Guide to the Papers of Sir Edmund Barton
MS 51
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Online Items
Series 1. Correspondence, 1827-1921
The bulk of the correspondence covers the period 1898-1905 and concerns Barton's leadership of the Federation campaign, the work of the Australian delegates in London and Barton's term of office as Prime Minister. Principal correspondents are Alfred Deakin, Sir John Forrest, Lord Hopetoun, Joseph Chamberlain, Sir Samuel Griffith, Sir William Lyne, Sir Henry Parkes and Lord Tennyson. One notable item, MS 51/1/659-660, is a letter from Joseph Chamberlain to Edmund Barton, dated 6 June 1900, agreeing to the passage of the Constitution of Australia Bill through the House of Commons without further obstacle...
Subseries. Correspondence, 1827
George Gray Barton to William Barton (with envelope) (Item 1-1a)
George Gray Barton to William Barton (Item 2)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1828
Charles Darling to William Barton (Item 3)
Charles Darling to William Barton (Item 4)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1832
M. J. Gibbons to William Barton (Item 9)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1833
First bill of exchange payable ten days after sight for £60 to Captain John Stone, 9 March 1833 (Item 10)
W. H. Burnand to William Barton (Item 11)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1837
Richard Windeyer to William Barton (Item 12)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1838
I. C. Christophersen to William Barton (Item 13)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1839
William Croasdill to William Barton (Item 14)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1840
John Henry Crummer to William Barton (Item 15)
Thomas Kite to William Barton (Item 16)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1854
George Gray Barton to William Barton (Item 17)
George Gray Barton to William Barton (Item 18-18a)
George Gray Barton to William Barton (Item 19)
George Gray Barton to William Barton (Item 20)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1858
Mrs Sarah Bartley to William Barton (Item 22)
Mrs Sarah Bartley to William Barton (Item 23)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1859
George Burnet Barton to William Barton (Item 24-24j)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1860
H. B. Bradley to William Barton (Item 25)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1865-1871
Subseries 36-40. Invoices and promissory notes, 1866
Subseries 41-44. Invoice and promissory notes, 1866-1867
Subseries 48-55. Promissory notes and receipt, 1867-1869
Promissory note for sixty five pounds, four shillings and fivepence sterling, 1 January 1869 (Item 48)
Promissory note for five hundred and forty seven pounds, ten shillings sterling, 21 July 1869 (Item 52)
Subseries 56-63. Promissory notes, 1870
Subseries. Correspondence, 1872
Edmund Barton to E. Horne (Item 67)
From E. Horne (Item 68a-68b)
Mrs Alice E. Hamersley to William Barton (Item 69)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1873
Edmund Barton to Jean M. Barton (Item 70)
Edmund Barton to Jean M. Barton (Item 71-2)
From E. Hungerford (Item 231a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1876
From W. A. Purves (Item 77)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1877
Edmund Barton to Jean M. Barton (Item 78)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1879
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 79)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 80)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 81)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 82)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 84)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 85)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 86)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1880
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 87)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 88)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 89)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 90)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 91)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 92)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1881
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 93)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 94)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 95)
From Lewis P. Bain (Item 96)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 98)
From Lewis P. Bain (Item 99)
From Lewis P. Bain (Item 100)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1885
Frederick A. Stanley to Sir William C. A. Robinson (Item 107-8)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1886
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 105)
From H. B. Bradley (Item 109)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1887
From Edmund W. Wallington (Item 110)
From H. B. Bradley (Item 111)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1888
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 83)
From J. W. Grierson (Item 113)
From V.(?) Bartley (Item 115)
F. O. Bryant to V.(?) Bryant (Item 116)
From V.(?) Bartley (Item 117)
From F. O. Bryant (Item 120)
From F. O. Bryant (Item 121)
From Anna J. Hobbs (Item 122)
From F. O. Bryant (Item 123)
From F. O. Bryant (Item 124)
From Sarah Bartley (Item 125)
From Anna J. Hobbs (Item 126)
From Russell Jones Brothers (Solicitors) (Item 127)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1889
From Russell Jones Brothers (Solicitors) (Item 128)
From Anna J. Hobbs (Item 130)
From Sarah Bartley (Item 131)
From Harriet Robinson (Item 132)
From F. O. Bryant (Item 133)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 134)
From Sir William M. Manning (with envelope) (Item 135-5a)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 136)
From George Burnet Barton (with envelope) (Item 137-7a)
From Harriet Robinson (Item 138)
From Harriet Robinson (Item 139-40)
From Harriet Robinson (Item 141-2)
From A. B. Robinson (Item 143)
From Russell Jones Brothers (Solicitors) (Item 144-4d)
Sir Henry Parkes to Duncan Gillies (Item 145)
From Harriet Robinson (Item 146)
From Andrew Inglis Clark (Item 147-8)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1890
Subseries. Correspondence, 1891
From R. W. Robberds (Item 154)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 155)
From Sir William C. Windeyer (Item 156)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 157)
From John H. Gordon (Item 158)
James Bryce to George Burnet Barton (Item 159)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 160)
From John W. Hackett (Item 161-2)
From Frederick H. Moore (Item 163)
From Rosalind E. Cooke (Item 164)
From Ernest B. Docker (Item 165)
From Henry E. Cohen (Item 166)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1892
From Lord Jersey (Item 106)
From Blake and Riggall (Solicitors) (Item 167)
From Sir William C. Windeyer (Item 168)
Edmund Barton to Blake and Riggall (Solicitors) (Item 169)
From Blake and Riggall (Solicitors) (Item 170)
From Blake and Riggall (Solicitors) (Item 171)
Edmund Barton to Blake and Riggall (Solicitors) (Item 172-3)
From Frederick H. Moore (Item 174)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 175)
From Sir Frederick M. Darley (Item 176-7)
From Sir Frederick M. Darley (Item 178-9)
From Sir Frederick M. Darley (Item 180)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 181-2)
George Burnet Barton to Sir George R. Dibbs (Item 183-9)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1893
From Bernhard R. Wise (Item 190)
Sir Alfred Stephen to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 191)
From Sir Frederick M. Darley (Item 192)
From A. D. Cowan (Item 193-5)
Subseries 196-196e. Five invitation forms (196-196d) and a membership application form (196e) erroneously numbered 51/1/197
Part of Five invitation forms (196-196d) and a membershipapplication form (196e) erroneously numbered 51/1/197
Part of Five invitation forms (196-196d) and a membershipapplication form (196e) erroneously numbered 51/1/197
Part of Five invitation forms (196-196d) and a membershipapplication form (196e) erroneously numbered 51/1/197
Part of Five invitation forms (196-196d) and a membershipapplication form (196e) erroneously numbered 51/1/197
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 197)
From Francis Adams (Item 198)
From E. N. Twopeny (Item 199)
From Bernhard R. Wise (Item 200)
From George H. Reid (Item 201)
From George H. Reid (Item 202)
From Ernest Lapthorne (Item 203)
From E. D. Heather (Item 204)
From E. D. Heather (Item 205)
From James Newton (Item 206-7)
From A. Phillips (Item 208)
Edmund Barton to Bernhard R. Wise (Item 209-12)
From Henry P. Creases (Item 214)
From Margaret Hargrave (Item 215)
From Sir George R. Dibbs (Item 216)
From Alfred G. Gibbes (Item 217)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 218)
From Sir George R. Dibbs (Item 226)
Edmund Barton to Sir George R. Dibbs (Item 226a)
Edmund Barton to Sir Alfred Stephen (Item 227)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1894
From Sir Mackenzie Bowell (Item 228-30)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 231)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 232)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 233)
From Arthur Galton (Item 234)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1895
From Arthur Galton (Item 235)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 236)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1896
From Sir Frederick M. Darley (Item 237)
From Mathew H. Stephen (Judge) (Item 238)
From Mary G. Garvan (Item 240)
From Sir Patrick A. Jennings (Item 241)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1897
From Harry A. Russell (Item 242)
From Sir William C. Windeyer (Item 243)
From George H. Reid (Item 244)
Edmund Barton to George H. Reid (Item 245)
From George H. Reid (Item 246)
Edmund Barton to George H. Reid (Item 247)
From George H. Reid (Item 248)
From Sir Philip O. Fysh (Item 249)
From Joseph H. Carruthers (Item 250-3)
Edmund Barton to Joseph H. Carruthers (Item 254)
From Joseph H. Carruthers (Item 255)
From G. Gathorne-Hardy (Item 256)
From Lord Hampden (Item 257)
Edmund Barton to Lord Hampden (Item 258)
From Josiah H. Symon (Item 259)
From Josiah H. Symon (Item 260)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1898
From Lord Hampden (Item 262)
From Joseph H. Carruthers (Item 263)
Edmund Barton to George H. Reid (Item 264)
Edmund Barton to William Holder (Item 265-6)
From Charles L. Kendall (Item 267-9)
From Sir Thomas F. Buxton (Item 270)
From Sir George Turner (Item 271)
Edmund Barton to Sir George Turner (Item 272-6)
From C. B. Webb (Item 277)
From Sir George Turner (Item 280)
Edmund Barton to Sir Edward N. C. Braddon (Item 281)
From William Allen (Item 282)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 283)
From Sir Edward N. C. Braddon (Item 284)
Edmund Barton to Charles C. Kingston (Item 285)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 286)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 287)
From Sir George Turner (Item 288)
From Sir Edward N. C. Braddon (Item 289)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 290-1)
Edmund Barton to Charles C. Kingston (Item 292)
Edmund Barton to Sir Edward N. C. Braddon (Item 293)
Edmund Barton to Alfred Deakin (Item 294)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 295-7)
Edmund Barton to Charles C. Kingston (Item 298)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 299)
Edmund Barton to Charles C. Kingston (Item 300)
Edmund Barton to Alfred Deakin (Item 301-3)
From William McMillan (Item 304)
From Sir George Turner (Item 305)
From Francis G. Clarke (Item 306-9)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 310)
From Livingston Hopkins (Item 311)
From Francis Suttor (Item 312)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 313-313a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 314)
From Sir Richard C. Baker (Item 315)
From George Leake (Item 316)
From Josiah H. Symon (Item 317)
From Dugald Thomson (Item 318)
From William Allen (Item 319)
From Robert Pyers (Item 320)
From Robert Pyers (Item 321)
From Dugald Thomson (Item 322)
From Henry Copeland (Item 323)
From Arthur Bruce Smith (Item 324-5)
From Arthur Bruce Smith (Item 326)
From George Essex Evans (Item 327)
From Sir Thomas F. Buxton (Item 328)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 329)
From Arthur Bruce Smith (Item 330-1)
From Arthur Bruce Smith (Item 332)
From Dugald Thomson (Item 333-4)
From Edmund W. Wallington (Item 335)
From D. Bain (Item 336)
From William Creswell (Item 337)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 338)
From Sir Philip O. Fysh (Item 339)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1899
From Lord Hampden (Item 340)
From Francis G. Clarke (Item 342-4a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 345)
From Annie Parkes (Item 346)
From George H. Reid (Item 347)
From George H. Reid (Item 348)
From Helen Harris (Item 349-50)
From Sir Richard C. Baker (Item 351)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 352)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 355-6)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 357-60)
From Walter James (Item 361-5)
From Walter James (Item 366-70)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 371)
From D. Kirkwood (Item 372)
From D. Kirkwood (Item 373-5)
Robert R. P. Hickson to D. Kirkwood (Item 376)
From W. J. Orr (Item 378)
From Geoffrey Drage (Item 379)
From Lord Rosebery (Item 380)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1900
From Ada E. Richardson (Item 73)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 381-381a)
From Josiah H. Symon (Item 382)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 383-4)
Edmund Barton to Lord Beauchamp (Item 386)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 387)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 388)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 389)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 390)
Edmund Barton to Lord Tennyson (Item 391)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 392)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 393)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 394)
From John See (Item 395)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 396)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 397)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 398)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 399)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 400)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 401)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 402)
From Josiah H. Symon (Item 403)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 404)
From H. Bertram Cox (Item 405)
From John Anderson (Item 407)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 409)
From H. Bertram Cox (Item 410)
From John Anderson (Item 411)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 412-3)
Charles C. Kingston to Joseph Chamberlain (Item 414)
From John Anderson (Item 415)
From Edmund Barton (Item 416)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 417)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 418)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 419)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 420)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 421)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 422-3)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 424-5)
Lord Tennyson (Item 426-7)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 428)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 429)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 430)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 431)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 433-4)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 435)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 436)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 437)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 438)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 439)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 440)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 441)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 442)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 443)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 444)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 445)
Edmund Barton to Allan McLean (Item 446)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 447)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 448)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 449)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 450)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 451)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 452)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 453)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 454)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 455)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 456)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 457)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 458)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 459)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 460)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 461)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 462)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 463)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 464-5)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 466)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 467)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 468)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 469-70)
Joseph Chamberlain ot Lord Tennyson (Item 471-2)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 473)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 474)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 475)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 476)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 477)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 478)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 479)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 480)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 481)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 482)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 483)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 484)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 485)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 486)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 487)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 488-9)
Frederick W. Holder to Charles C. Kingston (Item 490)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 491)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 492)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 493)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 494)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 495)
Edmund Barton to Allan McLean (Item 496)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 497)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 498)
From Allan McLean (Item 499)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 500)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 501)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 502)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 503-4)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 505)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 506)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 507)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 508)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 509)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 510)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 511)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 512)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 513)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 514)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 515)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 516)
Frederick W. Holder to Sir John A. Cockburn (Item 517)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 518)
Sir John A. Cockburn to Frederick W. Holder (Item 519)
Frederick W. Holder to Sir John A. Cockburn (Item 520)
Sir John A. Cockburn to Frederick W. Holder (Item 521)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 522)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 523)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 524)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 525)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 526)
From A. McGuire (Item 527)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 528)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 529)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 530)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 531)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 532)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 533)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 534)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 535)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 536)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 537)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 538)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 539)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 540)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 541)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 542)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 543)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 544)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 545)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 546)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 547-8)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 549-51)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 552)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 553)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 554)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 555-6)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 557)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 558)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 559)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 560)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 561)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 562)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 563)
Edmund Barton to Lord Tennyson (Item 565-7)
Frederick W. Holder to Sir John A. Cockburn (Item 568)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 569)
From Allan McLean (Item 570)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 571)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 572)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 573)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 574)
Sir William J. Lyne (Item 575)
From John See (Item 576)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 577)
Frederick W. Holder to Sir John A. Cockburn (Item 578)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 579)
Sir John A. Cockburn to Frederick W. Holder (Item 580)
Frederick W. Holder to Sir John A. Cockburn (Item 581)
From Frederick W. Holder (Item 582-3)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 584)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 585)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 585a)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 586)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 587)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 588)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 589)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 590)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 591)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 592)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 593)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 594)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 595)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 596)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 597)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 598)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 599)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 600)
From H. Bertram Cox (Item 601-2)
From Arnold White (Item 604)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 606)
From Arnold White (Item 607)
From Lord Windsor (Item 608)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 609)
From Lady Warwick (Item 611)
Edmund Barton to Jean M. Barton (Item 613)
From W. Chawner (Item 629)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 630)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 631)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 632)
From James Bryce (Item 633)
Edmund Barton to James Bryce (Item 634)
From Lord Rosebery (Item 635)
From Sir Charles W. Dilke (Item 636)
From John E. Sandys (Item 637)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 638)
From Henry Labouchere (Item 639)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 640-3)
From Edmund Barton (Item 644)
John Anderson to Edmund Barton (Item 645)
Edward H. Wittenoom to H. Bertram Cox (Item 646)
From H. Bertram Cox (Item 647)
From Richard Webster (Item 648)
From John Neile (Item 649)
From Henry Jackson (Item 650)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 651)
From Lord Jersey (Item 652)
From John E. Sandys (Item 653)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 654)
Frank Safford to Joseph Chamberlain (Item 655-7)
From Charles P. Trevelyan (later Sir Charles) (Item 658)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 659-60)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 661)
Charles C. Kingston to Joseph Chamberlain (Item 662)
From John Anderson (Item 663)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 664)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 665-6)
From John Anderson (Item 667)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 668-9)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 670)
From John Anderson (Item 671-4)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 672)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 673)
Joseph Chamberlain to Lord Tennyson (Item 674)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 675)
From Lord Selborne (Item 676)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 677)
From Edward Jacks (Item 678)
From Lord Ampthill (Item 679)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 680-3)
From Sidney Colvin (Item 684)
From Lord Kintore (Item 685)
From Josiah H. Symon (Item 686)
From Mortimer Menpes (Item 687)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 688)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 689)
From Lord Ampthill (Item 690-2)
From Lord Ampthill (Item 693-4)
From Lord Ampthill (Item 695-6)
From Lord Ampthill (Item 697-8)
From Lord Ampthill (Item 699-700)
Lord Ampthill to Edmund Barton (Item 701)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 702-3)
Edmund Barton to Joseph Chamberlain (Item 704)
From Walter Ratcliffe (Item 705)
From Walter Ratcliffe (Item 706)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 707)
Edmund Barton to George E. Layton (Item 708)
From E. Du Faur (Item 709)
From George E. Layton (Item 710)
From John Anderson (Item 711-3)
From John Anderson (Item 714-5)
From Sir George R. Dibbs (Item 716)
From C. R. Buxton (Item 717)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 718-9)
From H. Bertram Cox (Item 720)
H. Bertram Cox (Item 721)
From John Portus (Item 722)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 723-4)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 725-6)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 727)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 728)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 729)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 730)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 731)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 732)
Edmund Barton to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 733)
Edmund Barton to Lord Hopetoun (Item 734)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 735)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 736-7)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 738)
From John Anderson (Item 739-40)
From John Anderson (Item 741-2)
From John Anderson (Item 743-4)
From Andrew Garran (Item 745)
From Frederick W. Gibson (Item 746)
From Bernhard R. Wise (Item 747)
From Joseph H. Carruthers (Item 748)
From William McMillan (Item 749)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 750-750a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 751)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 882-7)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1901
From Sandford Rumney (Item 753)
From Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman (Item 754)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 755-6)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 757-8)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 759-61)
From George W. Rignold (Item 762)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 763)
From George W. Rignold (Item 764)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 765-6)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 767)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 768)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 769-70)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 771)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 772-3)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 774-5)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 776)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 777-9)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 781-2)
From Duchess of York (Item 783)
Edmund Barton to Sir Arthur Bigge (Item 784)
From Sir Arthur Bigge (Item 785)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 786-93)
From Lord Brassey (Item 794)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 795-6)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 797)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 798)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 799-800)
From Sir Arthur Bigge (Item 801)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 802)
From Eduardo De Martino (Item 803)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 804)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 805-8)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 809-10)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 811-3)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 814-5)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 816-8)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 819-23)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 824)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 825-7)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 828)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 829-30)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 831)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 832-5)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 836-7)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 838)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 839)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 840)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 841)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 842)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 843)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 844)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 845)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 846)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 847)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 848)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 849)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 850-1)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 852-3)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 854-5)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 856-7)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 858-9)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 860-2)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 863-4)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 865)
From Sir Edward Hutton (Item 866-8)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 869-71)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 872)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 873)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 874-5)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 876)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 877)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 878)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 879)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 880)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 881)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1902
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 888-9)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 890-1)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 892)
From Edmund W. Wallington (with envelope) (Item 893-893a)
From F. G. Jeseph (Item 894-5)
Sir Edmund Barton to George H. Reid (Item 896)
From George H. Reid (Item 897)
From George H. Reid (Item 898)
From Sir Edward Hutton (Item 900)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 901-4)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 905)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 906)
From John Henniker Heaton (Item 907)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 908-9)
From Charles C. Gore (Item 910-1)
From Richard O'Connor (Item 912-3)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 914-5)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 916-7)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 918-20)
Sir Edward Hutton to Lt. Col. H.P. Airey (Item 921)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 922-3)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 924-5)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 926)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 927-8)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 929)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 930)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 931)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 932-4)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 935-6)
From James F. W. Galbraith (Item 937-9)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 940)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 941)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 942)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 943)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 944-6)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 947-8)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 949a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 950a-1a)
From N. M. Boyle (Item 952a)
From Edward J. Bunting (Item 953a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 954a-63a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 964a)
Arthur Atlee Hunt to Sir Charles Todd (Item 965a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 966a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 967a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 968a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 969a-70a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 971a)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 972a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 973a)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 974a-5a)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 976a)
Thomas R. Bavin to G. F. Rixon (Item 977a-82a)
From Sir Edmund Barton (Item 984a-5a)
From Sir Edmund Barton (Item 986a-7a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 988a-9a)
From Richard O'Connor (Item 990a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 991a)
From Sir John W. Downer (Item 992a-3a)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 994a)
From Lord Jersey (Item 995a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 996a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 997a)
From Herbert Reed (Item 998a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 999a)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 1000a)
From Sir Arthur Bigge (Item 1001a)
From Lord Carrington (Item 1002a)
From Sir Montague F. Ommanney (Item 1003a)
From P. J. Dowling (Item 1004a)
From Richard O'Connor (Item 1005a-6a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 1007a-9a)
From Lady Jersey (Item 1010a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 1011a)
From John K. Bythell (Item 1012a)
From G. Senior (Item 1016a)
From Alfred A. Murray (Item 1017a)
From Arthur J. Balfour (later Lord Balfour) (Item 1018a)
From Minnie Chaine (Item 1019a-20a)
From Edward Openshaw (with envelope) (Item 1021a,1031b)
From Lady Aberdeen (Item 1023a-5a)
From John H. Heaton (Item 1026a)
From Lady Harrowby (Item 1027a)
From Lord Stanmore (Item 1028a)
Bertha B. Wilbraham to Lady Barton (Item 1029a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 1030a-1a)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 1032a-4a)
From Sir Montague F. Ommanney (Item 1035a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 1036a-7a)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 1038a-40a)
From John Bennett (Item 1041a-2a)
Sir Edmund Barton to John Bennett (Item 1043a)
From Violet Cecil (Item 1044a-5a)
From S. A. Lindman (Item 1046a-7a)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 1048a-50a)
From Evelyn Cecil (Item 1051a)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 1052a-3a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1054a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1055a)
Alfred Deakin to Lord Tennyson (Item 1056a-7a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1903
From John H. Gordon (Item 1058a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1059a)
From Lewis Beaumont (Item 1060a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1061a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1062a)
From Albert G. Berry (Item 1063a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lord Tennyson (Item 1064a-70a)
From Oliver A. Howland (Item 1071a-6a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1077a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1078a-9a)
From James Burns (Item 1080a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1081a)
From Oliver A. Howland (Item 1082a-3a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1084a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1086a)
From A. B. Weigall (Item 1087a)
From Lady Harrowby (Item 1088a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1089a-90a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1091a)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1094b)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1095a-6a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1097a)
From Sir Philip O. Fysh (Item 1099a)
From M. V. Gunning (Item 1100a)
From Cardinal Patrick Moran (Item 1101a)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 1102a)
From Sir Philip O. Fysh (Item 1103a)
D. J. Ryan to Thomas R. Bavin (Item 1104a)
Joel Atkin to D. J. Ryan (Item 1105a-6a)
From James G. Drake (Item 1107a-8a)
From John W. Springthorpe (Item 1109a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1110a)
From John M. Chanter (Item 1111a)
Timothy Coghlan to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 1112a-38a)
Sir William J. Lyne to Timothy Coghlan (Item 1139a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1140a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1141a-2a)
From Richard A. Crouch (Item 1143a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1144a)
Admiral Arthur D. Fanshawe to Sir Edmund Barton (Item 1145a)
Admiral Arthur D. Fanshawe to Sir John Forrest (Item 1146a-8a)
A. L. Adam (Item 1149a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Sir Edmund Barton to J. Y. McMahon (Item 1150a)
Joel Atkin (Item 1151a)
Sir Edmund Barton to R. G. Fitzgerald (Item 1152a)
J. E. McIntyre (Item 1153a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Thomas N. Wright (Item 1154a)
John B. Meredith (Item 1155a)
Sir Edmund Barton to J. E. McIntyre (Item 1156a)
D. J. Ryan (Item 1157a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Walter Bennett (Item 1158a)
D. J. Ryan to Thomas R. Bavin (Item 1159a)
From Thomas Roberts (Item 1160a-1a)
From H. Sparks (Item 1162a)
From Littleton E. Groom (later Sir Littleton) (Item 1163a-4a)
From Poultney Bigelow (Item 1165a)
From Sir Edmund Barton (Item 1166a-7a)
From Robert L. Tooth (Item 1168a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1169a)
From Lady Tennyson (Item 1170a)
From H. Kamimuras (Item 1171a)
From Alexander Oliver (Item 1172a)
From Richard O'Connor (Item 1173a)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 1174a)
Walter Bennett to Sir William J. Lyne (Item 1175a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Walter Bennett (Item 1177a)
From David Elder (Item 1178a-9a)
From Sir George R. Le Hunte (Item 1180a-1a)
From Charles C. Salmon (Item 1182a)
From Sir George S. Clarke (Item 1185a)
From Eleanor A. Salmon (Item 1186a)
From Emma Denshaw (Item 1187a)
From Cardinal Patrick Moran (Item 1188a)
From Lord Jersey (Item 1191a)
From Sir John A. Cockburn (Item 1192a)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 1193a)
From Sir George S. Clarke (Item 1194a-5a)
From Admiral Arthur D. Fanshawe (Item 1196a)
From Sir George R. Le Hunte (Item 1197a)
Charles C. Kingston (Item 1198a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Charles C. Kingston (Item 1199a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Charles C. Kingston (Item 1200a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1201a)
From Charles C. Kingston (Item 1202a)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1203a)
From Bernhard R. Wise (Item 1204a)
From Bernhard R. Wise (Item 1205a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1206a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1207a)
From Sir Montague F. Ommanney (Item 1208a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1210a)
From Lord Jersey (Item 1211a)
From Joseph H. Carruthers (Item 1212a)
From Sir Edmund Barton (Item 1213a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1214a)
From Lord Richard P. Nevill (Item 1215a-6a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oliver A. Howland (Item 1217a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1218a)
From Jenkin Coles (Item 1219a)
From Edmund Lonsdale (Item 1221a)
From Frederic D. Bird (Item 1222a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1223a-5a)
From Lord Selborne (Item 1227a)
From Charles Harris (Item 1228a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1229a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1230a)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 1234a)
From Sir William J. Lyne (Item 1235a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Joseph Chamberlain (Item 1236a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William Shiels (Item 1238a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William Shiels (Item 1239a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William Shiels (Item 1240a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William H. Irvine (Item 1241a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William H. Irvine (Item 1242a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William H. Irvine (Item 1243a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Sir George Turner (Item 1244a)
From William H. Irvine (Item 1245a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William Shiels (Item 1246a)
From William H. Irvine (Item 1247a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1248a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1249a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1250a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1251a-2a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 1254a)
Sir Edmund Barton (Item 1255a)
From Sir Edmund Barton (Item 1256a)
From Lord Hopetoun (Item 1257a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 1258a-9a)
From Christopher Robinson (Item 1260a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1261a)
From J. Woolf (Item 1264a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1265a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1266a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1267a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1268a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1269a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1270a)
From Isaac A. Isaacs (Item 1271a)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 1272a)
From Charles Gavan Duffy (Item 1273a)
From S. W. Biggs (Item 1274a)
From Henry Dobson (Item 1275a)
From Patrick McM. Glynn (Item 1276a)
From Sir Richard C. Baker (Item 1277a)
From B. Harry Friend (Item 1278a)
From Bernhard R. Wise (Item 1279a)
From William H. Irvine (Item 1280a)
From Thomas I. Carr (Item 1281a)
From Sir John Madden (Item 1282a)
From Archibald H. Simpson (Item 1283a)
From Sir George R. Le Hunte (Item 1285a)
From D. C. W. Lachlan (Item 1286a)
From Sir J. Langdon Bonython (Item 1287a)
From Sir Samuel Gillott (Item 1288a)
From Joel Atkin (Item 1289a)
From Arthur J. Reynolds (Item 1290a)
From A. McGuire (Item 1291a)
From Sir William M. Manning (Item 1292a)
From Edward A. Harney (Item 1292b)
From Sir John See (Item 1293a)
From George H. Reid (Item 1294a)
From James E. Cunningham (Item 1295a)
From Annie Golding (Item 1296a)
From K. O'Neill (Item 1297a)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 1298a-9a)
From Charles E. Camidge (Item 1300a)
Sir Edmund Barton to William John R. Maughan (Item 1301a)
From R. D. Adams (Item 1302a)
From Sir Edward Hutton (Item 1303a-4a)
From William S. Sydney (Item 1305a)
From William H. Kelly (Item 1306a)
From Charles Gavan Duffy (Item 1307a)
From Sir William McMillan (Item 1308a)
From Arthur H. James (Item 1309a-11a)
From W. Campbell Guest (Item 1312a)
From George S. Littlejohn (Item 1313a)
From Robert D. Pring (Item 1314a)
From G. Larkin (Item 1315a-15b)
From Lord Jersey (Item 1316a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Charles Gavan Duffy (Item 1317a)
From Joel Atkin (Item 1318a)
Sir Edmund Barton to P. J. Martin (Item 1319a)
From P. J. Martin (Item 1320a-20b)
From Agnes Dickson (Item 1321a)
From Sydney Baxter (Item 1322a)
From J. G. W. Hill (Item 1323a)
From Oliver A. Howland (Item 1324a-7a)
From Henry E. Barff (Item 1328a)
From Frederick Stroud (Item 1329a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Sir Gerald Balfour (Item 1330a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1904
Sir Edmund Barton to Sir Gerald Balfour (Item 1331a-3a)
From F. G. Jeseph (Item 1334a-6a)
From F. G. Jeseph (Item 1337a)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 1338a)
From George Steward (Item 1339a)
From Lawrence Hargrave (Item 1340a)
From Rosalind E. Cooke (Item 1341a)
From A. Gobat (Item 1342a)
From William O. McDowell (Item 1343a-51a)
From F. P. Brett (Item 1352a)
From Geoffrey Drage (Item 1353a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1905
From Alfred Lyttelton (Item 1360a)
From Alfred Deakin (Item 1361a)
From W. Wynne (Item 1362a)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 1363a)
From James Burns (Item 1364a)
A. B. Weigall to Lady Barton (Item 1365a)
From Hamnet H. Share (Item 1366a)
From Hamnet H. Share (Item 1367a)
From Hamnet H. Share (Item 1368a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1369a)
From Admiral Arthur D. Fanshawe (Item 1370a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1906
From Henry W. Potts (Item 1371a)
From Henry W. Potts (Item 1372a)
From Arnold H. Barton (Item 1374a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1907
Wilfrid Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1375a-6a)
Alice Hungerford to Lady Barton (Item 1377a-8a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean Barton (later Lady Maughan) (Item 1379a)
Alice Hungerford to Lady Barton (Item 1380a)
From Wilfrid Barton (Item 1381a-4a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1908
Alice Hungerford to Mrs Robin (Item 1385a)
Alice Hungerford to Mrs Robin (Item 1386a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean Barton (later Lady Maughan) (Item 1387a-9a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1910
Wilfrid Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1393a-4a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1395a)
Wilfrid Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1396a-8a)
From Wilfrid Barton (Item 1399a-402a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1403a-4a)
Lady Barton (Item 1405a-6a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1911
Lady Barton to David Maughan (Item 1407a)
Lady Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1408a-9a)
From R. W. Robberds (Item 1410a)
From R. W. Robberds (Item 1411a)
From R. W. Robberds (Item 1412a)
From R. W. Robberds (Item 1413a)
From Lord Haldane (Item 1414a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1415a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1416a-7a)
From Robert Donald (Item 1418a-9a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1912
From Emily Hobbs (Item 1424a-30a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1431a)
From Lady Jersey (Item 1432a)
From M. Saito (Item 1433a)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 1434a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1435a-6a)
From Lord Tennyson (Item 1437a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1438a)
From Lady Jersey (Item 1439a)
From John H. P. Murray (later Sir Hubert) (Item 1440a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1913
From Alfred Deakin (Item 1441a)
From Sir John Forrest (Item 1442a)
From William Murray (Item 1443a-4a)
Arnold H. Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1445a-6a)
From William Murray (Item 1447a)
From Frederick W. Gibson (Item 1448a)
From Haidei I. Geddes (Item 1449a)
From D. J. Gilbert (Item 1450a)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1451a-2a)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1453a-4a)
From William Woodhouse (Item 1455a)
From William Murray (Item 1456a)
J. F. Elles to R. J. Ker (Item 1457a)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1458a-9a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1460a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1461a-2a)
Arnold H. Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1463a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1914
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1464a)
From Sir William H. Irvine (Item 1465a)
From Ernest Brown (Item 1467a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1468a-70a)
Ethel A. Brittain to Lady Barton (Item 1471a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1915
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1472a)
Sir Edmund Barton to David Maughan (Item 1473a-4a)
From William A. Holman (Item 1475a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1476a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1477a-9a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Edmund Alfred Barton (Item 1480a-1a)
From Arthur Galton (Item 1482a)
From Charles H. L. Neish (Item 1483a)
From Lord Haldane (Item 1484a)
From M. E. Sadler (Item 1485a)
Oswald Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1486a)
From Lord Grey (Item 1487a-8a)
From Sir Harry Wilson (Item 1489a)
Lady Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1490a-6a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1497a-500a)
From Charles H. Firth (later Sir Charles) (Item 1501a-5a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1506a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1507a-9a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1510a)
From M. E. Sadler (Item 1511a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1512a)
From Wilfrid Barton (Item 1513a)
From Frederick G. A. Butler (Item 1514a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1515a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1516a)
From Sir John Anderson (Item 1517a-8a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1916
From Robert H. Brand (Item 1519a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1520a-1a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1522a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Sir John Anderson (Item 1523a-34a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1535a-6a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1537a)
From Sir Edmund W. Wallington (Item 1538a)
From T. Arttey Cooper (Item 1539a)
From Sir Ernest F. A. Gaunt (Item 1540a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1541a-2a)
From Lionel Curtis (Item 1543a-6a)
From Lord Knutsford (Item 1547a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1548a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1549a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1917
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1550a)
From Oswald Barton (Item 1551a-2a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1553a)
From Oswald Barton (Item 1554a-5a)
From William M. Hughes (Item 1556a)
From Wilfrid Barton (Item 1557a-60a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1561a)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1562a)
From Sir Samuel Griffith (Item 1563a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1564a)
From M. E. Sadler (Item 1565a-6a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1918
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1567a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1568a)
Wilfrid Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1569a-71a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Liscombe S. Spiller (Item 1572a)
From Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson (later Lord Novar) (Item 1573a)
From William M. McPherson (later Sir William) (Item 1578a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1579a)
From Sir J. Langdon Bonython (Item 1580a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1581a-2a)
Wilfrid Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1583a-5a)
From Wilfrid Barton (Item 1586a-8a)
From Wilfrid Barton (Item 1589a-90a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1591a-2a)
From H. Latimer Jackson (Item 1593a)
From Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson (later Lord Novar) (Item 1594a)
From George W. Russell (Item 1595a-6a)
From Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson (later Lord Novar) (Item 1597a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1598a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1599a)
From W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1600a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1601a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1919
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1602a)
From W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1603a)
From W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1604a)
From W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1605a-6a)
From W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1607a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1608a)
From M. E. Sadler (Item 1609a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1610a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Farmer Whyte (Item 1611a-16a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Farmer Whyte (Item 1617a-20a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Farmer Whyte (Item 1621a-3a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Farmer Whyte (Item 1624a)
From Blanche Forster (Item 1625a-32a)
From J. M. Maughan (Item 1633a)
From Blanche Forster (Item 1634a-6a)
From Blanche Forster (Item 1637a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Farmer Whyte (Item 1638a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1639a-40a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1641a-2a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Lady Barton (Item 1643a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1644a)
Sir Edmund Barton to W. Barrington Rothery (Item 1645a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1920
Sir Edmund Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1646a)
Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson (later Lord Novar) to Lady Barton (Item 1647a)
Sir Adrian Knox to Lady Barton (Item 1648a)
Sir Walter E. Davidson to Lady Barton (Item 1649a)
B. G. Quinlan to Walter Bevan (Item 1650a-1a)
Sir Edmund Barton to B. G. Quinlan (Item 1652a)
David Maughan to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1653a-9a)
Subseries. Correspondence, 1921
Wilfrid Barton to Jean A. Maughan (Item 1660a-3a)
Subseries. Undated correspondence
From Sir Edmund Barton (Item 1664a)
Sir Edmund Barton to Andrew Joseph Thynne (Item 1665a-9a)
From Sir Edmund Barton (Item 1673a-83a)
From Poultney Bigelow (Item 1684a)
From Sir Alexander C. Onslow (Item 1685a)
From Jean A. Maughan (Item 1686a)
From William Gillett (Item 1687a-8a)
Lady Northcote to Lady Barton (Item 1691a)
From J. H. Want (Item 1692a)
From Evelyn Drench (Item 1693a)
From Livingston Hopkins (Item 1694a)
From H. Labouchere (Item 1695a)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 1696a)
Subseries. Correspondence of William Barton from his clients, 1838-1847
From J.W. Bligh (Item 1703)
From R. and J. Bricknell (Item 1704)
From E. Caswell (Item 1705)
From William Caswell (Item 1706)
From Captain Champain (Item 1707)
From William Croasdill (Item 1708-10)
From Edmund Doyle (Item 1711)
From E.S. Hall (Item 1712)
From George S. Hall (Item 1713)
From Thomas Jacobs (Item 1714)
From James King (Item 1715)
From M. Morrisson (Item 1716)
From John Powell (Item 1717)
From W. Prichard (Item 1718)
From A. Rotton (Item 1719-23)
From John Smith (Item 1724)
From John Galt Smith (Item 1725)
From M. Solomon (Item 1726)
From Major-General William Stewart (Item 1727)
From Rev. John Vincent (Item 1728)
From F.C. Waldron (Item 1729)
Subseries. Correspondence of William Barton from his clients, 1852
George L. Robinson to Messrs Sheppard and Alger (Item 1730)
William Barton to Messrs Sheppard and Alger (Item 1736)
Subseries. Correspondence of William Barton from his clients, 1853
Subseries 1731-5. William Barton to Messrs Sheppard and Alger
Subseries 1737-8. William Barton to Messrs Sheppard and Alger
Subseries 1739-40. J.O. Howe to Messrs Sheppard and Alger
Subseries. Correspondence of William Barton from his clients, 1854
George Barton to William Barton (with envelope) (Item 1741-1a)
John Alger to William Barton (with envelope) (Item 1742-2a)
Subseries. Typescript copies of correspondence between Edmund Barton and Henry Parkes, 1887-1893
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1753-7)
Edmund Barton to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1758-8a)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1759-62)
Edmund Barton to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1763)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1764)
Edmund Barton to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1765-6)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1767-8)
Edmund Barton to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1769)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1770)
Edmund Barton to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1771)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1772)
Edmund Barton to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1773-4)
From Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1775-5b)
Edmund Barton to Sir Henry Parkes (Item 1776-6b)
Subseries. Correspondence including letters and telegrams congratulating Barton on his appointment to the High Court of Australia in 1903, 1893-1907
From James Doherty (Item 1777-8)
From Joseph Chamberlain (Item 1779)
From Isaac A. Isaacs (Item 1780)
From John H. Gordon (Item 1782)
From Frederic D. Bird (Item 1783)
From Andrew Joseph Thynne (Item 1784)
From A.E. Jaques (Item 1785)
From Francis Edward Rogers (Item 1786)
From A. Willoughby (Item 1787)
From J.L. Watkins (Item 1788)
From L. Goldsmith (Item 1789)
From Sir Henry Wrixon (Item 1790)
From Charles Gavan Duffy (Item 1791)
From Edmund Gerald Fitzgibbon (Item 1792)
From A. Gordon (Item 1793)
From Alfred Paxton Backhouse (Item 1794)
From James Adam Dick (Item 1795)
From Walter Bevan (Item 1796)
From Sir William McMillan (Item 1797)
From Sir Henry Normand Maclaurin (Item 1798)
From Elliott Lewis (Item 1800)
From Thomas Waddell (Item 1801)
From J.S. Robertson (Item 1802)
From Sir Harry Rawson (Item 1803)
From C. Delohery (Item 1804)
From J. McCullagh (Item 1805-5a)
From Eugene C. Amsinck (Item 1806)
From J.T. Walker (Item 1807)
From Sir James R. Fairfax (Item 1808)
From C.? Pilcher (Item 1809)
From Dugald Thomson (Item 1810)
From C.E.R. Murray (Item 1811)
From Mrs F. Gadsden (Item 1812)
From William Houston (Item 1813)
From Edward Scholes (Item 1814)
From W.F. Tucker (Item 1815)
From R. G. Fitzgerald (Item 1816)
From Edward Milner Stephen (Item 1817)
From A.G. Ralston (Item 1818)
From Hanbury Davies (Item 1819)
From David Maughan (Item 1820)
From Francis Clarke (Item 1821)
From John K. Clark (Item 1822)
From G. Fitzhardinge (Item 1823)
From H.M. Faithful (Item 1824)
From J. Dodds (Item 1825)
From Charles H. Dight (Item 1826)
From Francis Suttor (Item 1827)
From J.A. Tole (Item 1828)
From D. Gregory (Item 1829)
From Richard Sly (Item 1830)
From Walter Bonnett (Item 1831)
From Sir Joseph G. Ward (Item 1832)
From Helen Harris (Item 1833)
From Robert Stout (Item 1834)
From Stafford Bird (Item 1835)
From Theresa Officer (Item 1836)
From Hugh Pollock (Item 1837)
From E.J. Brady (Item 1838)
From J. Laurence Rentoul (Item 1839)
From Arthur Atlee Hunt (Item 1840)
From R.W. McGowan (Item 1841)
From W.? Macfarlane (Item 1842)
Lord Kitchener to Lord Northcote (Item 1843)
Subseries. Letters to Oswald Barton, 1900-1919
From Arthur J. Balfour (later Lord Balfour), 5 July 1900 (Item 1868)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 31 March 1914 (Item 1869)
From Frederick G. A. Butler, 17 May 1915 (Item 1870)
From Austen Chamberlain (later Sir), 8 June 1915 (Item 1871)
Sir Edmund Barton to Gwen Barton, 8 March 1917 (Item 1872)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 18 March 1917 (Item 1873)
Sir Edmund Barton to Gwen Barton, 16 April 1917 (Item 1874)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 3 June 1917 (Item 1875-6)
Sir Edmund Barton to Gwen Barton, 25 October 1917 (Item 1877)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 28 December 1917 (Item 1878)
George W. Russell to Oswald Barton, 22 October 1918 (Item 1879)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 12 January 1919 (Item 1880-2)
From George W. Russell, 20 January 1919 (Item 1883)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 25 January 1919 (Item 1884)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 27 January 1919 (Item 1885-8)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 29 January 1919 (Item 1889)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 31 January 1919 (Item 1890-1)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 1 February 1919 (Item 1892-3)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 4 February 1919 (Item 1894-6)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 8 February 1919 (Item 1897)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 10 February 1919 (Item 1898)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 12 February 1919 (Item 1899)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 18 February 1919 (Item 1900)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 24 February 1919 (Item 1901)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 24 February 1919 (Item 1902)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 8 March 1919 (Item 1903-4)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 12 March 1919 (Item 1905-6)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 18 March 1919 (Item 1907-8)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 19 March 1919 (Item 1909)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 21 March 1919 (Item 1910)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 24 March 1919 (Item 1911-2)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 3 April 1919 (Item 1913)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 8 April 1919 (Item 1914)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 27April 1919 (Item 1915)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 11 May 1919 (Item 1916-7)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 11 June 1919 (Item 1918)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 19 June 1919 (Item 1919-20)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 20 June 1919 (Item 1921)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 3 September 1919 (Item 1922)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 24 October 1919 (Item 1923)
Sir Edmund Barton to Oswald Barton, 17 November 1919 (Item 1924-5)
George W. Russell to Oswald Barton, undated (Item 1926)
Series 3. Personal documents, 1828-1939, 1844
Copy of marriage certificate of Edmund Barton and Jean Mason Ross, Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, Newcastle, 28 Dec. 1877 (Item 954)
Copy of Baptismal Entry for Wilfrid Alexander Barton, Saint Paul's Church, Sydney, 12 Nov. 1880 (Item 955)
Certificate issued by Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates to William Barton, 19 April 1844 (Item 959)
Barton's copy of Herodotus' Histories containing handwritten margin notes (Item 959a)
Note: the remainder of the book is unannotated and has not been digitised.
Series 4. Commissions, patents, 1891-1903
Illuminated manuscript by Blamire Young, designer of the reverse of the Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia, petitioning Barton to display Australian art at the Coronation of the King, 5 Sept 1901 (Item 966)
Certificate of election as one of the New South Wales representatives at the Australasian Federal Convention, 18 Mar. 1897 (Item 968a)
Resolution of thanks by the United Federal Executive of New South Wales to the Federation Organising Committees. (Item 970)
Speech delivered at the presentation of the degree of LL.D., honoris causa to Barton, Cambridge (in Latin), 10 May 1900 (Item 971-1g)
Speech delivered at the presentation of the degree of LL.D., honoris causa to Barton, Cambridge (in Latin). 10 May 1900
Speech delivered at the presentation of the degree of LL.D., honoris causa to Barton, Cambridge (in Latin). 10 May 1900
Speech delivered at the presentation of the degree of LL.D., honoris causa to Barton, Cambridge (in Latin). 10 May 1900
Speech delivered at the presentation of the degree of LL.D., honoris causa to Barton, Cambridge (in Latin). 10 May 1900
Speech delivered at the presentation of the degree of LL.D., honoris causa to Barton, Cambridge (in Latin). 10 May 1900
Speech delivered at the presentation of the degree of LL.D., honoris causa to Barton, Cambridge (in Latin). 10 May 1900
Series 5. Speeches, articles, 1898-1901
Speeches made on Mr Barton's motion for distribution to the electors of copies of 'The Commonwealth of Australia draft constitution bill', 17th March, 1898 (Item 973)
Subseries 974-974c. Draft and typescript copies of Barton's policy speech delivered at Maitland, 18 January 1901
Note: 974c is a duplicate of 974b and has not been digitised.
'Justice and vengeance'. Typescript with handwritten emendations relating to post-World War I German separations, 1919 (Item 975)
Subseries 976-976c. Three copies of typescripts with handwritten emendations of 'The godfathers of federation' (item 976: 5 leaves, item 976a: 5 leaves, item 976b: 15 leaves, item 976c: 4 leaves), undated.
Three copies of typescripts with handwritten emendations of 'The godfathers of federation' (item 976: 5 leaves, item 976a: 5 leaves, item 976b: 15 leaves, item 976c: 4 leaves). (n.d.)
Three copies of typescripts with handwritten emendations of 'The godfathers of federation' (item 976: 5 leaves, item 976a: 5 leaves, item 976b: 15 leaves, item 976c: 4 leaves). (n.d.)
Series 6. Papers relating to the Federation Campaign, 1890-1901
These papers chiefly comprise draft bills to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, many of which bear emendations in Barton's hand.
An Act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and the Government thereof.., 29 March 1867 (Item 987)
Correspondence relating to the Federation conference in Australia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament.., May 1890 (Item 989)
Subseries 990-990b. Draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1891
As adopted by the National Australasian Convention, 9 April 1891. 3 copies. One unbound copy (990), one bound copy interleaved in exercise book with MS notes and emendations (990a), one bound copy with no annotations (990b).
A Bill to provide for the submission of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia as adopted by the National Australasian Convention... for the consideration of the people of Queensland, 1891 (Item 991-991a)
[Draft of] a Bill for the Federation of the Australasian Colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and the Province of South Australia and the Government thereof... with MS emendations, 1892 (Item 992)
An Act to enable New South Wales to take part in the framing, acceptance and enactment of a Federal Constitution for Australia, 23 December 1895 (Item 994)
Barton's working copy.
Australian Federal Convention: Bathurst Financial Scheme, November 1896 (Item 995)
Illustrated by Dr. Quick
Subseries 996-996a. Australasian Federal Convention, Adelaide, 22 March 1897
Roll of Members. Also Barton's certificate of membership.
Australasian Federal Convention, Adelaide, 1897, 1891, 1895 (Item 997)
Volume containing Draft Bill of Convention of 1891, Australasian Federation Enabling Act, 1895, Regulations thereunder, and list of Delegates of Convention of 1891.
Draft of a bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 9 April 1891 (Item 998)
As adopted by the National Australasian Convention. Marked "as amended by Constitutional Committee 1897."
Subseries 999-999a. Draft of a bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1897 (with envelope), 9 April 1897
Prepared by E. Barton, Sir John Downer and R. O'Connor. Also suggestions as to drafting from the Finance Committee of the Australasian Federal Convention, Adelaide.
Draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1897 (Item 1000)
Copy of Federal Constitution under the Crown, framed and approved by the Australasian Federal Convention at Adelaide, South Australia, 22 March to 23 April 1897. Interleaved in exercise book with MS emendations and loose inserts.
Subseries 1001-01d. Draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1897
As amended in Committee of the whole convention to September 22nd 1897 (Sydney). With MS emendations. Also Criticisms on the Bill with MS emendations, Barton's notes on the Criticisms, and Notes on suggested amendments with MS emendations.
Draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1897 (Item 1002)
As amended in Committee of the whole convention to September 22nd, and further amended to September 24th as suggested by the drafting Committee, and agreed to by the Committee of the whole and reported to the Convention and adopted (Sydney 1897). Interleaved in exercise book showing amendments proposed in Chapter IV Finance and Trade.
Draft of a bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 12 March 1898 (Item 1003-3b)
As reported a fourth time with further amendments, (Melbourne) with MS emendations.
Draft of a bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1898 (Item 1004-4a)
(A) as reported a fourth time with further amendments, 12 March 1898 (Melbourne)...
Draft of a bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1899 (Item 1005)
Copy of Federal Constitution under the Crown as finally adopted by the Australasian Federal Convention at Melbourne... on 16 March 1898, with the amendments agreed to by the Premiers of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia, in conference at Melbourne on the 3rd February 1899.
Report of the Joint Select Committee of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly appointed to consider the draft of a bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia (Item 1006)
Draft of a Bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 15 March 1900 (Item 1013)
With MS emendations. Marked 'Act as amended by Chamberlain, 15 March 1900'.
Draft Bill with MS alterations suggested by Colonial Office, ; notes relating to the alterations March-May 1900., March 1900 (Item 1014-14g)
Notes, memoranda, etc. concerning the discussions, between the delegation from the Federating colonies and the Colonial Office, of the draft bill (Item 1015)
Subseries 1016-17. A Bill to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, 1900
2 copies. One marked 'the bill as introduced by Mr. Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies, printed by order of 14 May 1900, the date of introduction in the Commons' (1017 is an unannotated version of 1016 and has not been digitised).
Subseries 1018a-20. House of Commons, 1900
Orders of the Day for 14 May 1900, 21 June 1900, 25 June 1900 referring to the Commonwealth of Australia Bill (1018 is a duplicate of 1018a and has not been digitised).
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. 1, 1 January 1901, in which the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed (Item 1022)
(Three copies)
Western Australia, Government Gazette Extraordinary, No. 1, 1 January 1901, in which the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed (Item 1023)
One flag, one destiny: dedicated to Federated Australia, 1st January 1901, 1901 (Item 1024a)
Small leaflet of poems inscribed to Barton. Added to the collection in 1983.
A Bill to provide for the submission of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia as adopted by the National Australasian Convention... for the consideration of the people of Queensland. 1891
Draft Bill with MS alterations suggested by Colonial Office, March 1900; notes relating to the alterations March-May 1900.
Draft Bill with MS alterations suggested by Colonial Office, March 1900; notes relating to the alterations March-May 1900.
Draft Bill with MS alterations suggested by Colonial Office, March 1900; notes relating to the alterations March-May 1900.
Draft Bill with MS alterations suggested by Colonial Office, March 1900; notes relating to the alterations March-May 1900.
Draft Bill with MS alterations suggested by Colonial Office, March 1900; notes relating to the alterations March-May 1900.
Series 7. Other political papers, 1892-1911
The Commonwealth seat of Government (Melbourne : G.H. Knibbs, Commonwealth Statistician)', 1911 (Item 1027)
List of Ministerial portfolios in the First Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901 (Item 1028-28a)
Subseries 1029-29a. Papers relating to Standing and Select Committees appointed during the Session 1901-2, 1901-1902
Revenue from customs and excise for each of the six states of the Commonwealth, 15 Jan. 1901 (Item 1030)
Subseries 1030c-i. Administrative duties of Ministerial portfolios in the First Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901
Administrative duties of Ministerial portfolios in the First Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901.
Administrative duties of Ministerial portfolios in the First Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901.
Administrative duties of Ministerial portfolios in the First Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901.
Administrative duties of Ministerial portfolios in the First Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901.
Administrative duties of Ministerial portfolios in the First Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901.
Series 8. Notes, extracts, 1835-1903
Handwritten note containing 'question' from James Lane regarding Clause 127 on the mode of altering the Constitution, undated (Item 1040)
Letter from the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies to Sir Edmund Barton concerning invitation to the King's coronation, annotated by Barton, 16 July 1902 (Item 1055)
'Extracts from recent speeches and writings of political leaders and public men in the United Kingdom', [c. 1911] (Item 1056)
A printed letter from D.S.D.S. Agnihottri of Cawnpore, India to the Private Secretary of King Edward VII, 11 Dec. 1902 (Item 1057)
New South Wales. Legislative Council. Committee on Immigration. New South Wales: final report of the Committee on Immigration, 1835 (Item 1845)
An address delivered before the University Union by the Hon. Mr. Justice Windeyer, LL.D., (Sydney: S.T. Leigh and Co., 1895), 1895 (Item 1846)
Series 9. Newspaper cuttings, 1894-1917
Cuttings from British and Australian newspapers and publications.