representative Member Pauline Hanson raises the flag on her new party named the 'Pauline Hanson One Nation Party'. Publication date/page number: April 1997:3. Synopsis of content: Describes the aspiration of independent Queensland member to the House of Representative Pauline Hanson, for her new political party, and her own career. At this point she had not given her career great thought but had clear views about the need to dissolve organizations like the ATSIC and do away with laws like the 'Native Title Act'.
- Article title: 政局展望 Queensland州選挙と「ハンソン現象」 (Seikyoku tenbō. Queensland shūsenkyo to hanson genshō). Title translated into English: Political outlook. The Queensland election and the Hanson phenomenon. Publication date/page number: July 1998:11. Synopsis of content: Enormous gains by One Nation in the Queensland state election are attributed to a change in the Australian conservative class in regional areas that has occurred particularly around the question of land rights, and the failure of mainstream parties to listen to the 'ordinary people'. The article looks at (1) Background to the Hanson phenomenon, claiming that social change and economic downturn in regional areas are responsible for rapid growth in support; (2) the uniqueness situation surrounding the Queensland election, which it sees as reflecting problems in the dollar, and the instability of the local government; and (3) the future of One Nation, namely that it will only be able to survive long-term as a political force if it manages to satisfy the types of demands made on all mature political parties. If it doesn't it will be limited to function as a minority extremist force.
- Also available on microfilm : Gosford Micrographics, Gosford, N.S.W.
- Latest issue consulted: vol. 42, no. 493 (October 2018).
- Life Dates:
- Began in October 1977
- Frequency:
- Monthly
- Subject:
- Also Titled:
- Nitchi-go puress
- Nichigo puresu
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