The vvork and mercy of God conduceth to his praise; or A demonstration of the visitation of Gods love to my soul in the dayes of my youth; [electronic resource] : being a testimony of the light of Christ in the conscience, which discovereth and judgeth Sin; and also (if loved and obeyed) saveth from sin, and redeemeth the soul unto God. With a word to those that are young in years, for them to mind their Creator in the dayes of their youth. A faithful warning to all people that are living in wickedness, .... An invitation of love to those that are seeking the living God in the dead forms. A lamentation over those that are apostatized from the truth. A word to all those who in words profess truth, but ... deny it. A word to those who are convinced of the way of truth ... and continue in known disobedience. A salutation of encouragement to those that are newly .... A word of comfort ... to the true mourner in Sion. A general salutation of love to the children of light. By a friend to all people, and one that desires the good of all Souls, and is a lover of all that loveth truth, and a companion to all that walks therein, and a sufferer for the truth in Edmonds-Bury common goal. William Bennitt

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